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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ O ] / Of course i didn't

Of course i didn't tradutor Espanhol

923 parallel translation
I didn't realize, of course.
Le pido perdón, señora...
I didn't realize, of course.
- Of course I didn't.
Claro que no.
Of course I didn't realize it was a full-dress affair.
Por supuesto, no me di cuenta de que se requería traje de gala.
The name was a phony, of course, and I had the clerk downtown, he went over half the pictures in the gallery and couldn't pick anybody, or else he didn't want to.
El nombre era falso, por supuesto, y llevé al gerente del hotel para que echara un vistazo a las fotos de los posibles sospechosos, y no reconoció a ninguno, o no quiso hacerlo.
- Of course I didn't.
- Por supuesto que no.
I don't think so. They didn't say. Of course not.
¿ No les habrá molestado mi baile?
Of course, I didn't get an education like you!
La conoces mal
Of course, I didn't speak too fondly to him. It wouldn't do.
Desde luego, no le hablaba muy afectuosamente.
Of course, I didn't like the idea, but I couldn't refuse.
- Lo siento. No me gusta la idea
Of course I realize you didn't want anyone to see you off, but I just had to come and say good-bye.
Por supuesto, me doy cuenta que no quería que nadie la viera, pero tenía que venir simplemente a saludar.
Of course I didn't steal no hams.
Por supuesto que no los robé.
I mean, when you told Ken you did, which you didn't, of course -
Le dijiste a Ken que fuiste tú, pero no lo hiciste -
Mimi, of course I didn't mind.
Mimi, por supuesto que no me importa.
Of course, didn't I read something about your father?
Por supuesto. ¿ No he leído algo sobre su padre?
Of course, you didn't have to make it ridiculous. I just asked you to say he could talk.
Tampoco había que exagerar.
Of course, if she'll have me, I mean. A fella wouldn't want to marry anyone that didn't want him, naturally.
Por supuesto, si ella quiere.Pienso... que un chico no puede casarse con alguien que no quiere casarse con él.
I'm willing to admit that I didn't pay much attention to you with the exception, of course... that I wanted you to have a fine education and plenty of money and so forth.
Reconozco que no te he prestado mucha atención, exceptuando, por supuesto... que recibieras una buena educación, tuvieras dinero y demás.
Of course, being in a strange place like that, I didn't know what to expect.
Tratándose de un lugar extraño, no sabía qué esperar.
Of course, he didn't know I was Jane's sister.
! Claro que no sabia que yo era hermana de Jane.
Of course you belong here. Didn't I invite you?
Pues claro que Io es.
Of course, I didn't do well there, too, But that was when me teeth first started bothering me.
Yo tampoco acabé bien, pero fue debido a la dentadura, que me empezó a doler.
- Of course I didn't.
¡ Claro que no!
- What do you mean, "Of course I didn't"?
¿ Y esa vocecita?
- Well, I... - Of course you didn't.
Claro que no.
- Of course, it would be my pleasure, but I can't take you because I didn't bring the car.
- Pues sí, con mucho gusto, pero no le puedo llevar porque no traje el automóvil.
- Of course I didn't like him.
- Claro que no.
Of course, naturally, i saw things on the other side, too - things that weren't working well, things i didn't like.
Pero claro, también vi cosas no tan bonitas, que iban mal, que no aprecié.
Of course I'd like to. I just didn't think it would be proper.
Yo no me hubiera atrevido.
Of course. Because I didn ´ t hold out for too much.
Claro, porque no me aferré mucho a ellos.
- I didn't know, of course.
- No lo sabía, por supuesto.
No, of course I didn't.
No, claro que no.
Of course, I didn't really mean...
Pido disculpas por...
I didn't believe it, of course...
No lo creí, por supuesto.
Of course, I want them to see how happy we are – and to share in our happiness – but... Well, but, most of all, I... I wanted to see that Oliver didn't do too badly marrying me.
Quiero que compartan nuestra felicidad, pero sobre todo quiero que vean que Oliver no se equivocó al casarse conmigo.
I didn't know, of course.
No lo sabía, por supuesto.
Of course, I didn't find all these things out until...
Claro que eso no lo supe hasta que...
And then, of course, I didn't have a puncture at all.
Así que regresé a recoger la bomba, y luego, naturalmente, no pinché.
But if you didn't dress, he couldn't and if he couldn't, then of course, I wouldn't.
Si Vd. no se viste, él no lo hará. Y si él no lo hace, yo tampoco lo haría.
Of course, but I didn't expect you so soon.
Sí, pero no te esperaba tan pronto.
Of course, I know His Excellency needed a scapegoat, and since I didn't recover the jewels, I...
Necesita un culpable y como no he recuperado las joyas...
Of course I did! Didn't we always stick together?
Entra en la tienda y atiéndeme como solías hacerlo.
Of course I didn't.
Por supuesto que no.
I didn't even knew that there were bodies worth 5000 $ and nothing personal, of course.
Ni siquiera sabía que había cuerpos que valieran 5.000 dólares. No es nada personal, por supuesto.
Of course it was an accident, I I didn't mean to.
Fue un accidente y no fue mi intención.
Until I heard Amy say it. Of course you didn't, darling.
Claro que no, tesoro.
Of course you didn't, you married me because you thought I was pretty enough to dress up this house and wear fashionable clothes and impress people you could use.
Por supuesto que no, te casaste conmigo porque pensaste que era suficientemente linda para ataviar esta casa y usar la ropa de moda e impresionar a la gente que podrías utilizar.
- Of course I didn't.
- ¡ Claro que no!
Of course I'm sure. Look, didn't I tell you to lay off?
¿ No te dije que dejaras todo eso?
Of course I didn't read it. Thank you, Clarence.
- Naturalmente no la he leído.
Of course I didn't.
Claro que no.

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