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Gayet iyisin traduction Anglais

359 traduction parallèle
Gayet iyisin.
You're sitting pretty.
Şu an gayet iyisin.
Now, you're all right.
Yeni başlayan biri için gayet iyisin.
You're doing well for a beginner.
Gayet iyisin.
Well, you're quite good. Thank you.
- Bu işte de gayet iyisin.
And you're pretty good at it.
Bence sen gayet iyisin.
I think you're just fine.
Evet, gayet iyisin.
Yeah, you're fine, all right.
- Doktor, gayet iyisin!
Oh Doctor, you're alright!
- Gayet iyisin.
- You're just lovely.
Bana göre bu halinle gayet iyisin.
For me you're fine as you are.
Gayet iyisin.
You're fine.
Gayet iyisin evlat.
You're doing fine, kid.
Gayet iyisin.
You're all right.
Gayet iyisin!
Not bad!
- Hayır, hayır. Gayet iyisin Koç.
- No, you are right, Coach.
Gayet iyisin, öyle değil mi?
Pretty great, huh?
- Hayır, gayet iyisin.
- You're great at it.
Hayır, gayet iyisin.
No, you're fine.
- Gayet iyisin.
- You're all right.
Fazla televizyon izlemem ama sen gayet iyisin.
I don't watch much television, but I think you're pretty good.
Bana göre gayet iyisin.
You look great to me. Mmm.
Gayet iyisin, Sam.
Looking pretty good, Sam.
- Gayet iyisin.
- You ´ re great.
- Gayet iyisin.
You look good.
Bak, gayet iyisin.
Listen, you're all right.
Gayet iyisin.
You do all right.
Gayet iyisin.
I thought you did okay.
- Gayet iyisin!
- You're doing great!
Sende bu işte gayet iyisin.
You did a really good job too.
Sen gayet iyisin.
- You're quite well.
Ve sen de gayet iyisin.
And you look like you're doing... -... very well. - Yeah.
Cora, gayet iyisin.
Cora, you're doing fine.
Gayet iyisin aslında.
You're actually pretty good at it.
Gayet iyisin Devam et.
Carry on.
Gayet iyisin.
You are all right.
- Bakıyorum, gayet iyisin.
I am looking at you. You're fine.
Çok gençsin ama kung-fu'da gayet iyisin.
You're so young, but your kung fu is so good already.
Gayet iyisin seni bataklık sıçanı!
You're all right, you old swamp rat!
Gayet iyisin.
You're good.
Evet, gayet iyisin.
Yeah, you're all right.
Şimdiye kadar gayet iyisin.
You're doing great.
- Gayet iyisin, merak etme.
- You'll be fine.
- Hayır gayet iyisin.
Is that it? No!
Genç yaşta ölmek için gayet iyisin.
Good enough to die young.
Sen gayet iyisin. - Ben...
- You're perfect.
Gayet iyisin, ama ben daha iyiyim.
You're good, but I'm better.
Nefret ettiğin bir yaratıkla karanlık bir köşede buluşmuş, eski çirkin günleri dinliyorsun çünkü gayet iyisin.
Stuck with a creature you loathe, digging'up past uglies, cos you're fine.
Gayet iyisin.
You really are pulling out all the moves.
Gayet sağlıklı ve iyisin.
They are healthy and strong.
Ama gayet iyisin.
But you're OK.
Bence gayet iyisin.
I think you're really getting good.

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