And as your friend traduction Portugais
376 traduction parallèle
And as your friend Bartlett might have said, there's the humor of it.
E como seu amigo Bartlett pode dizer, existe humor nisso.
Oh, believe me, Al... And I'm telling you this as your wife and as your friend. - No one likes you.
Acredita, Al, e digo-te como tua mulher e amiga, ninguém gosta de ti.
Look, what I'm trying to say is... that maybe you've served the community long enough... and as your friend, I think I should tell you that... well, maybe it's time for you to retire.
Olhe, estou a tentar dizer-lhe... que talvez já sirva a cidade há bastante tempo... e, como seu amigo, acho que lhe devo dizer que, bem, talvez esteja na hora de se reformar.
And when you got to your friend's house, you set them down.
E escreve-as, quando chega a casa da sua amiga.
If you talk, or persuade your friend to do the same, you'll have merely done your duty as priest and citizen.
Seu amigo Epíscopo é chefe de uma organização militar... que o senhor conhece bem.
And as a friend of your father, seeking re-election to the Circuit Court for Fairfield County would you mind passing these things out among your friends.
Como amigo do seu pai, e sendo candidato à reeleição em Fairfield County, não se importa de partilhar isto com os seus amigos?
Forget for a moment that I'm your doctor, and, uh... let me give you some advice as a friend.
Esqueça-se por um momento que sou seu médico. E me permita um conselho como amigo.
Turn my friend loose and lay down your arms. Join the other chiefs in a treaty.
Soltem o meu amigo, deixem as armas e aceitem o tratado como os outros chefes.
And tomorrow we shall talk. About your adventures, your voyage... ... and the secret charm that makes me call you "friend."
Amanhã, falamos sobre as suas aventuras, a sua viagem, e o encanto secreto que me faz chamá-lo "amigo."
You see... some men take very casuaÉÉy what you and É... and possibÉy your friend from La Porte, regard as rather serious.
Sabes, aÉguns homens nao dao importancia nenhuma aquiÉo que tu e eu, e possiveÉmente o teu amigo de La Porte, achamos que e muito serio.
And you were the noble friend who bought him out, at your price.
E tu foste o amigo nobre que Ihe comprou as acções ao teu preço.
And do not worry, Hop Sing. Your friend Hoss will be fed as well as if you yourself did the cooking.
E não se preocupe, Hopsing, o seu amigo Hoss comerá tão bem como se fosse você a preparar a refeição.
I have come, Divine One, to ask Your Majesty's permission to impeach General Yung-Lo as a traitor and a friend to the barbarians.
Vim, ó divina, para pedir autorização a Vossa Majestade para acusar o General Jung-Lu de alta traição e de ser amigo dos bárbaros.
And the talk, Marcus Aurelius. The hours of talk with your friend, Timonides.
E as conversas, Marco Aurélio as grandes conversas que tive com o seu amigo Timonides!
Just because your friend got killed you want me to forget what you did and make it all right?
Só porque o teu amigo foi morto queres que eu esqueça o que fizeste e que façamos as pazes.
Mrs. Lyons we believe this to be a case of murder and the evidence may implicate not only your friend Mr. Stapleton but his wife as well.
Este é um caso de homicídio, Sra. Lyons e as evidencia parecem implicar não apenas o seu amigo Sr. Stapleton, mas também a sua esposa.
I understand that you must carry out the Reichsfuhrer's orders, even if they may be inspired by your friend and my chief.
Compreendo que deve cumprir as ordens do Reichsführer, mesmo que estas possam ter sido inspiradas pelo seu amigo e meu chefe.
Fräulein, I am as sure you did not hide the uniform as I am sure you are a good and loyal friend to your mistress.
Tenho tanta certeza de que não escondeu o uniforme quanto de que é uma boa criada para sua patroa.
Your wounds are healed, and your friend Dr Russell has not had to lift a finger.
As suas feridas estão saradas, e a sua amiga, a Dra. Russell, não teve de mover uma palha.
And what about your friend, as distinct from his mother?
E o vosso amigo? Independentemente da mãe.
I'll lean out and ask them if they wouldn't mind saying a little prayer as they dump you in some vacant lot next to the five other police officers and your sick, handcuffed friend.
Atiram-no para beira dos cinco agentes... e do seu amigo doente.
I mean, if you and your friend want to look at the stars, you know, and you want to communicate with your brothers or whatever it is, who's to say what's normal? You know what I mean?
Quer dizer, se você e seu amigo querem olhar para as estrelas e procurar se comunicar com os seus irmãos ou o que quer que seja quem pode dizer o que o que é normal?
I've been called upon not as your friend, but as your enemy, and your merciless accuser.
Na presença destas testemunhas, aqui me encontro, não como teu amigo, mas como implacável inimigo e acusador.
And if your fancy friend with a velvet collar is half as smart as you are, which will make him only one-quarter smart, he never heard of her either.
E, se o teu amigo catita do colarinho de veludo for tão quase tão esperto como tu, também nunca ouviu falar dela.
I can't believe how long I've been your friend and listened to your tired, stale, boring jokes!
É incrível há quanto tempo sou tua amiga e ouço as tuas anedotas reles e chatas!
Now... them little gray pellets you've been making... are put into those long fuel rods... and the long fuel rods are packed into bundles... over at your friend Drew's section.
Agora... aquelas pequenas varetas cinzentas que tens estado a fazer... são postas naquelas longas varas de combustível... e as longas varas de combustível são embaladas em fardos... na secção do teu amigo Drew.
I noted down the charges and spoke to your friend.
Registei as acusações e falei com o seu amigo.
Your friend was messing up my tanks and messing up my whales.
O seu amigo estava a interferir nos tanques e com as minhas baleias.
He's known as the Cobra and he plans to kill your friend.
Ele é conhecido como o Cobra e planeia matar o vosso amigo.
Ben, as your attorney, your friend, and your brother,
Ben, como seu advogado, amigo e irmão.
We went to Buckley together. My father knew your father. I speak as a friend and also for the board.
Estudámos juntos, os nossos pais eram amigos, tal como eu sou teu.
But, the main thing... is the torment of your friend, Father Karras... as he watches while I rip, and cut, and mutilate the innocent!
Mas, o mais importante é o tormento do seu amigo, Padre Karras porque ele assiste enquanto eu violo, e corto, e mutilo os inocentes!
O mesmo se aplica ao seu amigo anão.
Once the people have seen that you are on our side, you can revive your friend and we will all part ways.
Quando as pessoas virem que está do nosso lado, pode reviver o seu amigo, e vamos todos embora.
My advice both as your friend and legal counselor is to give yourself up.
Como teu amigo e advogado, aconselho-te a entregares-te.
I'm your friend and you're holding that tray as if you're about to wander off!
Falo-te como amigo e tu aí estás, de tabuleiro na mão, com se para partir a todo o instante.
Otherwise, you, the wildcat and every innocent person on that bus are gonna end up just like your friend.
Senão, tu, a gata brava e todas as pessoas inocentes nesse autocarro vão acabar tal e qual como o teu amigo.
And in case you feel the need to contact the authorities or your friend Superman... you can tell them I'm holding a small but dirty nuclear device.
Caso queiram contactar as autoridades ou o vosso amigo Super-Homem digam-lhe que tenho em minha posse um engenho nuclear.
I could use your help, Ben, and I'm asking you as a friend.
Dava-me jeito a tua ajuda, Ben, e peço-te como amigo.
He came to me as I'm your friend and a psychologist.
Recorreu a mim, como tua amiga e como psicóloga.
And your dear friend Dick Allen's been calling you, leaving messages on your machine, and you haven't gotten back to him, so he asked me, as a favor, to look you up.
O seu caro amigo Dick Allen tem-lhe ligado, deixando mensagens no seu atendedor, e você não responde. Por isso pediu-me o favor de vir falar consigo.
My love what danger can befall to you So long as Edward is your constant friend And a sovereign whom Richard must obey?
Querida. Como podes ter medo se contas com o afeto de teu marido que ademais é o rei, a quem Ricardo deve obediência?
Just ask your brothers-in-arms. Unless you'd rather hang back with the women and children with your friend, here.
A menos que prefira voltar com as mulheres e crianças como seu amigo.
As your commanding officer,..... or as your friend who nursed you, pushed promotions,..... and fucking burped your kids at their baptisms?
Como seu superior, ou como seu amigo, que o ensinou e o elogiou, forçou promoções,... e andou com os seus filhos ao colo nos baptismos?
That's why I wanted your advice... as an old friend of Miss Osmond's family. What have you got besides your Spanish lace and Dresden teacups?
Que mais tem, além das suas rendas espanholas e do serviço de chá?
Amber I'll always be there for you, as a friend and as your brother.
Amber... pode sempre contar comigo, como amigo e como irmao.
I'll just sit here and chat with your friend-type people.
Eu fico aqui sentado... ... a falar com as tuas... ... pessoas amigas.
Yes, well, in that case, I suggest you unhand your friend and return to your troops, and your bride.
Sim, bem, nesse caso, sugiro que deixe a sua amiga... e regressa para as suas tropas, e para a sua noiva.
I totally value you as a friend, but I also dig your sister, and we might be hanging out more, and it's obvious that you think this is a big deal.
Valorizo a tua amizade, mas também curto dela e somos capazes de nos dar mais. E nota-se que isto te incomoda.
Okay, as I explained to your friend over there, I still need to see your Salmonella insurance and your Carbonated Beverage release forms.
Como já expliquei ao seu amigo... preciso de ver o vosso seguro contra salmonelas... e a autorização para bebidas gaseificadas.
And tell your beloved Captain Janeway that if we die, they die, including you, dear Harry... you who becomes my best friend as of today.
E diga à sua adorável Capitã Janeway que se nós morrermos, eles morrem, inclusive você, querido Harry... você que se tornou meu melhor amigo a partir de hoje.
and as far as i'm concerned 49
and as a result 91
and as you can see 106
and as for you 86
and as usual 32
and as far as i know 17
and as you know 78
and as i said 17
and as i recall 25
and as for me 30
and as a result 91
and as you can see 106
and as for you 86
and as usual 32
and as far as i know 17
and as you know 78
and as i said 17
and as i recall 25
and as for me 30
and as of now 16
and as far as i can tell 27
and as it turns out 36
and as always 27
and as such 83
and as 20
as your friend 86
your friend 527
your friends 244
your friends are here 22
and as far as i can tell 27
and as it turns out 36
and as always 27
and as such 83
and as 20
as your friend 86
your friend 527
your friends 244
your friends are here 22
your friend is here 19
your friendship 16
your friend is dead 23
and a half 160
and apparently 261
and again 457
and all the time 27
and all 124
and always will be 33
and another thing 192
your friendship 16
your friend is dead 23
and a half 160
and apparently 261
and again 457
and all the time 27
and all 124
and always will be 33
and another thing 192
and at the end of the day 45
and all the while 36
and all this time 50
and at the time 25
and all of a sudden 204
and all that stuff 21
and at the end 28
and at the same time 75
and all of you 28
and above all 105
and all the while 36
and all this time 50
and at the time 25
and all of a sudden 204
and all that stuff 21
and at the end 28
and at the same time 75
and all of you 28
and above all 105
and also 645
and actually 119
and all that 128
and afterwards 122
and all because of you 16
and after 142
and all that jazz 24
and at that point 38
and at night 55
and actually 119
and all that 128
and afterwards 122
and all because of you 16
and after 142
and all that jazz 24
and at that point 38
and at night 55