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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ S ] / Sorry to keep you

Sorry to keep you tradutor Espanhol

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Sorry to keep you waiting, but you're a little early.
Disculpe la espera, pero ha llegado muy temprano.
Sorry to keep you waiting.
Lamento haberlos hecho esperar.
- Sorry to keep you waiting. There you are.
- Perdón por haberle hecho esperar.
I'm sorry to keep you waiting.
Lamento que tengan que esperar.
- Sorry to keep you waiting.
- Perdón por hacerte esperar.
Gentlemen. Sorry to keep you waiting. Would you like some tea?
Buenas tardes, siento haberles hecho esperar. ¿ Les apetece un té?
Sorry to keep you waiting.
Disculpe la demora.
you must drive such thoughts right out of your head. ( screams ) oh, sorry to keep you, lieutenant.
Debes quitarte esas ideas de la cabeza.
Sorry to keep you waiting.
Lamento haberlo hecho esperar.
Eddie, sorry to keep you waiting.
Eddie, lo siento por hacerte esperar.
John, sorry to keep you waiting.
- John, perdón por hacete esperar. - ¿ Hola? .
Sorry to keep you waiting, Chief Whip.
Disculpe la espera, jefe de grupo. Está preparado para recibirle.
Sorry to keep you waiting, Muten Roshi.
¡ Disculpe la espera, maestro Roshi!
Look, I'm sorry to keep you waiting.
Mire, lamento que siga esperando.
Sorry to keep you waiting.
Lamento haberte hecho esperar.
I'm sorry to keep you waiting.
Disculpen por la espera.
Sorry to keep you waiting.
Perdón por hacerte esperar.
Sorry to keep you waiting. Busy day.
Siento el retraso.
So sorry to keep you waiting, Father Clemente.
Lamento haberlo hecho esperar, Padre Clemente.
Sorry to keep you hanging about.
Perdón por haberos dejado colgados.
- Sorry to keep you waiting, sir.
Lamento que haya tenido que esperar, señor.
Er... frightfully sorry to keep you so long.
Eee... siento mucho haberle hecho esperar tanto.
He just - Sorry to keep you waitin'.! Oh, yeah.
- Perdón por hacerlo esperar.
Sorry to keep you waiting.
Perdón por hacerlos esperar.
I'm very sorry to keep you up so late.
Siento haberlo tenido hasta tan tarde.
Sorry to keep you waiting.
Disculpen por haberlos hecho esperar.
Sorry to keep you waiting.
Lo siento por la espera.
I'm sorry to keep you waiting, Commander.
Siento haberlo hecho esperar, comandante.
I'm sorry to keep you waiting, Mrs Vaatrik.
Siento haberla hecho esperar, Sra. Vaatrik.
Sorry to keep you waiting.
- Siento haberlos hecho esperar.
I'm sorry to keep you waiting.
Perdona que te hiciera esperar.
Sorry to keep you waiting.
Disculpen que los hice esperar.
- Sorry to keep you waiting.
- Perdón por tenerlo esperando.
Sorry to keep you waiting
Perdonad por teneros esperando.
Sorry to keep you waiting.
Kanon... Nunca piensen en ceder al cansancio...
Sorry to keep you waiting, sir.
Perdón por hacerlo esperar, señor.
Sorry to keep you waiting, could you...?
Perdón por hacerlo esperar. Podría...?
Derek, sorry to keep you waiting.
Derek, lo siento por hacerte esperar.
Sorry to keep you waiting. Where were we?
Perdon por dejarte esperando. ¿ Donde estabamos nosotros?
Hillary, I'm sorry to keep on you, but I know how hard this is for you.
Lamento fastidiarte, pero...
I'm sorry to keep you waiting.
Lamento haberle hecho esperar. Sí...
Sorry to keep you waiting.
Siento haberles hecho esperar.
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to keep you out so late.
Lo siento, no quise retrasar tu sueño.
Sorry to keep you waiting, Bagley.
Siento hacerte esperar.
I'm sorry to keep you waiting.
Por supuesto. Seguro que sí.
I'm sorry to keep making you make me supper at eight in the morning, but this moon business is screwing my system all up.
Siento hacer que me prepares la cena a las ocho de la mañana, pero la maldita luna me tiene desorientada.
Sorry, Miss Leonardo, but orders are to keep you here until this is cleared up.
Lo siento, señorita Leonardo, las órdenes son mantenerla acá, hasta que todo se aclare.
I'm sorry I keep calling you Eddy. I don't know what else to call you.
Perdona que siga llamàndote Eddy No sé qué otro nombre llamarte
Sorry to keep you waiting, sweetheart.
Perdona que te haya hecho esperar.
Morisaki-kun, I'm sorry you had to keep Rikako company all the way home.
Morisaki-kun, perdona por tener que acompañar a Rikako hasta aquí.
All right, sorry to keep you all waiting.
Perdón por hacerlos esperar.

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