Since that time tradutor Espanhol
1,287 parallel translation
Is there anything else on Larca since that time?
¿ Hay algo mas de Larca desde ese tiempo?
My great-grandfather helped to return us to ourselves, and since that time, we've remained isolated to avoid the influence of those who might lead us back down the wrong path.
Mi bisabuelo nos ayudó a recuperar nuestra identidad. Desde entonces, hemos permanecido aislados para evitar a aquellos que podrían llevarnos por el mal camino.
Since that time, I've performed 347 medical exams, healed 1 1 compound fractures, performed three appendectomies and, in my greatest feat of medical prowess, I once cured Mr. Neelix of an acute case of the hiccups.
Desde entonces, he realizado 347 exámenes médicos, he tratado 11 fracturas compuestas, he realizado 3 apendectomías y mi mayor proeza médica ha sido curar el hipo del Sr. Neelix.
We haven't seen you since that time backstage at the Palace after the Engorged Gonads show.
No te hemos visto desde esa noche tras bambalinas en el Palace después del show de las Gorgónadas.
Ever since that time, I knew that, getting revenge was the strongest reasons for living
Desde entonces, Supe que la venganza era la mejor razón que tenía para vivir.
The truth is, I felt pretty bad about what happened between us...,... and ever since that time, I've been looking for a way to make it up to you.
La verdad es que me siento muy mal por lo que pasó entre nosotros y desde entonces, he estado buscando una forma de compensarte.
Since that time, 1 1 billion individuals have been assimilated.
Desde ese tiempo 11 billones de individuos han sido asimilados.
Well, since it appears that your first two time jumps each moved you about five hours into the future, we could also assume that the incident you saw in this corridor took place about five hours into the future.
Sus dos desplazamientos temporales lo trasladaron unas cinco horas en el futuro y podríamos asumir que el incidente que vio en este pasillo tendrá lugar dentro de unas cinco horas.
That was the soul collector and he's been taking people out since time began.
Era el recolector de almas... y él mata personas desde que el tiempo es tiempo.
I entreat you both that, being of so young days brought up with him and since so neighbored to his youth and humor that you vouchsafe your rest here in our court some little time, so by your companies to draw him into pleasures, and to gather so much as from occasion you may glean whether aught to us unknown afflicts him thus that, opened, lies within our remedy.
Os ruego a ambos que, habiéndoos criado de jóvenes con él y siendo tan familiares con su juventud y su talante accedáis a quedaros en nuestra corte por un tiempo, de modo que vuestra compañía le aporte diversión y descubráis, si la ocasión es propicia qué ignoramos que lo aflige así que, una vez descubierto, podamos remediar.
Especially since you were State's Attorney for the last 1 5 years, you've supervised all prosecutions in Cook County during that time, especially the prosecutions of prominent figures.
Especialmente debido a que es Fiscal Estatal desde hace 15 años y que ha supervisado todos los procesos del condado Cook particularmente los de ciudadanos prominentes.
It had been days since I heard anyone speak, though someone must have said something in all that time.
Han pasado varios días desde que escuché a alguien hablar supongo que alguien debe haber dicho algo en ese tiempo.
But since then we have spent a great deal of time and money to secure that area.
Pero desde entonces hemos gastado mucho tiempo y dinero para asegurar el área.
I don't think I've felt that way since the first time.
Creo que no he sentido eso desde la primera vez.
It's the first time I looked at that since the big day.
Es la primera vez que lo veo desde aquel gran día.
It's been a long time since that night.
Ha pasado mucho tiempo desde esa noche.
I just realized this is the first time that you-know-who has separated us since we've been married.
Me di cuenta de que es la primera vez que "ya sabes quién" nos separa desde que nos casamos.
What sells in the'90s is the same thing that has sold since the beginning of time.
Lo que se vende en los 90 Es lo mismo que se ha vendido desde el principio de los tiempos.
So, uh, since I refuse to be the object of pity, I... I think it is time that we said our goodbyes and went our separate ways.
Y como me niego a ser objeto de lástima... creo que es tiempo de despedirnos... y tomar caminos diferentes.
In my history studies, I'd chronicled the religious wars that plagued... mankind since the beginning of time.
Sé que registran las guerras que los religiosos flagelam, la humanidad desde los primeros días,
I think you will find that things have changed a great deal since your time.
Creo que te darás cuenta que las cosas han cambiado bastante de tus tiempos.
For a long time after his rescue Buck out of his sight, since he come into the northland he had feared that no master would be kind.
Había pasado mucho tiempo después de su rescate, pero no le gustaba perder a Thornton de vista. Los cambios de amo que había vivido desde su llegada a las tierras del Norte.
It's just been some time since I've been exposed to a man that didn't... immediately live into a stereotype of some sort.
Hace mucho tiempo que no conozco a un hombre que no viviese según un estereotipo de alguna clase.
I just know that I've loved you since the first time I saw you.
Solo sé que te he amado desde la primera vez que te vi.
The sacred flame of Acheron that's burned since your time.
La sagrada llama de Acheron arde desde aquellos tiempos.
The next year we signed you, and I knew I had a team... That could take Washington to the final four for the first time since'63.
Al año siguiente te contratamo, Y supe que tenia un equipo... que pudo llevar a Washington a los cuatro finales por primera vez desde'63.
It's been a little while since I've been here, and a couple of things have happened in that time!
¡ Ha pasado ya tiempo desde la última vez que estuve aquí, y han ocurrido un par de cosas desde entonces!
That's a very funny question to ask a telepath since we spend so much of our time in other people's minds.
Es gracioso que preguntes eso a un telépata. Pasamos tanto tiempo en mentes ajenas.
Since it never rains on Babylon 5, that should encourage you to spend time here.
Ya que nunca llueve en Babylon 5, deberías pasar más tiempo aquí.
That was a long time ago. Many things have changed since then.
Muchas cosas cambiaron desde entonces.
And it's been a long time since I said that and meant it.
Y ha pasado mucho desde que dije eso por última vez.
This is one of the universal dilemmas, something which has confronted all men since the beginning of time. To pee or not to pee, that is the question.
algo con lo que el hombre se enfrenta desde el principio de los tiempos... pipí or not pipí...
Ésta es la primera vez desde la secundaria que no he sabido desde el primer día que la relación estaba condenada.
El viejo problema, que ha afectado a la humanidad desde el principio de los tiempos.
But this is the first time since we've been married... that I've actually feared for our lives.
Pero ésta es la primera vez desde que nos casamos que realmente temo por nuestras vidas.
That clock's kept perfect time since I bought it.
Ese reloj ha sido muy exacto siempre.
It did not occur to Arthur that he should try to relieve her guilt... or offer to share the blame nor did it occur to Eleanor... that she had just committed the same mistake as all women... since the beginning of time.
Arthur no pensó en aliviar el sentimiento de culpa de Eleanor... o compartir su culpabilidad y Eleanor tampoco comprendió... que acababa de cometer el mismo error de la mujer,... desde el inicio de los tiempos.
Well, I'm sorry I've wasted your time, gentlemen, you know, since that's not you...
Lamento haberles hecho perder el tiempo. Ya que no es usted.
- Hasn't been seen since. - That's a long time.
Lleva mucho tiempo.
Since this is the first time in 74 years that I have been here,
Dado que es la primera vez en 74 años que he estado aquí,
And in all that time since Paul Lynde and Truman Capote were the only fairies in America... I've been busting my ass so that you'd be able to do what you want with yours.
Me he roto el culo todo el tiempo para que tú hagas lo que deseas.
Agent Mulder, since you weren't on time for this hearing, please step outside so that we can hear Agent Scully's version of the facts.
Agente Mulder. Como ha llegado tarde a la sesión, ¿ podría salir afuera para que podamos escuchar la versión de los hechos de la agente Scully?
Since it's been a long time that you haven't practised, I think you won't mind if you do it with me.
Puis que cela fait longtemps que vous ne vous exercez pas, je suppose que ça ne vous dérangera pas de le faire avec moi.
First time that o's said "may I"... Since his mother died?
Primera vez que escucho a Olof decir "bailemos"...
You know, darling, that kind of violence has been around since time began.
¿ Sabes, querida? Esta violencia dura desde el principio de los tiempos.
Personally, a well - I feel since I found out that time, what with spent to find someone... less pain than to have a... boyfriend and I wish, I wish I would not be.
Personalmente, me siento bien ahora que me doy cuenta que el tiempo que paso deseando encontrar a alguien me hace menos daño... que cuando estaba con un novio y deseaba estar sola.
It's just been some time since I've been exposed to a man that didn't... immediately live into a stereotype of some sort.
Hace mucho que no conozco a un tío que no tenga inmediatamente un comportamiento estereotipado.
Especially since I have the feeling that this is the last time we will see one another.
Especialmente porque presiento que es la última vez que nos veremos.
Hey, have you noticed since Lisa started, that-that-that we've had a lot of time for...
Notaste que desde Lisa empezó, hemos tenido más tiempo para- -
Since the Group and the Family split, this is our first time knocking heads and, honestly, I am not that impressed.
Desde que el Grupo M. y la Familia se separaron, esta es la primera vez que nos encontramos. Y, honestamente, no estoy impresionado.
That's the argument men have been using since the dawn of time to exploit women!
¡ Esa es la razón en que se basan los hombres desde el comienzo de la humanidad para explotar a las mujeres!
since that day 27
that time 73
time 2517
times 1964
timer 243
timers 88
time to go home 94
times square 22
time to die 52
time to wake up 54
that time 73
time 2517
times 1964
timer 243
timers 88
time to go home 94
times square 22
time to die 52
time to wake up 54
time is of the essence 71
time is running out 68
time flies 78
time is up 41
time is money 74
time to go 627
times are changing 28
time to sleep 29
times are tough 45
time travel 83
time is running out 68
time flies 78
time is up 41
time is money 74
time to go 627
times are changing 28
time to sleep 29
times are tough 45
time travel 83
time will tell 62
time's up 595
time is 18
time to eat 55
times before 18
times in a row 26
times a week 28
time for bed 134
times change 49
times over 33
time's up 595
time is 18
time to eat 55
times before 18
times in a row 26
times a week 28
time for bed 134
times change 49
times over 33