Don't come out tradutor Espanhol
2,766 parallel translation
Don't make me come out there.
No me hagas entrar por ahí.
And I don't think he needs some statue from some organization that never liked his movies in the first place to come out and say, "We love you."
Y no creo que necesite una estatuilla de una organización a la que nunca le gustó sus películas en primer lugar que salga a decir : "Te queremos".
Why don't you come out?
¿ Por qué no sales?
Don't make a sound and don't come out until I come get you, okay?
¡ No hagas ruido! ¡ Luego vendré a buscarte!
- He don't really come out.
- No sale realmente.
And, I don't know, I just thought I'd stop and come out and feel Brooklyn, you know?
Pensé que ya era suficiente de tanto trabajo y, no sé, decidí hacer un alto, salir por un rato y sentir a Brooklyn, ya sabes.
Sometimes I feel like all I do is work, and, um I don't know, I decided to stop and come out and feel Brooklyn, you know?
Pensé que ya era suficiente de tanto trabajo y, no sé, decidí hacer un alto, salir por un rato y sentir a Brooklyn, ya sabes.
I don't think I'll ever be able to come out ofthis.
No creo que alguna vez seré capaz de salir de esto.
My mom says don't come home till the porch light's out.
Mamá dice que no vaya hasta que la luz del porche esté apagada.
Listen, if you don't come out right now, you'd be better off never coming out!
Escuchen, si no salen ya mismo, ¡ mejor que no salgan nunca!
Don't come until I'm out and away, okay?
No salgas hasta que esté lejos, ¿ sí?
Why don't you come on out, eh?
¿ Por qué no vienes, ¿ eh?
Don't come out.
No salgas.
I think you should take a bottle of tequila, I think you should walk out the door, and I don't think you need to ever come back.
Deberías tomarte una botella de tequila, salir por esa puerta, y no creo que necesites regresar.
You don't come out, I'm not going to leave you any food.
Si no sales, no te dejaré nada de comida.
Why don't you guys just go out of the room, one at a time come back in, and we'll see who's made of what, huh?
Muchachos, ¿ por qué no salen de a uno, vuelven a entrar y veremos qué hacen entonces?
Why don't you come out here and talk to me in person?
¿ Por qué no vienes y me hablas en persona?
Come to my gang if things don't work out here.
Búscame si las cosas no funcionan aquí.
So I ask him, I say, "How come you're goin'back to Mexico? Don't you like it out here in America?"
Le pregunté si le gustaba estar en Estados Unidos.
I mean, I can cry and make it look real and sound real, but I don't see how an actor can just automatically make actual tears come out whenever, I mean, it's like...
Quiero decir, puedo llorar y hacer que parezca real y sonido real, pero no veo como un actor puede hacer que llore automáticamente, lagrimas reales, quiero decir, es como...
What are you saying, why don't you come out with it?
¿ Que están diciendo? ¿ Porqué no van y me lo dicen?
Why don't we come out of retirement!
¿ porqué no salimos de nuestro retiro?
- They come out of comas, don't they?
- Salen del coma, ¿ no?
I don't know what they do when they come out in the rain.
Y no sé que es lo que hacen cuando salen a la lluvia.
Please don't judge me. This is the first time I've had a solo in front of a competition audience. I have this nightmare that I'm going to forget the lyrics or I'm going to sing and nothing is going to come out.
por favor no me juzgues ésta es la primera vez que tengo un solo en frente de mucho público tengo estas pesadillas en las cuales olvido la letra o voy a salir a cantar y nadie aparece bien, puedes juzgarme.
Clark, if you don't let me do this, there will never be a day when you can come out of hiding.
Clark, si no me dejas hacerlo, nunca llegará el día en que puedas salir de las sombras.
Why don't you just come out and tell me that you got an offer...
Por qué no vienes y me dices que te han hecho una oferta...
You don't got to come out here checking up on me, boy.
No tienes que venir a vigilarme, chico.
If you're trying to accuse me of something, counselor, why don't you just come out and say it?
Mira, si tratas de acusarme de algo, abogado ¿ por qué simplemente no lo dices?
If we don't return him, they'll figure it out, and they'll come after him, after us...
Si no se lo devolvemos, averiguarán lo que ha pasado, y vendrán a por él.
We actually don't need you to come and get bob out.
Ahora mismo no necesitamos que vengas y que saques a Bob.
In fact, I don't think you come out Looking so good here yourself.
De hecho, no creo que viniera buscando algo bueno por sí mismo.
I don't know what he'd eaten but it won't come out.
No sé lo que habría comido. Pero no sale.
You don't mind me saying, it's not safe for you to come out here alone like this, Superintendent.
Si no te importa que lo diga, no es seguro para ti venir aquí sola como ahora, Superintendente.
Get in and don't come out till I call you!
¡ Entra y no salgas hasta que te llame!
If I don't walk out of here, they're gonna come in for me.
Si no salgo de aquí, van a entrar a por mí.
Uh, you know, why don't you come out and talk to your sister?
Uh, ya sabes. ¿ Por qué no vienes fuera y hablas con tu hermana?
So, you see, when you come to school dressed like that, you give you give out the wrong signal. Don't you want people treat you with respect? Yo!
Cuando vienes a la escuela vestida así, estás mandando... la señal equivocada. ¿ No quieres que la gente te respete?
Honey, if you don't come back out, I'm callin'the police.
Cariño, si no sales, voy a llamar a la policía.
Well, then you get out of my gymnasium and don't come back!
¡ Entonces vete de mi gimnasio y no vuelvas!
They don't expect her to come out of the water ; they don't understand that shape, that wet smell, that calculated approach designed to cause stragglers to panic.
Ellos no esperan que los sorprenda en el agua, ellos no captan ese aspecto, ese olor a humedad, ese calculado acercamiento, planeado para causar pánico en los rezagados.
Just don't eat so much that noodles come out of your nose.
Sólo asegúrate de no comer mucho porque van a salirte los fideos por la nariz.
Murderers come along once in a blue moon over here and typically, they're family related, I mean, it's just how it works out, we don't have strange killings, it's just some family member got upset with the other and shot him, killed him dead, and they know they gonna go to penitentiary for a while.
Hay pocos homicidas por aquí y suelen ser pariente de la víctima así es como resulta no hay homicidios desconocidos es sólo un pariente que se enfadó con otro y le disparó, le mató y saben que irán a la cárcel por un tiempo.
How come you don't bring out the, uh, the flavor a little more?
¿ Porqué no sacas el, mmm, el sabor un poco mas?
I don't want to come out of the gate on the defensive.
Y no quiero arrancar a la defensiva.
Cass, I know this is difficult for you and I don't blame you for looking out for his welfare, but I promise you no harm will come to him.
Cass, sé que esto te resulta difícil y no te culpo por buscar su bienestar y te aseguro que no sufrirá ningún daño.
Police investigate the hell out of it, don't come up with anything, chalk it up to a stray bullet.
La policía investigó mucho, pero no encontraron nada y decidieron que había sido una bala perdida.
Why don't you come out and eat?
Why don't I... pretend to be your dad... and you can come out to me?
¿ Por qué no pretendemos que yo soy tu papá y sales del armario?
I don't, uh... ♪ Come with you ♪ Oh. ♪ with you out on the balcony ♪
Oh, yo no... Debería- - debería irme.
I don't know quite how to ask you this question, Michael, so I'm just gonna come right out with it.
No sé muy bien cómo hacer esta pregunta, Michael, así que voy a ser directo.
don't come back 153
don't come closer 33
don't come near me 117
don't come 128
don't come in 97
don't come any closer 219
don't come over 21
don't come here again 16
don't come here 44
don't come back here 26
don't come closer 33
don't come near me 117
don't come 128
don't come in 97
don't come any closer 219
don't come over 21
don't come here again 16
don't come here 44
don't come back here 26
don't come near 26
don't come in here 53
don't come home 17
come out wherever you are 21
come out and play 29
come outside 81
come out 1057
come out of there 91
come out here 101
come out with your hands up 73
don't come in here 53
don't come home 17
come out wherever you are 21
come out and play 29
come outside 81
come out 1057
come out of there 91
come out here 101
come out with your hands up 73
come out now 55
outside 883
outer 19
outfit 21
outsiders 26
outrageous 90
outlaw 21
outs 110
out of context 16
out now 39
outside 883
outer 19
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outs 110
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out now 39
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out of my mind 17
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out of the blue 171
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out of sight 112
out of town 49
out of nowhere 149
outstanding 214
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out of my mind 17
out of order 40
out of the blue 171
out of interest 20
out of sight 112
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out of nowhere 149
outstanding 214
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out of 299
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out of respect 50
out like a light 17
out of 299
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out of the way 896