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Translate.vc / Turc → Anglais / [ T ] / Teslim ol

Teslim ol traduction Anglais

951 traduction parallèle
Teslim ol, Rico.
You'd better give up, Rico.
Devlet yetkililerinin teslim ol çağrısını reddetti ;
He refused demands to surrender to state authorities, saying,
Teslim ol!
Reach for it!
"Teslim ol, Dorothy."
SSurrender, Dorothy. " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " `
Arananlar listesinde bir numaraya yükselmişsen, adamı önce vurur, sonra teslim ol çağrısında bulunurlar.
When they hang that number-one tag on you... they shoot first and argue afterwards. I know.
Earle, teslim ol! Bu sana son uyarım!
Earle, come down, it's your last chance!
Teslim ol!
Give it up!
Teslim ol ve dışarı çık.
Come on, why don't you give in and get out.
Teslim ol General.
Surrender, General.
'Teslim Ol Kazan'diye bağırın.
Shout,'Surrender Kazan'.
Teslim ol!
Teslim ol!
Öyleyse teslim ol, korkak! Sağ kal ki, gezdirip dünyaya seyrettirelim seni görülmedik bir canavar seyrettirir gibi.
Then yield thee, coward, and live to be the show and gaze o'the time.
Teslim ol Bart. Her şey bitti.
You might as well give up, Bart. It's all over.
Git teslim ol!
Give yourself up!
Teslim ol!
Give yourself up!
- Polise git ve teslim ol.
- Go to the police and give yourself up.
- Teslim ol!
- Surrender!
Teslim ol.
Give up.
- Teslim ol, Mark!
- Give yourself up, Mark!
Teslim ol, Mark!
Give yourself up, Mark!
Pisciotta, çık teslim ol!
Pisciotta, come on out!
Oğlum, kendi iyiliğin için, çık teslim ol!
Son, come out, for your own good!
Teslim ol!
Son kez söylüyorum Favraux, teslim ol.
For the last time, Favraux, give yourself up
Kimble, teslim ol.
Kimble, let me take you in.
Teslim ol bana.
Let me take you in.
- Teslim ol Henry.
- Capitulate, Henry.
Teslim ol.
Turn yourself in.
Git ve teslim ol... ama ondan önce, biraz benimle kal.
Go and turn yourself in... but before that, stay with me a while.
Teslim ol.
Give yourselves up.
Teslim ol.
Kendin teslim ol Holman.
You give yourself up, Holman.
Dur ve teslim ol!
Stand and deliver!
Teslim ol, Johs!
Give up, Johs!
Teslim ol...
Release. Release.
Durumun mantığına teslim ol.
Yield to the logic of the situation.
- Teslim ol.
Buraya gel ve teslim ol!
Surrender yourself!
Serçe Mehmet teslim ol!
Serce Mehmet surrender!
Teslim ol!
Teslim ol.
Teslim ol.
Give yourself up.
Teslim ol Billy.
Give up, Billy.
git teslim ol, Shorty.
Give yourself up, Shorty.
Teslim ol!
Teslim ol!
Come with me.
Teslim olduğunda Schneider'a... sen göz kulak ol, tamam mı? Rahat ettir, her istediği sağlansın.
Make sure he's comfortable, that he gets everything he wants.
Teslim ol! Bakın orada onbaşım!
Leave him alone!
Birliğime tutuklu olarak teslim ol!
Report yourself under arrest to my headquarters!
Teslim ol!
Get out!

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