You tell me that traduction Portugais
12,892 traduction parallèle
The other night, didn't you tell me that Jesus spoke to you personally?
No outro dia, não me disseste que Jesus falou contigo pessoalmente?
Why wouldn't you tell me that it was your father's place?
Porque não me disseste que era a casa do teu pai?
Why didn't you tell me that you're sick?
Porque não me disseste que estás doente?
You don't want to tell me? That's all right.
Está bem.
You're going to tell me that you're Jesse's mother?
Vai dizer-me que é a mãe da Jesse?
Then what is it that you want, Grace? Tell me.
Diz, o que queres Grace?
Did you or did you not tell me that Jesus spoke to you personally?
Disseste-me ou não que Jesus falou contigo?
Um... could you not tell anyone that you saw me outside at the medical center today?
Podes não dizer a ninguém que me viste hoje à porta do centro médico?
It pleases me to tell you that she is quite well.
É com muito gosto que te digo que ela está muito bem.
I've been saving your ass for three years and you come with your smiling faggot face to tell me that a dumbass will be my boss just because you want to fuck her?
Há três anos que te safo de clientes, para vires com cara de maricas sorridente dizer-me que uma idiota será minha chefe, só porque a queres foder?
Don't tell me you never did anything like that.
Diz-me que nunca fizeste nada assim quando eras miúda.
I was thinking maybe you could tell me a little bit more about that conversation between the two of you.
Talvez me possas contar mais sobre a conversa que tiveram.
I'll tell you what. You find me that lens, and you and I are gonna figure out what those RAPs are doing up there.
Traz-me as lentes, e tu e eu vamos descobrir o que os RAP andam a fazer lá em cima.
I need you to promise me that you won't tell anyone.
Preciso que me prometas que não o irás contar a ninguém.
Trust me when I tell you that you are lucky.
Acredita quando te digo que tens sorte.
You can't tell me that you think this is just some series of impossible coincidences?
Não me podes dizer que achas que isto é só uma série de coincidências impossiveis.
How about you tell me something so I know that this is real, and that this isn't a trap?
Que tal dizeres-me algo, para que eu saiba que isto é real, e que não é nenhuma armadilha?
Uh... You're gonna laugh at me, so I don't wanna tell you that.
Vais rir-te de mim, por isso, não te quero dizer.
- Why wouldn't you tell me - that it was your father's place?
- Porque não me disseste que era a casa do teu pai?
Yeah, Jenny wasn't gonna tell me that she'd seen you.
Pois, a Jenny não ia contar-me que esteve consigo.
Believe me when I tell you that the best thing for yourselves and for this mission is to make the repairs to the Waverider here in 2046 then head back to your own time and make sure that none of this ever comes to be.
Acreditem, o melhor para todos e para esta a missão, é reparar a Waverider aqui em 2046, depois voltar ao nosso tempo e ter a certeza que nada disto nunca aconteça.
Then now is not the right time for me to say it... but please, remind me later to tell you that I told you so.
Esta não é uma boa altura para dizer, mas lembre-me mais tarde de dizer que eu a avisei.
Why don't you tell me how I know that?
Porque não me contas como eu sei disto?
How could you not tell me that you're alive?
Como não me pudeste dizer que estavas viva?
So you're going to come with me and you're gonna do everything that I tell you, because I know you don't want to die again.
Por isso tu vens comigo e vais fazer tudo o que eu mandar porque seu que não queres morrer de novo.
You set me free and I'll tell you a secret about those talons sitting in that jar over there.
Tu libertas-me e eu conto-te um segredo sobre aquelas unhas dentro daquele frasco ali.
'Cause they're not gonna remember me, so you have to tell them that I'm here.
Porque eles não se vão recordar de mim. - Tens que lhes dizer que estou aqui.
Couldn't call me to tell me that you're late for our lunch?
Não pudeste ligar-me a dizer que vinhas atrasada para o nosso almoço.
Why didn't you tell me about this when you came home from that trip?
Porque não me contaste isso quando voltaste daquela viagem?
I saw them in town... and they... didn't want you to know that they were getting close to getting back together so they asked me not to tell you.
E vi-os na cidade, e eles... não queriam que tu soubesses que eles estavam prestes a juntar-se. Por isso, pediram-me para não te dizer.
Yeah, I mean, this is, like, my first accident ever since I've been driving for, like, a year and a half and I just, I really wanna make sure that you take a good look and tell me
É o meu primeiro acidente desde que conduzo há um ano e meio. Só quero ter a certeza de que viu e me disse que não há nenhum verdadeiro dano.
So you tell me how am I supposed to take that away from Thea?
Então digam-me, como tiro isto da Thea?
You will never sacrifice your city to save your son, and believe me when I tell you that I am only making the same choice.
Nunca sacrificavas a tua cidade para salvares o teu filho. Acredita em mim quando digo que estou a fazer a mesma escolha. Não.
I feel like this might be our window, and with everything that we have gone through over the past few months, I want you to tell me why are we waiting?
Penso que esta é a nossa oportunidade, e por tudo o que passámos nos últimos meses, quero que me digas... Do que estamos à espera?
I can't believe that you have a child that you didn't tell me about.
Não acredito que tens um filho e não me contaste.
- You promised me that you wouldn't tell anyone about my son.
Prometeste que não contavas a ninguém sobre o meu filho.
Mm-hmm. Why wouldn't you tell me that?
Porque não me contaste?
Tell me, what could i possibly teach you that would change what you saw?
Agora, diga-me, o que lhe poderia ensinar que iria mudar o que viu?
Tell me, how's it feel knowing that you had no problem pulling the trigger to protect a bunch of afghanis that you never knew, but you don't have the guts to do what's necessary to protect your own wife and child?
Diz-me. Como te sentes sabendo que não tens problemas em disparar para proteger um grupo de afegãos que não conhecias, mas não tens coragem para fazer o que é necessário para proteger a tua mulher e a tua filha?
Are you really going to stand here- - Heh--and tell me that you've changed?
Vais mesmo dizer... que mudaste?
Oh, Peter, don't tell me you two fell for that scam.
Peter, não me digas que os dois caíram nesse esquema. O quê?
Well, you better tell me who that is or you're in a lot of trouble.
Bem, é melhor dizer-me quem é ou está em grandes sarilhos.
You were the only thing that kept me going and the worst part was thinking that I was gonna die without ever getting the chance to tell you...
Só tu me mantiveste vivo. E o pior foi pensar que ia morrer sem ter a oportunidade de te dizer que lamento muito.
Please tell me you know that's the dress.
Por favor, diga-me que sabe que este é o vestido.
Please tell me that you're not actually thinking of working with Pandora.
Por favor, diz-me que não pensas em trabalhar com a Pandora.
Why would you not just tell me that?
Porque não me disseste simplesmente isso? Não sei.
You can tell me that, Right?
Podes-me dizer isso, não podes?
If you think I'm gonna talk to you differently now that you're Pope, let me tell you something, Lenny, that's never going to happen.
Se acha que falarei de outra maneira agora que é Papa, fique a saber : isso nunca vai acontecer.
Tell me right now, or what you've seen so far will be nothing but a foretaste of the macabre banquet that will bring on the ruin of the Church.
Conte-me agora mesmo... ou o que viu até agora não terá sido nada além de um aperitivo do banquete macabro... que arruinará a Igreja.
And do you know how I manage to learn all the irrelevant things that no one wants to tell me?
E sabe como dou um jeito de saber tudo de irrelevante quando não me querem contar?
You tell me about the irrelevant things that you and the Pope say to each other and I will never tell anyone that I got them from you.
Conte-me as coisas irrelevantes que você e o Papa partilham. Jamais contarei a ninguém que soube por si.
you tell 24
you tell me the truth 27
you tell me 1648
you tell me everything 17
you tell the truth 18
you tell me now 18
you tell me where she is 17
you tell him that 29
you tell her 118
you tell her that 18
you tell me the truth 27
you tell me 1648
you tell me everything 17
you tell the truth 18
you tell me now 18
you tell me where she is 17
you tell him that 29
you tell her 118
you tell her that 18
you tell us 95
you tell him 247
you tell it 16
you tell' em 46
you tell them 83
tell me that you love me 17
tell me that 72
tell me that's not true 17
you think you're better than me 60
you too 3331
you tell him 247
you tell it 16
you tell' em 46
you tell them 83
tell me that you love me 17
tell me that 72
tell me that's not true 17
you think you're better than me 60
you too 3331
you talking to me 61
you think you know me 62
you took your time 70
you took everything from me 17
you talk too much 145
you think you're funny 32
you think i'm stupid 121
you took 32
you take care of yourself 138
you think you can handle that 27
you think you know me 62
you took your time 70
you took everything from me 17
you talk too much 145
you think you're funny 32
you think i'm stupid 121
you took 32
you take care of yourself 138
you think you can handle that 27