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As i understand it tradutor Espanhol

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As I understand it, you people, you were all downstairs when you heard the shots and you ran upstairs to the library. And that took about 40 seconds.
Segun tengo entendido, todos ustedes estaban abajo cuando escucharon los disparos y subir a la biblioteca les llevo 40 segundos
Because as I understand it, and I know that you'll correct me if I'm wrong... the courts were instituted for the protection of property.
Estos dos chicos deben ser castigados. Porque a mi entender... y sé que me corregirá si estoy equivocado los tribunales se crearon para proteger la propiedad privada.
As I understand it, you are charging the defendant for neglecting his duty and being a traitor to his country
Creo entender, que acusáis al reo de descuidar su deber y de traicionar a su país.
As I understand it, you're going to claim... that you were dictating a song.
Según entiendo, usted argumentará... que le estaba dictando una canción.
Well, Mr. Arden, as I understand it, your wife, Ellen Wagstaff Arden was a member of an anthropological expedition... -... shipwrecked off the coast of Indochina.
Sr. Arden, su mujer, Ellen Wagstaff Arden... era miembro de una expedición antropológica... que naufragó en las costas de Indochina.
- Quiet! As I understand it, your crooked friends are waiting for Mr. Engle with felonious intent.
Según entendí, esos rufianes están esperando al Sr. Engle, con intenciones deshonestas.
As I understand it, we don't belong to the Protective Association.
Según parece, no pertenecemos a la sociedad de protección.
Now, as I understand it, York, your detail came over that ridge there and captured about 30 men, right down in here.
Entonces, York, su destacamento pasó la cresta y cogió a 30 hombres aquí mismo. - Sí, señor.
Reasonable isn't the word, as I understand it.
Buen precio no es la palabra, según tengo entendido.
And then, as I understand it, one of the gods comes down... and speaks through one of the people.
Y después, según entiendo, uno de los dioses desciende... y habla a través de una persona.
As I understand it... in order to turn a person into a zombie... whether by poison or hocus-pocus... you must first kill that person.
Según lo entiendo... para que una persona se convierta en zombi... ya sea por veneno o por magia... primero hay que matarla.
Now, my dear Professor, as I understand it... you wish to make a guinea pig out of this caterpillar.
Querido profesor, por lo que veo... quiere convertir esta oruga en un conejillo de Indias.
As I understand it, you never told Zeena or anybody else... about giving Pete that bottle.
Según tengo entendido, nunca le contó a Zeena ni a nadie... que le dio esa botella a Pete.
Meanwhile, as I understand it, your marriage was merely... Legal. I would suggest, then, that you remain on with us for the time being...
Mientras tanto, como su matrimonio no llegó a consumarse, le sugiero que se quede con nosotros...
As I understand it, Mr. Stevenson saw Mr. Morano... but his request for an extension was most heartlessly refused.
Creo que el Sr. Stevenson vio al Sr. Morano. Pero su petición de prórroga fue totalmente denegada.
Forgiveness is still, as I understand it, among the Christian sentiments.
El perdón es, tal y como lo recuerdo, un sentimiento cristiano.
Tal y como yo lo veo, ésta es la historia, Sr. Matthews.
No, no. As I understand it, that's something very old.
No, que yo sepa es algo muy antiguo.
As I understand it,... Mr Birnley intends to manufacture and market this product.
- Intenta comercializar este producto.
As I understand it, it all boils down to a matter of dollar and cents.
Se trata de una suma no muy alta.
As I understand it, he plans to drop down at a different spot every hour till he finds it.
Supongo que piensa sumergirse en diferentes lugares hasta dar con él.
As I understand it, it requires a quarter of a million dollars to continue with the original plan.
Como lo entiendo, se requiere un cuarto de millón de dólares para continuar con el plan original.
- Well, as I understand it a tycoon is a man who has far-flung financial operations.
- Bueno, como yo lo entiendo... un magnate es un hombre que hace operaciones financieras arriesgadas.
As I understand it, Mrs. Lansdowne, you and Col. Mitchell have been close friends for a long time. That's right.
Según tengo entendido, Sra. Lansdowne, usted y el coronel Mitchell han sido buenos amigos mucho tiempo.
As I understand it, Admiral, you are no longer in active service. Is that right?
Según tengo entendido, Almirante, usted ya no está en el servicio activo, ¿ no es cierto?
As I understand it, Your Worship, he means after six large gins, he's as sober as a... judge.
Como yo lo entiendo, su señoría, después de seis ginebras se siente uno como un juez.
As I understand it, Conley will remain in our custody even though you'll take her outside the prison?
Si lo he entendido bien, Conley seguirá bajo nuestra custodia, -... incluso si la saca de la prisión.
Well, just this, Mrs. Hudson... as I understand it, you only paid $ 400 for that stole.
Bueno, Sra. Hudson... según tengo entendido, usted sólo pagó $ 400 por esa estola.
Listen, Madame X, as I understand it, your Michael has departed for Chicago firmly protesting his innocence.
A ver, Señora X, que yo sepa, Michael se fue a Chicago proclamando su inocencia.
As I understand it, you claim that while you were over a British airfield, you shot down three Hurricanes, possibly four, as they were going in to land, and destroyed five more on the ground.
Como lo veo, usted dice que mientras estuvo sobre un aeródromo inglés, derribó tres Hurricanes, tal vez cuatro, cuando estos iban a aterrizar, y destruyó cinco mas en tierra.
Oh, as I understand it, there were 19.
Oh, según tengo entendido, habían 19.
Yes. When you've been soldiering as long as I have you'll understand it's best to follow instructions regardless.
Con el tiempo en el servicio militar como el que yo tengo comprenderás que es mejor seguir las instrucciones. sea lo que sea
Well, I don't understand a woman who treats her husband's business as if it were a bad habit she couldn't break him of, and then spends every cent he makes.
No entiendo a las que tratan el trabajo de sus maridos... como un mal hábito del que no pueden alejarlos... y luego gastan cada centavo que ellos ganan.
I just wanted Belle to understand my position... same as I want you to understand it.
Sólo quería que Belle comprendiera mi posición... igual que quiero que la comprendas tú.
I didn't fully understand all he tried to tell me, but it was something about you living the rest of your life for him as he might have lived it himself if he'd had the right breaks when he was a kid.
No entendí bien lo que intentó decirme pero se trataba de que usted viviría por él... Después me pidió una foto de él.
I'm sure you'd understand if you'd thought about it as much...
Estoy seguro que lo entenderías si lo pensaras tanto como - - Oh.
She just told me all about it, and as I understand the facts of the case... you two aren't married at all.
Acaba de contarme todo, y según entiendo los hechos del caso no están casados.
Nothing, as i saw it, was more important than that the fighting nations should understand and trust each other.
Para mí, lo más importante era la comprensión y la confianza entre las naciones en lucha.
Collected on their honeymoon as I understand it.
Se lo dieron en su luna de miel, creo.
I couldn't understand what French consul said and the Mayor's wife looked at the silver as if it was stolen and then the sherbet came in ahead of the fish.
No entendía lo que decía el consul francés, la esposa del Alcalde miró la plata como si fuera robada y los pasteles llegaron antes que el pescado.
And if I were you, I'd see him first thing in the morning and tell him you didn't understand... that you're sorry, or as near it as you can manage.
Yo en su lugar iría a verle mañana a primera hora y le diría que fue un malentendido, que lo siente, o algo parecido que se le ocurra.
Sure, I understand, But this concerns me as much as it does you.
Sí, pero también me concierne a mí.
Now, as I understand it...
Según tengo entendido...
I doubt very much if it can die, as we understand dying.
Dudo que pueda morir según nuestro concepto.
As much of it as I understand anyway.
De acuerdo a cómo lo entendí.
But, understand me : It is not that I speak as they deserve of these Castilian towns, for their exemplary ways- -
¡ No es que no amen como se merece a estos pueblos castellanos de ejemplar raigambre!
I understand exactly what you're saying Anyway, I accept it as a loan, with this place as guarantee
Gracias por conseguirme el dinero, pero sé que es un préstamo avalado con mi casa.
As a man, I do understand it.
Como hombre, lo comprendo.
But since you dont understand, I may as well say it...
Pero puesto que no entendéis, no importa si lo digo...
If you knew Hunsecker as well as I did... you might understand why it is my business.
Si conocieras a Hunsecker como yo, comprenderías por qué me importa.
No, you do not understand how I feel and not care as his son, because it is not.
No, usted no entiende cómo me siento y no le cuidará como si fuera su hijo, porque no lo es.

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