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His car traduction Portugais

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After his wife left him and he lost his house, he drove his car into a library.
- Depois de a mulher o deixar e perder a casa, atirou o carro contra uma biblioteca.
People Gaddafi bombed his car.
A sua carrinha fora bombardeada pelos homens do Gaddafi.
He was packing up his car.
- Óptimo. Estava a arrumar o carro.
Um... any chance his car needs to be washed by a girl in a bikini?
Há hipótese do carro dele precisar de ser lavado por uma rapariga de biquini?
He's... he's been so fussy lately that I didn't want to wake him, so I decided I would unload the groceries before I took him out of his car seat.
Ele tem... estado tão agitado ultimamente que não quis acordá-lo, então, preferi descarregar as compras antes de o retirar do carro.
No one wants to see the Chief of Police crying in his car.
Ninguém quer ver o Chefe da Polícia a chorar no carro.
His car's not here, and it's not in the street.
O carro não está aqui, nem na rua.
He lent me his car so I could check into a hotel.
Ele emprestou-me o carro para ir até a um hotel. - Qual hotel?
She got upset, took his car, and Matthew claims he never saw her again after that.
Ela ficou chateada, apanhou o seu carro, e o Matthew alega nunca mais tê-la visto depois disso.
Some guy gave me ten dollars just to drive his car across town and not look in the trunk.
Um gajo deu-me 10 dólares só para levar o carro pela cidade sem olhar para a bagageira.
There were two phones in his car.
Havia dois telemóveis no carro dele.
I think they were hoping to torch this guy in his car along with everything with him.
Acho que queriam queimar este homem no seu carro, juntamente com tudo o que ele tinha lá.
Jin, I need a wire on his Nextel, his personal phone, and inside his car.
Jin, preciso de uma escuta no Nextel dele, no telemóvel pessoal e dentro do carro.
He was checking for bombs underneath his car for months.
Ele passou meses à procura de bombas sob o seu carro.
A couple of weeks ago, Brian gave me a ride home... and I found a woman's earring in his car.
Há algumas semanas atrás, o Brian deu-me boleia. Encontrei um brinco feminino no carro dele.
But that damn fool should be stripped of both his phone and his car.
Mas aquele idiota devia ficar sem o carro e o telemóvel.
They found stolen files in his car.
Eles encontraram arquivos no carro dele.
Is it true you found confidential documents in his car?
É verdade que encontraram arquivos confidenciais no carro dele?
Three months later, he killed himself in his car.
Três meses depois, ele matou-se no carro dele.
His car's gone.
O carro dele desapareceu.
We checked his apartment, we checked his car.
Verificamos o apartamento e o carro dele.
You know, following leads, asking people in the area if they'd seen Gabe or his car drive by.
Seguindo as pistas, e a perguntar aos locais se viram o Gabe ou o seu carro.
Mr Shelby's just parking his car.
O Sr. Shelby está a estacionar o carro.
Well, his car came through the main gate 10 minutes ago.
O carro dele passou pelo portão há 10 minutos.
Glen lent us his car for our honeymoon.
O Glen emprestou-nos o carro para a nossa lua de mel.
His car alarm kept going off.
O alarme do carro dele disparou.
He brings his car for servicing.
Ele traz aqui o carro.
His car was in the lot every night... except here.
O carro esteve aqui todas as noites, menos uma.
He suffered a heart attack right before he drove his car into a semi.
Teve um ataque cardíaco antes de bater num camião semi-reboque.
We lost it when Sparks disabled his car's transponder.
Perdemo-la quando o Sparks desactivou o dispositivo do seu carro.
I can try accessing the ISEA surveillance drones to locate his car.
Posso tentar aceder os drones de vigilância da ISEA para localizar o seu carro.
By the time Luc got out of his car, Neal had vanished.
Quando o Luc chegou ao carro, o Neal tinha desaparecido.
He used to take me out here and... let me drive his car and teach me to shoot guns.
Ele costumava trazer-me aqui... deixava-me conduzir o seu carro, e ensinava-me a disparar.
I'm in northern Italy driving a rather elegant sports car and James, well actually, we are kicking off with James, who really is in his comfort zone because he is on a Second World War air base
Estou no Norte de Itália a conduzir um carro desportivo elegante e o James, bem na verdade, nos estamos a começar com o James, que está na sua zona de conforto porque ele está numa base aérea da Segunda Guerra Mundial
I ran his plates, and it turns out that the car was registered to one of your victims. 30 milligrams.
Introduzi a matrícula no sistema e parece que o carro estava em nome de uma das vossas vítimas.
His parents died in a car accident.
Os pais morreram num acidente de carro.
Puts me in the car, takes me to his place.
Colocou-me no carro, e levou-me para casa dele.
Now we park in front of his car... so we can ram him in reverse if he takes off.
Vou estacionar em frente ao carro... assim podemos bater no carro se fugirem.
I-I guess they restored a classic car together, and then the guy tried to claim that it was all his.
Acho que eles restauraram um carro clássico juntos, e depois o colega tentou alegar que era tudo dele.
Jin, I need a wire on his personal phone and inside his car.
Violaste a minha principal regra.
I must remember to organise a car to meet Charles Blake and his friend.
Tenho de arranjar um carro para ir buscar o Charles Blake e o amigo.
Guy on the bike pulls up, sticks up our victim takes his keys, tosses them so he can't follow him in the car.
O sujeito da mota aprece, assalta a vítima... Pega nas chaves, atira-as para longe para ele não o perseguir de carro. Não.
Ran plates on your vic's car. Turns out, it's not his.
Verificamos a matrícula do carro da nossa vítima.
Soon as he heard James wasn't home, he got in his shiny red sports car and sped off.
Quando viu que o James não estava, ele entrou no seu brilhante carro desportivo vermelho e foi-se embora.
Text us his address and send a radio car.
Envia-nos a morada dele e manda uma viatura 729,1 00 : 32 : 57,373 - - 00 : 32 : 58,608 É para já.
His first wife, my birth mother, died in a car accident when I was 3.
A sua primeira mulher, a minha mãe biológica, morreu num acidente de carro quando eu tinha três anos.
Galan keeps a model car on his desk.
Galan, tem uma miniatura de um carro, sobre a secretária.
If he's telling the truth, then Raymond killed his wife and then dumped the car in a bad neighborhood just hoping somebody would steal it.
Se ele estiver a dizer a verdade, então o Raymond matou a sua mulher e depois largou o carro num bairro problemático na esperança que alguém o roubasse.
Galan keeps a model car on his desk.
O Galan tem um carro miniatura na secretária.
According to his file, he was in the hospital After a car accident in 2004.
Segundo o seu ficheiro, esteve no Hospital depois de um acidente de carro em 2004.
Yussef was kind of vague about his injuries, but he said there was a woman in the car with him.
O Yussef foi algo vago sobre os seus ferimentos, mas, disse que ele tinha uma mulher no carro com ele.

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