It's about time tradutor Espanhol
6,118 parallel translation
It's about time you came to your senses.
Se trata de vez que vino a sus sentidos.
It's about time.
No hay tiempo.
It's because of what we talked about last time - the Caddy.
Es por lo que hablamos la última vez... el Caddy.
She's just found out about me..... and it's only a matter of time before she asks about her father.
Ella acaba de averiguar lo mío... y solo es cuestión de tiempo antes de que pregunte por su padre.
I'm excited for you. It's about fucking time.
Estoy entusiasmado por ti.
Or it's : he he, that's about time.
O "Je je, ya era hora".
I mean, it's not really about skill. It's more about how much time you put into it.
No depende de tu destreza sino del tiempo que le dedicas.
So do me this one favor... next time you know you want something, stop thinking about it and just do it before it's too late.
Así que hazme solo este favor... la próxima vez que sepas que quieres algo... para de pensar y simplemente hazlo... antes de que sea demasiado tarde.
It's about time. Where the hell have you been?
Es hora. ¿ Dónde demonios has estado?
Don't you think it's about time you got a real job again, Dad?
¿ No crees que sea hora de que tengas un empleo real de nuevo, papá?
This is a waste of the court's time, it's a waste of my time, and it's about time we settled this with a sense of justice and clarity.
Esto es una pérdida del tiempo de la corte, que es una pérdida de mi tiempo, y ya es hora nos instalamos este con un sentido de la justicia y la claridad.
Maybe it's about time I figured out my own thing, you know.
Quizá sea hora de encontrar lo mío, ¿ entiendes?
It's about time you tore yourself away from that monitor, Sheriff.
Ya era hora de que dejaras un poco ese rol de alguacil.
- Buen trabajo con las herramientas, Cory.
It's about time. Ohh! Come on!
Ya era hora. ¡ Vamos!
Like the good book says, it's all about burn time and cloud cover.
Como la Biblia dice, todo depende del tiempo de combustión y de la nubosidad.
- Go for it, it's about time!
- Vaya para él, ya era hora!
It's time you got serious about your career!
Es hora de que llegaras grave acerca de su carrera!
I don't want to worry about what's gonna happen every time we get into a fight or if we break up again or who you're gonna take it out on.
No quiero preocuparme por lo que va a pasar cada vez que nos peleemos o si volvemos a romper o con quién vas a desquitarte.
It's about time, too.
Es cuestión de tiempo, también.
That's the last time you'll hear about it from me.
Es la última vez que me oirás hablar de ello.
- It's about damn time.
- Se trata de maldito tiempo.
It's about time to change that!
Aquí varias cosas van a cambiar.
It's just that if I see your ass in yoga pants, any time I see another girl's ass in yoga pants, I'm gonna be thinking about your ass.
Pero al ver tu culo en esos pantalones, cada vez que vea el de cualquier otra mujer, voy a pensar en el tuyo.
All I can think about every day is what time's my next cum, and to tell you the truth, I'm sick of it.
En lo único en lo que pienso todos los días es cuando me volveré a correr, y si os digo la verdad, estoy harto.
Well, there's someone that I met, and every time I'm with him, that's pretty much all I'm thinking about, so it seems in the realm of possibility that it could happen and, I mean, because of my medical situation,
Bueno, me estoy viendo con alguien y cada vez que estoy con él, es casi de lo único en lo que pienso, así que es una posibilidad muy real que pudiera pasar y, bueno, debido a mi salud,
and pancreatic cancer kills the shit out of you because we detect it way too late by the time we detect it, it's already too late to do anything about it, and he sent emails off to the entire oncology department at Johns Hopkins, you know hundreds of them, and every- -
y el cáncer pancreático es mortal porque lo detectamos muy tarde para cuando lo hacemos, es demasiado tarde para hacer algo al respecto y él envió emails a todo el departamento de oncología en Johns Hopkins sabes, cientos de ellos, y cada...
It's time for me to answer your anonymous questions about sex.
Es hora de que te responda tus preguntas anónimas sobre el sexo.
I've seen it a million times, every time he thinks he's about to psychoanalyze me.
La he visto millones de veces, cada vez que él cree que está a punto de psicoanalizarme.
It's about this time being different, this election, you and me.
Que esta vez es diferente, esta elección, tú y yo.
It's about time.
Va de tiempo.
It's about time we heard those words, but your sincerity seems questionable.
Era cuestión de tiempo que escucharamos esas palabras, pero su sinceridad parece cuestionable.
Think it's time to tell him the truth about the tooth fairy?
¿ Crees que es hora de decirle la verdad sobre el hada de los dientes?
I think it's about time we get up front and get strapped in Mr. President.
Creo que es tiempo de ponerse al frente y ser atado en el Sr. Presidente.
Without thinking too deeply about it, let's just go out for the time being.
Matsuri-chan. Sin pensar demasiado profundamente en ello, vamos a salir por el momento.
At this point, it's all about keeping the trains running on time.
A estas alturas, solo se trata de mantener los motores funcionando en hora.
Oh, yeah, Morty, yeah. Yeah, that that that's real easy to say from the sidekick position. But but, uh, how about next time... you be in charge, and then we'll talk about how simple and fun it is?
Sí, Morty, sí, es fácil decir eso desde tu posición de ayudante, así que qué tal si la próxima vez tú estarás al mando, a ver cómo de sencillo y divertido es entonces.
Jerry, maybe it's time I take that trip I always talk about.
¡ Soy el señor Meesee...! Jerry, creo que ya es hora de que haga ese viaje del que siempre hablo.
It's about time we took the fight to him.
Ya es hora que nos enfrentemos a él.
It's about time Josh found someone to love him.
ya era hora de que Josh encontrara alguien.
Really? Are you sure that's how you feel... or do you need a little more time to think about it?
¿ Estás seguro de que así es como te sientes, o necesitas un poco más de tiempo para pensarlo?
It's about time.
Ya es hora...
It's about a three-hour drive from here to Nashville, which should get us there just in time for the "Ball and Chain" number-one party.
Nos llevará unas tres horas ir en coche desde aquí a Nashville, lo que nos permitirá llegar a tiempo para la fiesta por el número uno de "Ball and Chain".
The bad news is whatever happened, he's having a tough time talking about it.
Las malas son que lo que sea que pasara, está teniendo un momento duro para hablar de ello.
It's about time, man.
Ya era hora, hombre.
So, by the time Sofie's here, on an unconscious level, she's thinking about seeing you guys and feeling positive about it.
Así que, para el momento Sofie está aquí, en un nivel inconsciente, ella está pensando acerca de ver que ustedes y un sentimiento positivo al respecto.
Don't you think it's about time you grew up and worked that out?
¿ No crees que ya es hora de que madures?
Phillip Stroh's going to solitary until we decide about his future, so you won't have to wear that tie again for a long time, and it's the end of your security detail because we got rid of the guy who was trying to kill you.
Philip Stroh se va a sentir muy solo hasta que decidamos su futuro, así que no vas a tener que llevar esa corbata en una temporada, y se acabó tu escolta de seguridad porque nos hemos librado del tío que estaba intentando matarte.
It's not about the fame or being a big star or how bad your time slot is at the show.
No se trata de la fama o de ser una gran estrella o cómo de mal situado está tu espacio en el horario del espectáculo.
I reckon a lot of people around here are gonna be awake up to you after this, and it's about time.
Reconozco que mucha gente por aquí va a despertar después de esto, y ya es hora.
Well, it's up. How about some time away, huh?
Bueno, está alta. ¿ Que tal algo de tiempo afuera?
it's about damn time 34
it's about fucking time 24
it's about that time 16
it's about 350
it's about to start 25
it's about me 95
it's about trust 19
it's about this 19
it's about family 16
it's about you 142
it's about fucking time 24
it's about that time 16
it's about 350
it's about to start 25
it's about me 95
it's about trust 19
it's about this 19
it's about family 16
it's about you 142
it's about him 23
it's about money 31
it's about us 42
it's about her 19
about time 287
time 2517
times 1964
timer 243
timers 88
time to go home 94
it's about money 31
it's about us 42
it's about her 19
about time 287
time 2517
times 1964
timer 243
timers 88
time to go home 94
times square 22
time to die 52
time to wake up 54
time is running out 68
time is of the essence 71
time flies 78
time is up 41
time is money 74
time to go 627
times are changing 28
time to die 52
time to wake up 54
time is running out 68
time is of the essence 71
time flies 78
time is up 41
time is money 74
time to go 627
times are changing 28
time to sleep 29
times are tough 45
time travel 83
time will tell 62
time is 18
time's up 595
time to eat 55
times before 18
times a week 28
time for bed 134
times are tough 45
time travel 83
time will tell 62
time is 18
time's up 595
time to eat 55
times before 18
times a week 28
time for bed 134