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Since always traduction Portugais

629 traduction parallèle
Since always, the Japanese warrior believed that it was a sin to leave itself to imprison.
Desde sempre, o guerreiro japonês acreditava que era um pecado deixar-se aprisionar.
Since you left Maria da Luz you always win.
Desde que deixaste a Maria da Luz ganhas sempre.
Ain't it funny how our tastes have always run the same, ever since the first time we met?
Não tem piada como sempre tivemos os mesmos gostos?
Always made me a bit nervous since.
Desde então fico sempre um pouco nervoso.
All the noble books which have lived in my mind ever since, and always I hoped, and kept my faith.
Todos os livros preciosos habitaram a minha mente desde então, e sempre tive esperança e mantive a minha fé.
I always wanted a classy tiepin ever since I was a kid.
Desde miúdo que sempre quis um alfinete para a gravata.
I was born on Odeire, where it's windy and foggy... and rough but I love it. Why, ever since I was... - Little girl, I've always...
Nascido em Odeire, onde a bruma e a tempestade... do mar fustigam a terra, mas isso encanta-me, por isso desde pequena siempre...
I'll watch over you as I've always done... since you were a fragile little boy.
Não, cuidarei de ti como sempre fiz... desde que eras um menino delicado
I've tried to be good always. Ever since I was a little girl. But every time I'd see a new man's face... and I'd look into his eyes to see what was behind them... and I never knew until it was too late.
Sempre tentei ser boa desde que era uma menina pequena mas cada vez que via um novo rosto de homem... olhava para dentro dos seus olhos para ver o que havia por detrás
- There has Always been an Estella since I have heard of a Miss Havisham.
Quando é que foi adoptada? A Estella já existia quando comecei a ouvir falar da Srta. Havisham.
While they work, the women think of their men... returning from the sea... because the family has always had a boat at sea... since the days of the first Valastro.
As mulheres estão sempre preocupadas com os homens que estão no mar. Os Valastro sempre tiveram um barco no mar.
My childhood thoughts in the last war mean nothing But I've always loved it since
Os meus pensamentos de infância, na outra guerra, não significam nada, mas, sempre a amei.
Always his rapture about his discovery of France The love he had felt from afar before coming here The love which grew each day since he had the good fortune to live here
O seu entusiasmo com a descoberta da França, o longínquo amor que sentia por ela antes de a conhecer, e o amor que crescia diariamente, desde que teve a sorte de nela viver.
Uh, Mr. Johnson, uh may I suggest that we do what all actors have always done since before the days of thespians and William Shakespeare.
Sr. Johnson, posso sugerir-lhe que façamos o que fizeram todos os actores desde os tempos de Talía e Shakespeare?
Since I was young I was always taught A lady must obey
Desde que era nova sempre me ensinaram que uma senhora deve obedecer
Ever since he was a child, Ernesto was always in trouble.
O Ernesto, desde criança, que era um homem de maus instintos.
As we were always been bound, since we were boys together.
Como sempre estivemos juntos, desde que éramos crianças.
Ever since I was a child, I've always thought of him as an older brother.
Desde que eu era criança, sempre pensei nele como num irmão mais velho.
Always been a friend of the Cherokees. Got no bones to pick with the others since we made peace.
Sempre fui amigo dos Cherokee e desde o tratado não tenho problemas com ninguém.
Father and I have put up with every vicious thing.. You could think of since you were a child And we've always forgiven you.
Eu e o pai aturamos todos os vícios... que podia conceber desde criança.
I always have, you know, ever since we were kids.
Sempre o fiz, desde que éramos crianças.
Since you've always taken such great interest in my business let's see how good a detective you are.
Desde quandose interessa tanto por meu negócio? - Vamos ver se é boa detetive?
We've known each other since we were 17, and I always thought that...
Nos conhecemos desde que nós tínhamos 17 anos, e eu sempre pensei assim.
E-Ever since I was a little girl, I've always thought it sad.
Desde pequena me parecia triste.
I've always been alone... ever since I was a kid.
Estive sempre muito só... desde a infância.
"Ever since I've fallen in love with you..." "l've been meeting you and I always will"
Desde que apaixonei-me por si cada vez a conheço melhor
Not since yesterday morning, sir, when Professor Gaskell came down for them, just as he always done.
- Ontem de manhã. O professor Gaskell levou-os.
We were always together since childhood.
Sempre estivemos juntas desde criança.
Ever since she was little, it was always Marc.
Desde que era pequena, sempre foi, Marc.
Since I graduated, I feel like I have to always be rude. Do you understand?
Desde o colégio que só me apetece ser descarado, percebes?
I don't like to be always repeating myself but how long since I remarked that you are the loveliest woman I've ever known?
Não gosto de ser repetitivo... mas quando te disse... que é a mulher mais encantadora que já conheci?
I ran away from my village when I was still a boy, and I've always been reserved and impulsive ever since.
Saí da minha aldeia ainda era criança. Sempre fiquei preso em Porsino, até agora.
They always were it, since I am there.
Têm estado sempre assim desde que estou aqui.
He was almost always in a state of deep depression ever since these disturbances began...
Estava profundamente deprimido. Por causa desta confusão toda...
Now... Well, since I always like to help a compatriot if they seem to be in trouble...
Gosto de ajudar os compatriotas quando estão em apuros.
You know, since I was a boy, I always dreamed of you like that.
Sabes, desde pequenino sempre sonhei contigo assim :
I always had the feeling, in view of some of the information we've had since of the tendency on the part of some of the real military hotheads in Japan, to think that this was perhaps the best way out, that we might have been able to avoid the dropping of the bomb.
Sempre achei, à luz das informações que tivemos sobre a tendência de alguns militares extremistas japoneses, sempre achei que esta era a melhor solução, que assim teríamos evitado usar a bomba.
You've always been good to me, ever since I first came here.
Sempre foi bom para mim, desde que aqui cheguei.
Listen, Daddy, since I was born, money has always been our only inspiration.
- Outro capricho? Olha, papai, desde que eu nasci, dinheiro tem sido sempre nossa única inspiração.
I've always loved you ever since we were kids.
Sempre te amei. Desde crianças.
But then there's the love I've always dreamed of - ever since I was a little girl.
E depois, o amor com que sempre sonhei desde criança.
And since I know from the beginning... that I've always been an ugly man...
E já que era bastante feio dantes...
I've always loved you, aver since I was a girl
Sempre te amei, desde que era pequena.
What I've always wanted, ever since I first created you - to help you.
Aquilo que sempre quis desde que os criei ajudá-los. - Como?
Since there's no tourists there... it's always half empty!
Como há poucos turista lá, sempre tem vagas.
Maharaj saw Madam at one of her performances and since then... has always been by her side
Eu não sei. As pessoas dizem que Maharaj viu-a durante um espectáculo.
Since criminals always return to the scene of the crime.
Dizem que os criminosos sempre voltam à cena do crime.
Since Bo and Luke were always messing with cars... they knew every junkyard like a lover's face.
Como andavam sempre à volta dos carros. conheciam cada sucata como a palma das mãos.
I'm always sick in storms, ever since I was a boy.
Eu fico sempre enjoado nas tempestades, desde pequeno.
I've always been afraid of the sun... since the Qattara.
E falei sério sobre não estar aqui quando Wyndham sair.
But he didn't know how to go about it... since he, having always been fucked, didn't know how to fuck a guy.
Mas não sabia como fazê-lo, já que, tendo sempre sido fodido, não sabia como foder um tipo.

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