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She's like a tradutor Espanhol

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Well, Fidelma's feeding Rose and I don't like to be in the same building when she's, you know, "juicing her bosom".
Bueno, Fidelma está dando de comer a Rose, y no me gusta estar presente... cuando muestra sus pechos.
She's more like backdraft.
Ella se parece más a contracorriente.
I can't go home alone when she's like this.
No puedo irme a casa sola cuando ella está así.
I feel like... Like she's sailed away and I don't know if she's coming back.
Me siento cómo... cómo si ella estuviera navegando lejos y no sé si va a volver.
Says the woman who wiped a kid's memory and rushed a bunch of robot soldiers through production like she was opening up a fast food joint.
Lo dice la mujer que le borró la memoria a un niño y apresuró a ingresar a una cantidad de soldados robot en producción como si estuviera abriendo una cadena de comida rápida.
Ravi, she's a lawyer who looks like Victoria's Secret model.
Ravi, ella es un abogado que parece modelo de Victoria Secret
You know, it's like having a third person in your relationship that she doesn't know at all.
Ya sabes, es como tener una tercera persona en su relación que no sabe en absoluto.
She's starting to- - she's starting to look like Lori.
Está empezando a... está empezando a parecerse a Lori.
Like, wouldn't it be good if she's, like, dating, like, a Hawaiian guy?
¿ No sería bueno que ella salga con un hawaiano?
She's been running around like crazy, saying she need to get her ducks in a row or...
Ha estado corriendo como loca, diciendo que necesita poner sus asuntos en orden o...
I'm not saying that we have to like him, but if there's a way for us to tell Bonnie how she can get out...
Mira. No estoy diciendo que deba caernos bien. Pero si hay alguna forma para decirle a Bonnie cómo salir...
She's an aspiring romantic novelist, like me, although, frankly, her work isn't a patch on mine.
Ella es una ambiciosa novelista romántica, como yo,... aunque, francamente, su trabajo no le llega a los talones del mío.
Looks like she's going somewhere.
Parece que va a algún sitio.
Either she's a serial killer or a chameleon who changes her identity like socks.
O es una asesina en serie o es un camaleón que cambia de identidad como de calcetines.
The girl's a grifter working fools like you to get what she wants.
La chica es una timadora que se trabaja a tontos como tú para conseguir lo que quiere.
She's coming on to you like you're not married.
Ella viene a usted como usted no está casado
Though she calls us'parts', she's never treated us like'parts'.
A pesar de que nos "partes" llama, nunca nos ha tratado como "partes".
Mmm. Looks like she's got a bit of a fan.
Parece que ella tiene ganas de ventilar las cosas.
Like a 33-year-old woman who devoted herself to her career because she had nothing else and then realized she's not even good at that because she screwed up and gave a kid to two guys pretending to be a gay couple.
Luce como una mujer de 33 años que se dedicó a su carrera porque no tenía nada más y luego se dio cuenta de que ni siquiera es buena en eso porque lo arruinó y le dio un niño a dos tipos que fingían ser una pareja gay.
These are Gabi's results, which means she has my results, and she's gonna dress up all sexy in a cap and gown and hand'em to Cooper like a diploma.
Estos son los resultados de Gabi, lo que significa que ella tiene los mios y se va a vestir toda sexy con toga y birrete y se los enseñará a Cooper como un diploma.
Been like a father to her all her life and now she's got no one.
Siendo como un padre para ella toda su vida y ahora no tiene a nadie.
Maybe she's never had a best friend like you before and that probably means a lot to her.
Quizás nunca ha tenido un mejor amigo como tú antes y probablemente eso significa mucho para ella.
Whoever she is, she's, uh... she's lucky to have a guy like you.
Sea quien sea, tiene suerte de tener un chico como tú.
I love your daughter very much because, among other things, she's skeptical, like you.
Quiero mucho a su hija... porque, entre muchas cosas, es escéptica, al igual que usted.
Speaking of fat cats, Nancy's looking like she might need to give Jenny a call.
Nancy parece como que necesita llamar a Jenny.
I don't know your sister, but if she's like Simon now, you should be careful.
No conozco a tu hermana, pero si es como es Simon ahora, Deberían tener cuidado.
'Cause I feel like she's lost her bearings.
Porque a mí me parece que está perdida.
Looks like she's making a call.
Parece que va a hacer una llamada.
I didn't ask you over to talk about Barry. Oh, uh... looks like she's getting more than just a piece of the action, huh?
No te pedí que vinieras para hablar de Barry.
The thing is, what's on Lena's back it looks like a puncture wound like she was impaled on something.
El asunto es que parece que Lena tiene una herida punzante. Como si la hubieran empalado.
When a smug yemi like that tells you that it's okay for you to look anywhere you want, she's hoping you won't.
Cuando una pija engreída como esa te dice que no hay problema en que mires donde quieras, espera que no lo hagas.
A young woman, she looked like she was about 21 and she's standing there, she's very, kinda nice -
Una chica de unos 21 años. Vestía muy bien.
And she's standing there with her ponytail, and then all of a sudden, she starts going like this, she goes...
Estaba de pie, con su coleta. Y de pronto hace :
And I realize, oh, she's, like, a student, like, a singing music student, and she's doing her vocal exercises on the subway.
Me digo : es una estudiante de música y está haciendo un ejercicio vocal en el metro.
But I didn't realize how, like, my friend - I have a younger friend who vapes and she told me it's just to kinda, like, calm her. She's like, I barely feel it, you know.
Tengo un amigo joven que vaporea y me dijo que apenas lo nota, le ayuda a dormir.
I have this friend, his daughter's 15, he's like, " She's gonna start having sex!
Un amigo mío tiene una hija de 15, me dice : "¡ Va a empezar a practicar sexo!"
And then I went to my mom and I told her the whole thing, she's like, don't worry, that lady's a fucking idiot, don't listen to her.
Fui a mi madre y ella me dijo : "No te preocupes, esa señora es idiota, ni caso."
I used to beg my mother for a dog and she just would say, like, you had one when you were a baby and it died, it's fine.
Mi madre decía : "Ya lo tuviste de bebé y se murió."
Like she was kind of going around... " He's a male human who bats are his...
"Es un hombre humano dedicado a..."
They were about 21 years old, like, NYU students, and so she's talking about it and, you know, a lot of times
Una hablaba del chico con el que salía. Tenían pinta de universitarias.
I'll hear this, a woman talking about the guy she's dating and she runs down the stuff that's not satisfying, the things she doesn't like.
A veces uno oye a una mujer hablar de su pareja y de todas las cosas que le irritan de él.
America is like a terrible girlfriend to the rest of the world,'cause when somebody hurts America, she remembers it forever, but if she does anything bad, it's like it - "What?"
Una novia terrible para el resto del mundo. Si alguien lastima a América, ella lo recuerda por siempre. Pero si ella hace algo mal, es "¿ Queeé?"
Just when you think Gotham's shown her last jewel, she reveals herself like a flower.
Justo cuando crees que Gotham ha mostrado su última joya, se revela como una flor.
She's like a mini Amy, and she loved it.
Ella es como un mini Amy, y le encantó.
She's obviously nothing like her father.
Claramente no se parece en nada a su padre.
So, if Olivia miraculously survives this missile that's going to be dropped on her head, she will be sold like chattel to some rape gang in Vladivostok.
Así que, si Olivia sobrevive milagrosamente este misil que esta pasando va a caer en su cabeza ella va a ser vendida como ganado a alguna banda de violadores en Vladivostok.
She'll experience the hidden memories like a dream, like she's a passenger inside someone else's body.
Experimentará los recuerdos escondidos como un sueño, como si fuese una pasajera en el cuerpo de otro.
Maybe she's learning to control it, like she said she would.
Quizá está aprendiendo a controlarlo, como dijo que haría.
I don't think she's gonna be much help with repairs or anything like that.
No creo que ella va a ser de mucha ayuda con las reparaciones ni nada de eso.
It's not like she's just gonna stroll in there and get it done.
No es como si lo fuera a conseguir dándose un paseo por allí.
Her name's Chanel ; she's president of the Kappa House. And she thinks that means her poop smells like ginger beer.
Su nombre es Chanel, es presidenta de la casa Kappa, y se cree que su caca huele a cerveza de jengibre.

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