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Get after him traduction Portugais

375 traduction parallèle
Dick, Joe! Get after him!
Dick, Joe, atrás dele!
Get him! Get after him! Hurry up!
Vão atrás dele depressa!
- I'll get after him now.
- Vou atrás dele, agora.
Get after him, Chris.
Vai-te a ele, Chris.
Get after him.
Juntamos todas as pessoas que pudermos.
Get after him, Sergeant.
Vá atrás dele, Sargento.
Get after him!
Vão atrás dele!
Get those cars outta here! Get after him!
Tirem esses carros daqui!
Well, get after him!
Vão atrás dele!
Get after him.
Continuem a perseguição!
Get after him :!
Atrás dele!
Get after him, Perce.
Vai atrás dele, Perce.
Hurry up, get after him!
Depressa, atrás dele!
Now get after him.
Vamos atrás dele.
They've been after him six years and they've yet to get him.
Há seis anos que andam atrás dele e ainda não o apanharam.
I sent him over to the laboratory to get some notes for me... that I want to work on after dinner tonight.
Mandei-o ao laboratório para me ir buscar umas anotações... que esta noite quero examinar depois do jantar.
Get after him!
We'll get the car and after they're in bed, we'll bring him in through the window.
Quando tiverem adormecido, enfiamo-lo pela janela.
Private Mulligan didn't get his reprieve letter till 10 days after they hung him.
O Mulligan só recebeu o adiamento 10 dias depois de ser enforcado.
Let's get him in here, after all we're not keeping any secrets from him now.
Colocamo-lo aqui. Depois de tudo, não lhe estamos ocultando nenhum segredo por enquanto.
Get your guns and go after him! The sheriff's right.
O Xerife tem razão.
He'd go drinking after work, and sometimes when it would get late, he'd bring his drinking buddies home with him.
Ia beber depois do trabalho e, às vezes, quando vinha tarde, trazia os amigos para casa. - Ai sim?
Even after we burn the bridges, we've got to get through to Mitchell and let him know.
Mesmo depois de queimar as pontes, devemos chegar ao Mitchell e contar-lhe.
After I gave him the cash from my drawer he told her to get cash from her drawer.
Depois de lhe ter dado o dinheiro da minha gaveta, ele disse-lhe para ir buscar dinheiro da gaveta dela.
Alice West and Harrington went down to see West together, to see if they couldn't get him to change his mind after all.
A Alice West e o Harrington vieram juntos falar com o West, para ver se conseguiam levá-lo a mudar de ideias.
You see, after you left, I stopped by the jail to talk to him and there were so many people trying to get in to hear his sermon, they just had to kick him out.
Havia tantas pessoas a tentar entrar para ouvir o seu sermão, Que tiveram de expulsá-lo.
You better watch him after you get married.
É melhor vê-lo depois de se casar.
Get out after him!
Vamos atrás dele!
Maybe I'd get to love him, after I was married to him awhile.
Talvez eu pudesse amá-lo, depois de estar casada com ele há algum tempo.
If we get after a good one, stick around and hold him if I miss the first time.
Se perseguirmos uma presa das boas, mantém-te perto e agarra-a se eu falhar da primeira vez.
Colonel, I don't wanna hurt anybodys feelings, but what's to prevent me to get a bullet in the back of my head about one second after I point him to Pardee?
Sem querer ofender, mas quem me protege de uma bala pelas costas, um segundo depois de encontrar Pardee?
They'll soon be after him, and we'll get to the president.
Perfeito! Não tardam a cercar o nosso homem e a conduzir-nos ao Presidente Novales.
After a while, you've had enough, and you think... before he gets you, you'll get him.
Mas um dia se cansa e diz : antes que me mate, mato eu.
Go get him. Just one fool thing after another.
Uma bobagem atrás da outra.
- Well, can I get married after him?
Posso casar depois dele?
Get after him!
Vamos atrás dele!
After the escape, after they get back to Saigon, Rock Hudson says goodbye to the girl who helped him regain his courage, says goodbye to the material world, and goes off to a monastery.
Depois da fuga e depois de regressarem a Saigão, o Rock Hudson despede-se da mulher que o ajudou a ganhar coragem, despede-se do mundo material e vai para um mosteiro.
If I were to get that position at the Opera, the one he was after... do you think it would upset him?
Se eu obtivesse aquela posição na Ópera, à qual ele aspirava, acha que isso o afectaria?
Now you tell your boss, if you see him before I do, that the lady is after his ass, and you are proof I always get my man, you got that?
Diga ao seu chefe, se você vê-lo antes de mim... Eu ando atrás dele, e você é a prova de que consigo o que eu quero.
Get yourself after him.
Vai atrás dele.
You're not gonna get one nickel to take care of him after I'm gone.
Não vai ter um tostão para cuidar dele quando eu me for.
I think the only thing that kept him going... was when Nicolas would get up after supper
Acho que a única coisa que o fazia resistir era quando o Nicolas se levantava depois de jantar.
I tried to get him to take out other women after Mama died but...
Quando a minha mãe morreu, quis que ele voltasse a casar.
You've been after him for months trying to get him to tell you something.
Está atrás dele há meses.
After he's talked, we must get rid of him immediately.
Depois dele falar, devemos livrar-nos dele de imediato.
Mind you, if it's a bird you're after, I'd get to him as soon as poss.
Se querem um ganso, é melhor falarem com ele o mais depressa possível.
After you get the information, then you can kill him.
Quando obtiver a informação. Podes matá-lo.
No, I- - See, I was supposed to meet Szarbo right after the job. Help him get out of town in case there was any trouble.
Fiquei de me encontrar com o Szarbo, a seguir ao serviço, para o ajudar a sair da cidade, se a coisa se complicasse.
At least we know that, uh, Pepe Moya's the guy to look after. Did you get anything from him?
Pelo menos, ficámos a saber que é o Pepe Moya que nos interessa.
After you take this stone out of my shoe... you call your father... and tell him where he can get her.
Depois de tirares esta pedra do meu sapato... liga ao teu pai... e diz-lhe onde ela está.
Even after Slick came to get him?
Depois do Slick ter vindo buscá-lo?

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