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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ T ] / The chairs

The chairs traduction Portugais

640 traduction parallèle
- No one asked for the chairs.
... - Ninguém pediu cadeiras!
- Who bow and smile and scrape and spend their nights gnawing the chairs and floors out from under us all.
- Curvam-se, sorriem, fazem mesuras e passam as noites a puxar as cadeiras e o chão debaixo de todos nós.
Any footprints on the chairs?
Há pegadas nas cadeiras?
Anyway, he admired the chairs. Extravagant fellow.
Ele gostou das cadeiras, era um tipo extravagante.
I got it for the chairs, of course.
Vendi as cadeiras, claro.
You sold the chairs to gamble all your money on a horse. Not exactly.
Vendeste as cadeiras para apostar todo o teu dinheiro num cavalo?
and sketches, from which You'll fall off the chairs!
e números que vão fazer-vos cair da cadeira!
We'll cover the chairs. The club chairs.
Vamos cobrir as cadeiras.
The chairs are alright.
Boas cadeiras.
Even the chairs from the bar were used but weren't enough for the crowd.
Inclusive as cadeiras do bar foram insuficientes face à afluência do público.
I sewed them into one of the chairs. - What?
Cosi-os no forro de uma das cadeiras.
I sewed them into one of the chairs.
Cosi-os no forro de uma das cadeiras.
Did they keep the chairs?
Ficaram com as cadeiras?
The chairs are in Moscow.
As cadeiras estão em Moscovo.
The chairs are not here.
As cadeiras não estão aqui. Veja!
We will get the chairs at closing time.
Apanhamos as cadeiras na hora de encerramento.
Now... take the chairs to the freight entrance.
Agora... Levem as cadeiras para a entrada de carga.
The chairs!
As cadeiras!
The chairs belonged to my wife and her mother before her... and now my wife is ill.
As cadeiras pertenciam à minha mulher, e à mãe dela antes. E agora a minha mulher está doente.
Shall we give him the chairs?
Damos-lhe as cadeiras?
- You dirty... I'm sorry. I cannot let you have the chairs.
Lamento, mas não o posso deixar ficar com as cadeiras.
Chairs, tables, up against the windows!
Cadeiras e mesas contra as janelas.
And the whole crowd rose and they jumped on the... chairs and the German national hymn and the Horst Wessel Lied was being sung and everybody was crying and singing and raising their hands.
As pessoas ficaram satisfeitas, subiram às cadeiras, cantaram o hino alemão e a Horst Wessellied. Todos choravam, cantavam e levantavam as mãos.
The missing chairs, old man.
- As cadeiras que desapareceram.
Yes, the chairs.
- Sim, as cadeiras.
No, I want it to look like the other chairs.
Não, só quero que fique idêntica às outras cadeiras.
We were going to take up the small chairs and tables and the standing lamp, and even the rug.
As mesas e cadeiras pequenas, o abajur e até mesmo o tapete.
My spinet... over there, and the table here, and... my own chairs to rest upon.
- Meu piano, ali e a mesa aqui, E... minhas próprias cadeiras para descansar.
"... have quietly reserved adjacent deck chairs on the Liberté, sailing today. "
... "têm espreguiçadeiras contíguas no Liberté, que parte hoje."
Fetch the sedan chairs
Vai buscar os palanquins!
Order the sedan chairs.
Pede os palanquins!
Then the upper decks, masts, tables, chairs, windows... ladders, everything, including the lifeboats.
Depois o convés superior, mastros, mesas, cadeiras, janelas... corrimões, tudo, incluindo os botes salva-vidas.
Those two chairs are the old man's bed.
Essas duas cadeiras são a cama do velho.
See, and these chairs, they both match to the sofa.
Repara, e estas cadeiras, a condizer com o sofá.
I stack chairs and sweep the floor in each bar of Bourbon Street.
empilhei cadeiras e varrido o chão em cada bar da rua Bourbon.
In the old man's shack, there was a bed, a table, chairs and a place to cook with charcoal.
No barracão do velho, havia | uma cama, uma mesa, cadeiras... e um local para cozinhar com carvão.
Kids can scare themselves... by lying in the dark and making ghosts out of chairs, but we can't.
As crianças se assustam brincando de fantasma, mas nós näo.
And some chairs in the atrium.
E cadeiras no átrio.
They should have chairs like this in the prison. Yes, most certainly.
- Deviam ter cadeiras destas na prisäo.
Do passengers sometimes sleep in the deck chairs?
É verdade que alguns passageiros dormem em espreguiçadeiras ali atrás?
Oh, uh, would you put those chairs over there, and could you get me two more for the hors d'oeuvre table?
Oh, uh, põe aquelas cadeiras ali... e podes pôr mais duas na mesa dos acepipes?
With so many volunteers, I have decided... to choose the spy by playing musical chairs.
Perante uma tão grande afluência de voluntários, vamos recorrer à dança das cadeiras para escolher o espião.
Look at the back of the chairs.
Não acredito que estou perguntando tudo isso.
I bet when the mice see her, they jump on chairs.
Aposto que os ratos sobem em cadeiras quando a vêem.
Well, I'm sorry about the shortage of chairs but this won't take too long. Perhaps you'd be...
Desculpem a falta de cadeiras,... mas isto não vai demorar muito.
Drop the tables and chairs Get them beds up the stairs
Deixem as mesas e as cadeiras Arranjem-lhes camas lá em cima
In the enthusiasm of my confidence... I brought chairs into the room... and desired them here to rest from their fatigues... while I myself... in the wild audacity of my perfect triumph... placed my own feet upon the very spot... beneath which reposed the corpse of the victim.
E com o entusiasmo da minha confiança, trouxe cadeiras para o quarto, e... pedi que descansassem um pouco do trabalho, enquanto eu mesmo, com a ousadia selvagem de meu triunfo perfeito, coloquei minha cadeira sobre o lugar preciso
the king of India with his elephant, the king of Africa with his camel, the king of Siam with his cats, coaches, and sedan chairs.
o da Índia, com seu elefante. o da África com seus camelos. O rei do Siam com seus gatos, limusines e portadores.
Now what happened to the other 11 chairs?
Agora, o que aconteceu às outras onze cadeiras?
Get those Hambs dining room chairs... and put them on the cart.
Peguem nestas cadeiras de sala de jantar Hams e coloquem-nas no carro.
Bender, the other three chairs in the hold.
Trate das outras três cadeiras no porão.

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