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Like i was traduction Portugais

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I never was adventurous, but she made me feel like I was.
Nunca fui aventureiro. Mas ela fez-me sentir que era.
I always felt like, even if it was a full house, like... like I was the only one in the audience.
Sempre senti, mesmo com a casa cheia, que eu era a única pessoa no público.
If this is my time, don't be an idiot like I was.
Se isto é a minha vez, não sejas idiota como eu fui.
I proved that I wasn't in league with Valentine but you're still treating me like I was.
Provei que não estava com o Valentine. Continua a tratar-me como se eu estivesse.
I guess that surprises me because I've always thought that I was working towards this moment when everything else would fall away and I would just be, like, you know, alone and able to just indulge my thoughts.
Isso me surpreende, pois sempre achei... que chegaria o momento em que tudo ficaria longe... e eu ficaria só, capaz de dar vida aos meus pensamentos.
It was just, like, a bunch of old gays being like, "Oh, I'm so busy during the week. I can only do uppers on the weekends."
Era um bando de gays velhos... dizendo : "Sou tão ocupado... que só vejo óperas nos fins de semana".
He said that the last thing this world needs is another actor, and I was like, "Thanks, asshole."
Disse que o mundo não precisa de mais actores e eu pensei : "Obrigada, cara de cu".
And then, like, when I went to look at the body... - it was Macaulay Culkin. - Hmm.
Mas quando fui ver o corpo, era o Macaulay Culkin.
I mean, that lobbyist he killed, that was like ten years ago.
Aquele lobista que ele matou, foi há uns 10 anos.
'Cause I always felt like, you and me, when we were together, I was never my best self.
Porque sempre achei que, quando estávamos juntos, eu nunca estava no meu melhor.
I mean, it was like the... You know Mr. Belvedere's story? About how he sat on his balls?
Quero dizer, foi tipo a história de como o Sr. Belvedere se sentou nos tomates.
- Huh. - I was like, "Okay."
Respondi : "Está bem."
I'm just saying, like... if I saw, like, an old movie and your face was in it, like, even if you were, like, in a crowd, like, way back in the background, I would, like, notice you and I would go, like...
Estou só a dizer que se visse um filme antigo e a tua cara aparecesse, ainda que estivesses no meio de uma multidão, mesmo ao fundo, eu repararia em ti e diria :
Anyway, based on the colonization of mold spores on the marijuana that was in the pipe, I was able to determine that it was last smoked, like, 80 hours ago, so...
Enfim, pelas colónias dos esporos de mofo na maconha do cigarro, fui capaz de determinar que foi fumada há umas 80 horas, então...
So I was finally able to download AMI's neural network and it looks like this audio file is the last thing AMI recorded before her memory was wiped clean.
Finalmente consegui baixar a rede neural da IMA e parece que este arquivo de áudio, é a última coisa que a IMA gravou, antes da memória ser apagada.
I've been looking into Margaret Kwan's records, and looks like her life was pretty quiet.
Estive a verificar os registos da Margaret Kwan, e parece que a vida dela era muito calma.
I know it doesn't seem like a lot, but hey, hey, hey, this could actually help me determine where the victim was cut up.
Sei que não parece muito, mas isso pode ajudar-me a determinar onde foi cortada.
I was truly blessed to have a father like Max Keenan, a father who loved me so very much.
Acredito que fui verdadeiramente abençoada em ter um pai como o Max Keenan. Um pai que me amava muito.
Well, like I said Dustin was an angel.
Bem, como disse... O Dustin era um anjo.
I was so much like you.
Antes de ter conhecido o teu pai, tinha muito em comum contigo.
I mean, like, what would you do if it was you and it was Tyler's baby?
Isto é, se estivesses grávida do Tyler.
Was this like I had essentially been smoking my entire childhood?
E classifica a carne vermelha como carcinogênico Tipo 2. É isto essencialmente os mesmo que ter andado a fumar durante toda a minha infância?
Just like many of us, I thought that the majority of cancer was due to genes, but, only five to 10 % of cancer is actually genetic.
Assim como muitos de nós, Eu pensei que a maioria dos de cancros se deviam a genes mas apenas entre 5 % a 10 % dos cancros são realmente genética.
I remember like a big thing of barbecue chicken. And I was like, I stormed out.
Lembro-me de haver uma grande coisa de churrasco de frango e eu fiquei, tipo pasmado
Before I was vegan, I was only bench pressing 315 like five times.
- Antes de ser vegan, Eu só estava a levantar 142 kg, para aí cinco vezes.
425, 465, and I was like, oh my God, this is amazing, I'm vegan and I'm bench pressing
E eu fiquei tipo, oh meu Deus, isto é incrível. Sou vegan e eu estou levantar 210 kg.
For something like Ninja Warrior and parkour, specifically, you really need to have a good strength to body weight ratio, so I was carrying mass that I really didn't need.
É realmente necessário ter uma boa relação força / peso.
[Kip] Like so many people, I was looking for excuses not to change my diet. But, once I finally did, I felt liberated.
- Tal como muitas pessoas, eu estava à procura de desculpas para não mudar a minha dieta, mas assim que o fiz, eu senti-se liberado.
When I was in the 1st of the 9th, we never put up with shitbirds like you.
Quando eu era o 1º do 9º, nós não tolerávamos um merda como tu.
But I'm just a Muslim kid from Michigan who found out that the American dream was a lie for someone like me.
Mas sou só um rapaz muçulmano de Michigan que descobriu que o sonho Americano era uma mentira para alguém como eu.
And now, it's like this thing was taken from me, and I feel worthless.
E agora é como isso tenha sido tirado de mim. E sinto-me sem valor.
Look, I felt like... like everything was spiraling out of control and I had to do whatever I could to protect you.
Eu senti que tudo estava a descontrolar-se e que tinha de fazer tudo para te proteger.
With Linc here... it was the first time I ever felt like an outsider with you. You know, like... Like I lost... part of my family or something.
foi a primeira vez que me senti um estranho ao teu lado, como se tivesse perdido parte da minha família ou assim.
At least before when I looked in the mirror, I knew who I was, and now... it sounds like bad lyrics, but there's a stranger looking back.
Pelo menos, antes, quando olhava para o espelho, sabia quem era. Agora, soa a uma letra má, mas há um estranho a olhar para mim.
When I went to Chuck's place last week... it was like the inside of a Jiffy Pop wrapper, all right?
Fui a casa do Chuck, na semana passada, e parecia uma embalagem de alumínio.
I was always, like, obsessed with, like, TV shows and movies and stuff.
Estava sempre obcecado por séries de televisão, filmes e assim.
I mean, usually it was about how, like... we shouldn't get dessert at the restaurant because we have plenty of ice cream at home, sort of thing.
Normalmente, tratava-se de não pedir sobremesa no restaurante porque tínhamos gelado em casa. - Sim.
- That's, like, why I was so sad.
Foi por isso que fiquei muito triste.
And he was always out of town, and I would never do anything like that anymore because that's not who I am now, with SLAA, and you're nothing like...
E ele estava sempre fora da cidade e eu nunca mais faria nada assim porque já não sou assim, com a ASAA. E tu não és nada como...
When I was in college, I went to this party and I got, like, super wasted, and then everybody started daring me to... - take a shit in my hand.
Quando eu estava na faculdade, fui a uma festa, fiquei muito bêbedo e todos começaram a desafiar-me a cagar na minha mão.
Like I was wrong about your mother?
Como em relação à tua mãe?
'Cause... I didn't wanna feel like there was something wrong with me, because I grew up in the Institute, because... I always knew I couldn't have what I wanted... until you came along.
Porque eu não queria sentir que tinha algo de errado porque crescera no Instituto e porque sabia que não podia ter o que queria até tu apareceres.
I was wondering if you'd like to join me for dinner.
Queres ir jantar comigo?
I was so selfish, hiding in the woods like that.
Fui tão egoísta, escondi-me na floresta.
I felt like my life was over.
Senti que a minha vida tinha acabado.
- I - like to think of it more like a walk about, but um... the good news is, I was successful.
Vejo isso mais como uma jornada, mas... As boas notícias é que fui bem-sucedido.
I felt like there was a reason I became a Shadowhunter.
Eu senti que havia um motivo para me ter tornado numa Shadowhunter.
I walked into the bunker, and sh... and she was just there like nothing had happened, like...
Fui ao esconderijo e ela estava lá, como se nada tivesse acontecido, como...
I was gonna play another hand, let you rest some, but lay down a challenge like that, what's a guy gonna do?
Eu ia jogar outra partida, deixar-te descansar. Mas se propões um desafio assim, o que é que um tipo pode fazer?
I read about your hack of the department of education, and I was like, "I know what I want to be,"
Li sobre o teu hack no Departamento de Educação e pensei : "Já sei o que quero ser".
Actually, I was thinking we could meet in the city, have some dinner, like old times.
Podíamos encontrar-nos na cidade e jantar. Como nos velhos tempos.

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