He was born in traduction Turc
462 traduction parallèle
He was born in Jerusalem.
O Kudüs'de doğmuş.
Well, maybe I'm wrong. He was born in 1685 and died in 1750.
Belki de yanılıyorumdur. 1685'te doğup 1750'de ölmüş olmalı.
He was born in 1910, so that makes him about 40.
1910'da doğmuş, ve bu onu yaklaşık 40 yapar.
He was born in my father's time. Now he tries to depose me.
Babamın döneminde doğdu, şimdi beni tahttan indirmeye çalışıyor.
He was born in a slum.
Bir kenar mahallede doğdu.
He was born in this shack.
Bu kulübede doğdu.
He was born in the new hospital.
Yeni yapılan hastanede doğdu.
I told you I just want to see the town he was born in.
Dedim ya, sadece doğduğu kasabayı görmek istiyorum.
To this end He said He was born in that stable where I first saw Him.
O ahırda, onu ilk gördüğüm yerde bu son için doğduğunu söyledi.
If it's true he was 33 years old, he was born in'84.
33 yaşında öldüğü bilinir, 1884 doğumluların yaşında.
Just that he was born in Marseille.
- Marsilya'da doğduğunu söylüyor, sadece.
He was born in 1885.
1885'te doğdu.
- He was born in Bethlehem.
- Beytüllahim'de doğdu.
He was born in Ur of the Chaldees.
Kildanilerin Ur şehrinde doğdu.
He was born in Cerda, Sicily, you know.
Biliyorsun ki o Sicilya, Serda'da doğdu.
He was born in that desert.
O çölde doğmuş.
He was born in June 1949, the fourth son of an apple farmer in the rural district of Yobito in the outskirts of the Hokkaido city of Abashiri.
Abashiride Hokkaidonun varoslarindaki Yobitonun kirsalinda bir elma ciftcisinin dorduncu cocugu olarak haziran 1949da dogdu.
He was born in Russia.
Rusya'da doğmuş.
He was born in jail, in France, in La Roquette
Fransa'da, La Roquette hapishanesinde dünyaya geldi.
Just think, my grandfather was called Homer, and I believe he was born in these parts.
Dedeme "Homer" derlerdi, onun bu topraklarda doğduğuna inanıyorum.
He was born in 1 636 and died in 1 71 1.
1636 yılında doğmuş ve 1711 yılında gözlerini hayata kapamıştır.
He came out of Five Points... but he's been telling everybody he was born in Forest Hills.
Beş Noktadan gelmiş ama herkese Forest Hill'de doğduğunu anlatıyor.
- He was born in a melon field.
- Adam karpuz tarlasında doğmuş.
- He Was born in December, right?
- Aralık'ta doğdu, doğru mu?
He was born in December...
O Aralık'ta doğdu...
- He was born in San Francisco in 1906.
- 1906 San Francisco dogumlu.
He was born in the straw, and this is his law.
O samanların içinde doğdu, ve bu da onun kuralı
The day he was born, there was salt in the air... a great quantity of salt.
Doğduğu gün havada tuz vardı... hemde çok fazla tuz vardı.
The day he was born, there was salt in the air.
Doğduğu gün, havada tuz vardı.
He used to live here in this town before I was born.
Ben doğmadan önce bu şehirde yaşıyormuş.
- Like animals he was born and raised in the jungle.
- Hayvanlar gibi ormanda doğdu ve büyüdü.
- He was not born in the jungle!
- Ormanda doğmadı!
Well, all we know of dimitrios is that he was born in 1889.
Dimitrios hakkında tüm bildiğimiz 1889 senesinde doğduğuydu.
And here he was, back in the slums Where we were born.
İşte buradaydı, doğduğumuz varoşlara dönmüştü.
He was born and bred in Ireland
İrlanda'da doğmuş ve büyümüş
He was not born in the faith of our fathers.
Atalarımızın inancında doğmamıştır.
Ever since he come from the South... I seen he was born with a big fat burr in his britches.
Güneyden geldiğinden beri... sürekli bela peşinde koşar.
The time that he and my father drove off a pack of Indians the night that Wade was born?
Wade`in doğduğu gece babamla birlikte yerlileri defetmediler mi?
You know, born in a slum, mother dead since he was nine.
Bilirsiniz, kenar mahallede doğmuş, dokuz yaşındayken annesi ölmüş.
We told him how one pinto sykes is wanted by the law in three states, but treats this town like it was his personal property just because he was born and raised here.
Pinto Sykes'ın üç eyalette kanun kaçağı olduğunu ama burada doğup büyüdüğü için kasabaya kendi malıymış gibi davrandığını söyledik.
This film was shot in Sicily. In Montelepre, where Salvatore Giuliano was born. In the houses, roads, and mountains where he reigned for seven years.
Bu film Sicilya'da Salvatore Giuliano'nun doğduğu Montelepre'de, yani 7 yıl boyunca saltanat sürdüğü evlerde, yollarda ve dağlarda kaçak olarak son aylarını yaşadığı Castelvetrano'daki evde ve bir sabah cesedinin bulunduğu avluda çekilmiştir.
The man is 30 years old, born in London and he was wearing an Etonian tie.
Adam 30 yaşında, Londra'da doğmuş ve kolej kravatı takıyordu.
"Lincoln was born poor in a log cabin, but he beat the odds and became president of the United States!"
"Lincoln fakir bir kulübede doğmuştu ama yılmadı ve Birleşik Devletler'in başkanı oldu!"
"Born in Glasgow in 1846, " he was soon after brought to New York.
" 1846'da Glasgow'da doğduktan kısa süre sonra New York'a getirildi.
Whatever villainy was lacking in the world when Henry VII was born, he invented before he left it.
Henry doğduğunda, dünyada ne habislik eksikse o, ölmeden icat etti.
The only man in the world who has been proved that he died and was born again.
Dünyada, bugüne kadar tek bir adamın, ölüp, yeniden doğduğu kanıtlandı.
And was he born in...?
Nerede doğdu demiştin?
He says Sylvie was born in a garbage can.
Caludio, Sylvie'nin çöp kutusunda doğduğunu sanıyor.
He was born on 15 July 1606 in Leiden as the eighth child in a family of nine.
# Dokuz çocuklu bir ailenin sekizinci çocuğu olarak... #... 15 Temmuz 1606'da Leyden kentinde dünyaya gelmiştir.
He was born to elena borassa And rudy mathias in the old country In 1892.
Elena Buljaresh ve Rowdy Madahas'ın oğlu olarak eski ülkede 1892'de doğdu.
He was born here, in Salem's Lot.
Burada, Salem's Lot'da doğmuş.
he wasn't 318
he was my father 53
he was 2419
he was amazing 28
he was scared 75
he was my brother 71
he wasn't there 132
he was arrested 41
he was a jerk 20
he was alive 33
he was my father 53
he was 2419
he was amazing 28
he was scared 75
he was my brother 71
he wasn't there 132
he was arrested 41
he was a jerk 20
he was alive 33
he was afraid 36
he was right 258
he was wrong 76
he was a nice guy 31
he was a hero 41
he was a friend of mine 20
he was gone 162
he was a good man 245
he was a wonderful man 18
he was like 112
he was right 258
he was wrong 76
he was a nice guy 31
he was a hero 41
he was a friend of mine 20
he was gone 162
he was a good man 245
he was a wonderful man 18
he was like 112
he was drunk 101
he was here 335
he was angry 46
he was dead 174
he was just a kid 30
he was a 123
he was young 27
he was alone 51
he was just 83
he was nice 64
he was here 335
he was angry 46
he was dead 174
he was just a kid 30
he was a 123
he was young 27
he was alone 51
he was just 83
he was nice 64