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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ E ] / Everyone's looking for you

Everyone's looking for you tradutor Espanhol

80 parallel translation
Everyone's looking for you.
Y mientras, todos buscándole.
I was so worried. - Everyone's looking for you.
Todos te andan buscando.
100 men are looking for you, everyone's been informed.
Hay demasiadas personas buscándote. Todos, todos están detrás de ti.
You must be that alien everyone's looking for.
Debes ser esa alienígena que todo el mundo está buscando.
Everyone's looking for you at the victory celebration.
Todos te están buscando en la fiesta por la victoria.
I want you to have the State police, the FBI... and everyone else who's been looking for that object... at my office in town at 3 : 30.
Así que quiero a la policía estatal, al fbi... y a todos los que buscan ese objeto... en mi oficina en el centro a las 3 : 30. A las 3 : 30.
Everyone's looking for you, and with your arm, it's a wonder they haven't found you yet.
La ciudad entera te busca, y con un solo brazo, es un milagro que no te hayan encontrado.
Everyone's looking for you.
Todos están mirándote
Everyone's looking for you.
Todo el mundo la busca.
Everyone's been looking all over for you, man.
Todos te buscan por todos lados, viejo.
Everyone's looking for you.
Todos te están buscando.
Everyone's going to be looking for you. The Cardassians and Starfleet.
Los cardassianos y la Flota le estarán buscando.
Everyone's looking for you. Skoran said...
Te busca todo el mundo.
Everyone's been looking for you.
Todo el mundo te busca.
I know you're partners, but everyone's looking for you.
Sé que sois compañeros, pero te buscan a ti.
Everyone's been looking for you!
¡ Todo el mundo te estaba buscando!
Everyone's looking for you.
Todos te estan buscando.
- You are daydreaming here and everyone there's looking for you.
- Estás soñando despierto aquí Y todo el mundo te está buscando.
I found somehow you're always looking for the obvious way to do your idea, that you start off in the most abstract ways but you're constantly looking for that route that everyone's gonna get it even if the idea is quirky.
Siempre buscas la forma de concretar tu idea, comienzas con algo abstracto, pero te pasas el tiempo buscando ese camino que todos deben tomar, incluso si la idea es extravagante.
Everyone's looking for you.
Todos te buscan.
Everyone's looking for you.
Todos te esperan.
Everyone's looking for me, just like you.
Todos me están buscando. Igual que a usted.
Everyone's looking for you!
¡ Todo el mundo te está buscando!
Harold'S Telling Everyone You'Re Looking For A Bomb.
Harold le ha dicho a todos que están buscando una bomba.
Once everyone's looking at the door wondering what's going on you can pop in a flash grenade and they won't see anything for a while.
Una vez que todos miren hacia la puerta preguntándose qué sucedió, puedes tirar una granada centellante y ellos no verán nada por un rato.
Everyone's looking for you.
Todo el mundo te está buscando.
You need it. The police are looking for you, everyone's shitting themselves.
Los policías te buscan, todo el mundo está asustado.
Barack, everyone's been looking for you.
Barack, todos te han estado buscando.
When you just can't hide your abs, and that's why everyone is looking for a product that gives them the most effective workout possible. You see exercise should be safe effective and fun.
Everyone's been looking for you.
? Todos lo han estado buscando.
Everyone's looking for you over there. Go.
Todo el mundo te busca por allí.
Uh, yup. Everyone's looking for you ;
Todo el mundo te está buscando.
- Everyone's looking for you.
- Todo mundo te busca.
You're the girl everyone's looking for?
¿ Eres la chica que todos están buscando?
Jack, everyone's been looking for you.
Jack, todo el mundo te ha estado buscando.
Everyone's looking to you now for their voice,
Ahora todo el mundo busca en tí su voz,
Everyone's looking for you.
Todos están buscándote.
How smart is it to go back to your hometown when everyone's looking for you? We sell hash.
¿ Qué tan inteligente es volver a tu ciudad natal cuando todos están buscándote?
Can't you see, everyone's looking for someone else to blame.
No lo puedes ver... todos están buscando culpar a alguien más.
Dude, everyone's looking for you.
Amigo, todos te están buscando.
Everyone's looking for you.
- Todos te están buscando.
You know the guy everyone's been looking for?
Sí, difundidlo.
Everyone's looking for you.
Todos lo estan buscando.
Everyone's looking for you - even my dad.
Todo el mundo te busca. Incluso mi padre.
Everyone's been looking for you.
Todo el mundo te estaba buscando.
You know, everyone's got football, basketball, horse racing under a microscope, looking for the slightest hint of impropriety.
Ya sabes, todo el mundo tiene al fútbol, al baloncesto, y a las carreras de caballos bajo el microscopio, buscando el menor signo de incorrección.
I've noticed that everyone in the office is now looking to Oz for directions instead of you, and he's developed this... This secret code of sorts.
Me he dado cuenta de que todo el mundo en la oficina espera instrucciones de Oz en vez de las suyas, y ha creado su... propio lenguaje secreto.
Are you the informerthat everyone's looking for?
¿ Eres tu el informante al que todos buscan?
I feel like everyone around me just wants to bring me down, but you're the one dude who's looking out for me.
Siento como que todos a mi alrededor solo quieren hacerme caer pero tu eres el tipo que me esta cuidando.
You're always looking out for everyone else, and it's time someone looked after you.
Siempre estás cuidando a todo el mundo, y es hora de que alguien te cuidara a ti.
Everyone's been worried sick looking for you both.
Todos han estado buscándolas muy preocupados.

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