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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ O ] / Of course he didn't

Of course he didn't tradutor Espanhol

343 parallel translation
The name was a phony, of course, and I had the clerk downtown, he went over half the pictures in the gallery and couldn't pick anybody, or else he didn't want to.
El nombre era falso, por supuesto, y llevé al gerente del hotel para que echara un vistazo a las fotos de los posibles sospechosos, y no reconoció a ninguno, o no quiso hacerlo.
Of course he didn't.
- Claro que no fue él.
He says of course that he's innocent. He claims he didn't even hear the shot.
Dice, por supuesto, que es inocente dice que ni siquiera oyó el disparo.
Of course he didn't use his own knife.
Claro que no usó su cuchillo.
Of course he didn't.
¡ Por supuesto que no!
Of course, Amy. Buck didn't realize what he was saying.
Cierto, Buck no se dio cuenta de lo que decía
Of course, didn't I read something about your father?
Por supuesto. ¿ No he leído algo sobre su padre?
Of course, you didn't have to make it ridiculous. I just asked you to say he could talk.
Tampoco había que exagerar.
I'm willing to admit that I didn't pay much attention to you with the exception, of course... that I wanted you to have a fine education and plenty of money and so forth.
Reconozco que no te he prestado mucha atención, exceptuando, por supuesto... que recibieras una buena educación, tuvieras dinero y demás.
Of course, he didn't know I was Jane's sister.
! Claro que no sabia que yo era hermana de Jane.
Of course, he and Mr. Kane didn't exactly see eye to eye.
Por supuesto. El y el Sr. Kane no estaban precisamente de acuerdo.
But then, of course, we didn't count upon a creature... that has learned to stalk the most cunning animal... that can catch scents upon the Wind... that has mastered the trick of moving through a forest as if he were transparent.
Claro que no contamos con uno que sepa acechar al animal más astuto, que sepa distinguir los olores en el viento, que domine el arte de moverse por el bosque como si fuera transparente.
- He didn't know you were sailing, of course.
No sabía que tú zarparías, ¿ verdad?
They really meant something to him... although of course he didn't talk much about it... except in terms of soup and truffles.
Significaban algo realmente para él... aunque no hablaba demasiado de ello... salvo al referirse a la sopa o a las trufas.
Of course, he didn't tell me what you two talked about.
Indudablemente, no me habló del contenido de dicha conversación.
Of course, she didn't know that he was only a beggar.
Claro está que no sabía que él era sólo un mendigo.
Of course you didn't. He left his office with you. Wasn't seen again alive.
Salió de su despacho con usted y no se le volvió a ver con vida.
Of course, we didn't know who he was then but we recognized him later in the village and...
En ese momento no sabíamos quién era pero lo reconocimos más tarde en la aldea, y...
But if you didn't dress, he couldn't and if he couldn't, then of course, I wouldn't.
Si Vd. no se viste, él no lo hará. Y si él no lo hace, yo tampoco lo haría.
Of course, I know His Excellency needed a scapegoat, and since I didn't recover the jewels, I...
Necesita un culpable y como no he recuperado las joyas...
Of course, he didn't know about it.
Claro que no lo sabía.
Except, of course, he didn't have a scar on his cheek, naturally.
Excepto que él no tenia una cicatriz en la mejilla, naturalmente.
Of course he didn't.
Claro que no.
If you really want to kill, you don't miss, not at that range. Of course he didn't want to kill you.
Pues claro que no quería matarle.
Of course I didn't read it. Thank you, Clarence.
- Naturalmente no la he leído.
Of course, as I didn't die, no one gets anything.
Pero como no he muerto, nadie se queda con nada.
I never head of a horse that was a certainty that didn't finish so far down the course that he would've won the race coming up behind him.
Nunca supe de un caballo favorito... que acabara tan mal... y que el vencedor, fuese tan imprevisible.
That included me, of course... although he didn't mean it that way.
Eso me incluía a mí, por supuesto.
Thank you, Sheriff. You know, I heard something about you today, too, but, of course, I didn't believe it. Huh?
Yo también he oído algo sobre usted pero no lo he creído.
Of course he didn't.
- Claro que no.
Of course he didn't come by, or I'd have seen him.
Claro que no vino, o yo lo habría visto.
The quotation, of course, he didn't find entirely for himself.
La cita, por supuesto, no la encontró él solo.
I didn't see anyone... of course, you stay there only smoking!
Yo no he visto a nadie... ¡ Claro, está ahí fumando tan tranquila!
We didn't have much money. Of course, I was only 18 when he was born.
Yo sólo tenía 18 años cuando nació, claro.
No, she didn't say that, but of course he'll be there.
No, no me lo ha dicho así, pero... ¡ seguro que estará!
He did not send the religious messages. Of course I didn't, you know that.
Pero cuando preguntamos cómo conseguían mantener la paz, contestó :
Of course I didn't believe him at first, but he meant it all right.
Al principio no le creí, pero hablaba en serio.
He could have had your key copied... and he could have used it to open the door... but of course he didn't.
Pudo haber sacado una copia. Pudo haberla usado para abrir la puerta. Pero no fue así.
He didn't chicken out So of course he got a thorough trashing.
El Nantés no se achantó, aunque le sacudieron.
I'm sure he didn't know what he was saying. Of course he didn't.
Seguro que no sabía lo que decía.
I didn't say your glass which was made yesterday. Of course not.
Yo no le he vendido ninguna copa de cristal fabricada ayer.
He knew, of course, that this rather unique system of betting... Would more than likely result in a loss, but he didn't care.
El sabía, por supuesto, que ese particular sistema de apostar... resultaría mas probablemente en una pérdida, pero no se cuidó.
Of course he didn't. - How do you know?
- No la conocía. - ¿ Cómo lo sabe?
Well, of course, I didn't know him until after he married her.
Yo no le conocía antes de que se casaran.
Of course not. I didn't say that.
No, no he dicho eso.
of course he didn't.
¡ Pues claro que no!
Of course not. I just didn't put it right.
Simplemente me he expresado de manera incorrecta.
Of course! Why didn't I guess it sooner? Sure he is.
Claro, cómo no lo he visto antes,... tiene que ser él.
No, no, of course I didn't forget. How could I?
No, no lo he olvidado.
Of course, at first, they didn't get on too good, her thinking he'd traded her for a profit and him making out like he don't care this way or that.
Al principio no se llevaban muy bien. Ella pensaba que él lo había hecho por el dinero. A él parecía que le daba igual una cosa u otra.
Light switch. Because butler turned the switch and i saw it but Erik tells me not to admit it and says he didn't saw it but of course he did.
Butler encendió el interruptor de la luz y yo lo vi,... pero Erik dice que yo no pude verlo pero está claro que sí la encendió.

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