To you traduction Portugais
1,688,873 traduction parallèle
I'm so sorry that I lied to you about a life-changing voice-over opportunity, and then bullied you for 40 years.
Sinto muito por ter mentido sobre a sua importante oportunidade e por ter intimidado você por 40 anos.
According to your statement, your wife dropped you at college at 8 : 00 a.m.
De acordo com o seu depoimento, a sua mulher deixou-o na escola às 08 : 00.
You don't have to stop holding hands.
Não precisam parar de dar as mãos.
My guess is, you made the choice to hold hands a long time ago, and then you're like, "How do we break this holding hands thing?"
Meu palpite é que vocês decidiram dar as mãos já faz um bom tempo, e, agora, pensaram : "Como podemos parar com isso?"
I don't need you to write for me. I don't need you at all.
Não preciso que escreva para mim.
Hey, Ravi, what are you doing after the show, you want to hang out?
Ei, Ravi, o que você vai fazer depois do show? Quer sair?
Random to see you here.
Que inesperado, você aqui.
Why don't you go to a B. Dalton Bookseller on the way, while you're at it?
Já agora, porque não vais a uma B. Dalton no caminho?
Speaking of vestiaries, I cleared out a whole bedroom closet for you to use.
Por falar nisso, tens um guarda-fatos inteiro à tua disposição.
Besides, you look exactly the same to me.
Além disso, para mim estás igualzinho.
That's something you're gonna have to figure out on your own.
É algo que vais ter de descobrir sozinho.
You're going up to this camp.
Vais a esse campo.
[both chuckle] What the hell, man? You just handed our baby to a stranger.
Acabaste de dar a nossa bebé a uma estranha.
Hey, babe, did you remember to bring the box fan?
Trouxeste a ventoinha?
Well, it's the last day of camp, so once again, it's time for all of you to grab that one last kiss, last dance, last... [chuckles] Well, you know what I mean.
É o último dia do campo, portanto, está novamente na altura... NO AR... daquele último beijo, última dança, última... Vocês sabem o que quero dizer.
- How about you? What are you up to?
Que fazes?
It takes such a risk to do what you do, and just put it all out there and just create something out of nothing.
É um risco tão grande o que fazes, dar tudo e criar algo do nada.
And then you have it and then it goes out into the world and everybody else gets to pass it around.
Quando nasce, sai e passa por toda a gente.
- You have to deliver the film...
- Tens de parir o filme...
McKinley, you have to calm down.
McKinley, tens de te acalmar.
Oh, guys, I wanted to take a moment to say that it's so great to have you all back.
Gostaria de dizer a todos que é fantástico ter-vos de volta.
Look at what you've done to him.
Olhe aquilo que lhe fez.
Look, you've been asked to come back because we believe you can help.
Pedimos-lhe para que voltasse porque pensamos que nos poderá ajudar.
Evie, something you think might be trivial could actually turn out to be crucial.
Evie, algo que te pareça trivial pode, na verdade, acabar por ser crucial.
I don't want you to go back in prison.
Não quero que voltes para a prisão.
You'll have to ask him.
Terá que lhe pedir.
And then you walked to town for a meditation session?
E, depois, foi a pé até à cidade para uma sessão de meditação?
The governors wanted to expel him, but you intervened.
Os directores queriam expulsá-lo, mas... você interveio.
Have you made contact with any known criminals, or have they made contact with or attempted to make contact with you?
Manteve contacto com algum criminoso conhecido, ou eles mantiveram contacto ou tentaram estabelecer contacto contigo?
Do you want to talk about what happened last night?
Queres falar sobre aquilo que aconteceu ontem à noite?
Do you want... Do you want to talk about that?
Queres falar sobre isso?
You know, the past doesn't have to rule your life.
Sabe, o passado não tem que comandar a tua vida.
- You've got to promise me, Evie.
- Precisas de me prometer, Evie.
To be honest with you, mate, I'm not too sure.
Para ser sincero consigo, amigo, não tenho a certeza.
It'd be cheaper to repair it, but if you want a proper job, replace it.
Seria mais barato arranjá-lo, mas... se quiser algo bem feito, substitua-o.
You told him his mental-health issues were due to the repression of his desires.
Você disse-lhe que os seus problemas mentais eram causados pela repressão dos desejos dele.
You advised him to express his shadow side.
Aconselhou-o a expressar o seu lado sombrio.
You go out of your way to try and control people.
Você esforça-se para controlar as pessoas.
Did you not think to mention that in your initial statement?
Nunca pensou em mencionar isso no seu depoimento inicial?
I told you to stay in the boat.
Disse-te para ficares no barco.
What were you doing talking to him?
Porque é que estavas a falar com ele?
You know, he's married to a copper.
Sabes... ele é casado com uma agente da Polícia.
- I want you to take it.
- Quero que fiques com ele.
You want me to prove myself, yeah?
Queres que prove o meu valor, sim?
I want you to take the money and go!
Quero que pegues no dinheiro e te vás embora!
You want me to go?
Queres que eu vá?
- No, I'd rather you lied to me.
- Não, preferia que me mentisses.
Why would you want to kill a wolf?
Porque é que matarias um lobo?
You need to be careful up there.
Tens que ter cuidado lá em cima.
Allowing you to think how clever you were to find it.
Deixando-o a pensar quão inteligente foi por o ter encontrado.
You're married to that copper who was around Dolly's.
É casado com aquela polícia que andava atrás do Dolly.
to you too 24
to your knowledge 54
to your positions 16
to your 24
to your health 109
to your family 22
to your place 20
to your right 61
to your mother 18
to your father 32
to your knowledge 54
to your positions 16
to your 24
to your health 109
to your family 22
to your place 20
to your right 61
to your mother 18
to your father 32
to your left 71
to yourself 36
you know 156049
you know what 23733
you see 13602
you will be 199
you got this 563
young 1055
your 1839
you got it 4932
to yourself 36
you know 156049
you know what 23733
you see 13602
you will be 199
you got this 563
young 1055
your 1839
you got it 4932
youtube 39
you suck 398
you can do it 1412
you bitch 789
you're cute 195
you okay 9168
youn 21
yourself 387
your hat 64
your own 34
you suck 398
you can do it 1412
you bitch 789
you're cute 195
you okay 9168
youn 21
yourself 387
your hat 64
your own 34
your phone 169
yours 1007
your honor 7894
you tell 24
younger 104
you got a pen 63
you know that 5741
you are 6060
your full name 16
you're welcome 5601
yours 1007
your honor 7894
you tell 24
younger 104
you got a pen 63
you know that 5741
you are 6060
your full name 16
you're welcome 5601