And your husband traduction Portugais
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They might not be able to pin a crime on you, but they'll start asking questions about the rape video and why you and your husband were buying Coumadin from Mexico.
Podem não conseguir incriminá-la, mas vão perguntar sobre o vídeo da violação e porque você e o seu marido compravam Coumadin no México.
Was everything OK between you and your husband?
Estava tudo bem entre si e o seu marido?
And you and your husband, you couldn't agree on one thing.
E tu e o teu marido, não concordavam em nada.
She heard you and your husband fighting.
Ela ouviu-a e ao seu marido a discutir.
Witnesses said that you and your husband fought... a lot.
Testemunhas disseram que você e o seu marido discutiam muito.
There is our Spa Suite where you and your husband could come together.
Ali fica a nossa "Spa Suíte" onde a senhora podia vir com o seu marido.
- And your husband.
- E do teu marido.
So, you and your husband Jeremy ran the tea rooms?
Então, a senhora e o seu marido Jeremy geriam o salão de chá?
In the majority of cases, your body won't recognize the platelets of any foetus conceived by you and your husband.
Na maior parte dos casos, o seu corpo não reconhece as plaquetas dos fetos concebidos entre si e o seu marido. - O que significa isso?
- And your husband found out.
- E o seu marido descobriu?
"It would be better for the people of Illinois and your late husband " if you turned down the appointment... And you endorsed Scott Ryland. "
"Era melhor para o povo de Illinois e o seu falecido marido, se recusasse a nomeação... e apoiasse Scott Ryland".
Then, once your husband got elected, you switched his Coumadin with sugar pills and waited for him to stroke out.
Assim que o seu marido se elegeu, trocou o Coumadin por comprimidos de açúcar e esperou pelo derrame.
And to tie up some loose ends with your husband.
E esclarecer algumas dúvidas com o seu marido.
No, you've got your duties as a husband and father.
Tens obrigações, como marido e como pai!
Your husband called and told you what he was going to do, didn't he?
O seu marido ligou-lhe e disse-lhe o que ia fazer, não foi?
And now, your husband's passed, and your daughter's ready to fly the nest, but you're still needed.
E agora, o teu marido desapareceu, e a tua filha está pronta para sair do ninho, mas tu ainda és necessária.
You could kill your husband, avoid a messy divorce and the two home invaders would take the fall.
Podia matar o seu marido, evitava um divórcio conturbado e os assaltantes ficavam com a culpa.
When we brought your husband into the O.R., we originally thought we could go in with a bronchoscope and a laser, however, there was a lot of bleeding, so we had to open him up.
Quando levámos o seu marido para a SO, julgámos que poderíamos usar um broncoscópio e um laser, mas havia muito sangue e tivemos de o abrir. Espera.
The fact that that would-be widow came in just in time to sob all over your soft, mushy heart and the fact that her husband's gonna live does not change whether or not I did the right thing.
O facto daquela quase viúva vir a tempo de amolecer o seu coração e o facto do seu marido sobreviver não muda se eu agi certo ou não.
And you're just telling your husband now?
E só está contando agora para seu marido?
And you saw an opportunity... to set your husband up.
E viste uma oportunidade, de armar uma cilada ao teu marido.
You hacked the specs to the dinner and you helped plan your husband's little stunt.
Acedeu aos documentos sobre o jantar e ajudou a planear... - com o seu marido, um pequeno espectáculo.
Varinius in town but a handful of days, and already outshines your husband.
O Varinius só está na cidade há uns dias e já ultrapassa o teu marido.
My hand and house, in payment for blood spilled in your husband's name.
A minha mão e a minha casa como pagamento pelo sangue derramado em nome do teu marido.
My dear, please think of yourself, your husband and the child growing in your womb.
Minha querida, pense em si, no seu marido e, sobretudo, na criança que gera no seu ventre.
Either you enter witness protection with your husband, or I can try and arrange for you to enter separately.
Ou entra para a proteção de testemunhas com o seu marido, ou posso tentar fazer com que entrem no programa separadamente.
If I wasn't your husband, and you saw me in a bar, would you hit on me? Ow!
Se não fosse seu marido e me visse num bar, daria em cima de mim?
Shake off your malaise with housework and a strict routine to serve the needs of your husband and children, and you'll have no time to wallow in self-pity.'
"Acabe com esse mal-estar com a lida doméstica e uma rotina " para servir o seu marido e filhos e deixará de ter tempo para autocomiserações. "
And I'm-I'm so sorry to hear about your husband's accident.
E lamento o acidente do seu marido.
In February of last year, your husband, one, uh, Phillip Dunphy, was questioned at a local hotel for lewd and lascivious conduct.
Em Fevereiro do ano passado, o seu marido, Phillip Dunphy, foi interrogado num hotel local devido a um comportamento obsceno e lascivo.
I think the tears and the grief, they're all an act. I think you had Willis kill your husband.
Meu Deus.
Here's the thing, Elaine, if the gun had been held up against your husband's shirt, there would have been burn marks on the entry wound and on his shirt.
Não havia.
You know what that means? It means, that it entered your husband at a low angle and it exited at a high angle, so either the shooter was extremely short which we know he wasn't, or he was on the ground.
Que entrou nele num ângulo inferior e saiu num ângulo superior, logo ou o atirador era muito baixo que sabemos não era, ou ele estava no chão.
Well, the property is owned by your ex-wife and her husband.
A propriedade é da sua ex-mulher e do marido dela.
Your officer told me that Trudy Barnes and her husband, they were shot with the same weapon that killed Lewis.
O seu escritório disse-me que a Trudy Barnes e o marido foram mortos com a mesma arma que matou o Lewis.
Can you tell us where your husband and Simon went last night?
Sabe dizer-nos onde é que o Simon e o seu marido foram ontem à noite?
Will you, Caris Wooler, take Elfric Builder as your lawful husband, to love, honour, and obey from this day forward, so long as you live?
Caris da Lã, aceitais Elfric Construtor, por vosso esposo para amar, respeitar e obedecer desde este dia em diante e até que a morte vos separe?
Will you, Gwenda, take Wulfric as your lawful husband, to love, honour and obey from this day forward?
Gwenda, aceitais Wulfric por vosso marido para amar, honrar e obedecer deste dia em diante?
Do you, Philippa, take Ralph of Shiring, Lord of Wigleigh to be your lawful husband, to honour and obey
Philippa, aceitais Ralph de Shiring, Conde de Wigleigh, por vosso marido para honrar e obedecer
I know your husband and daughter were killed, and I'm so sorry for your loss.
Sei que o seu marido e a sua filha foram mortos. Sinto muito pela sua perda.
And Eric's your husband.
O Eric é o seu marido.
- Right. And when they came home... did your husband talk to you at all about What happened, Mrs. Cole?
Quando chegaram a casa, o seu marido contou-lhe o que tinha acontecido, Sra. Cole?
You lied and tricked him into killing your husband.
Mentiste e enganaste-o para matar o teu marido.
Yes, we had a deal, but your husband loves you because you are the sweetest and most wonderful and understanding wife.
- Sim, mas o teu homem ama-te mais que qualquer coisa, pois és a esposa mais bela, fantástica e compreensiva do mundo.
Peter Groves, the plumber. He said he witnessed a row between your husband and Lawrence Janson at the eclipse.
Peter Groves, o canalizador, disse que testemunhou uma discussão entre o seu marido e Lawrence Janson, no eclipse.
And you've no alibi for the time of Peter's death or your husband George's.
E não tem álibi para a hora da morte do Peter ou do seu marido George.
But you have your work and a very handsome husband.
Mas tem o seu trabalho e um marido muito jeitoso.
- And the husband's your suspect?
- O marido era suspeito?
So, your husband and your son never had any experiences?
Então, o seu marido e seu filho nunca tiveram alguma experiência?
And maybe until you have your suspect in custody, this is a good time to go home and discuss this with your husband.
E até que tenha um suspeito sob custódia, talvez seja boa ideia ir para casa e discutir isso com o seu marido.
Because I know my ex-husband quite well, and it would really upset him if he found out you flew me to San Francisco in your private jet just to have fried clams.
Porque conheço bastante bem o meu ex-marido e ele ficaria mesmo chateado se soubesse que me levaste a São Francisco, no teu jacto particular, só para comer amêijoas fritas.
and your daughter 42
and your wife 79
and your point is 28
and your father 132
and your brother 50
and yours 281
and your friend 42
and yourself 86
and your friends 28
and your mother 135
and your wife 79
and your point is 28
and your father 132
and your brother 50
and yours 281
and your friend 42
and yourself 86
and your friends 28
and your mother 135
and your children 18
and your sister 50
and your dad 64
and your family 44
and your 98
and your parents 48
and your name is 47
and your name 40
and your eyes 18
and your baby 18
and your sister 50
and your dad 64
and your family 44
and your 98
and your parents 48
and your name is 47
and your name 40
and your eyes 18
and your baby 18
and your hair 20
and your son 52
and your mom 46
and yours is 17
your husband 448
husband 1195
husbands 45
husband and wife 36
and your son 52
and your mom 46
and yours is 17
your husband 448
husband 1195
husbands 45
husband and wife 36