Stand tradutor Espanhol
84,671 parallel translation
- My point is we both stand to benefit far more financially is I were to use that diary than if you were to publish it under your own name.
Mi punto es que ambos nos beneficiaremos mucho más financieramente si yo uso ese diario que si tú lo publicas bajo tu propio nombre.
Rulings which will stand the test of time.
Fallos que jamás se olvidarán.
So, you don't think my novel will stand the test of time?
¿ No cree que mi novela resista el paso del tiempo?
I don't need to stand around and be insulted.
No voy a quedarme para que me insulten.
You really think he's gonna stand up for you?
¿ De verdad crees que te va a proteger?
Delta X-ray, stand by for an active message from Delta X-ray Zero Two.
Delta X-ray, esperando un mensaje de Delta X-ray Cero Dos.
- Stand right there.
- Quieto ahí.
Someone had to stand up for Our Lord.
Alguien tenía que defender a Nuestro Señor.
Stand back a little. Stand back.
Retrocedan un poco.
Stand back.
Un paso atrás.
I think you couldn't stand that Nick was sleeping with Barry Finch.
Creo que no podía soportar que Nick estuviera durmiendo con Barry Finch.
I mean, I stand by what I said, but it certainly could have come out better.
Mantengo lo que dije, pero podría haberlo dicho mejor.
Look, if he's just gonna stand around, why make him go?
Se quedará ahí parado.
and stand in the court, quiet and still beneath the pines, staring at the warm buttermilk walls, the small rectangle of parched, scuff y grass where their child had taken her first steps.
Miraba las cálidas paredes pálidas el pequeño rectángulo de césped arruinado y reseco donde su hijo había dado sus primeros pasos.
You want food, you stand in line.
Si quieres comida, ponte en la cola.
You stand in the presence of Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, rightful heir to the Iron Throne, rightful Queen of the Andals and the First Men,
Estás parado en la presencia De Daenerys Stormborn de la Casa Targaryen, Legítima heredera del Trono de Hierro,
While we stand here, debating...
Mientras estamos aquí, debatiendo...
- Maybe we'll stand a chance.
- Tal vez tengamos una oportunidad.
- Stand up.
- Poneos de pie.
Stand by. Twelve-hundred meters on the T of two.
Atentos. 1200 metros, antes del dos.
And I know that you've been feeling stressed, and part of me is really happy that you're leaving, but... I can't help but think that your department needs someone like you who's not afraid to push back and stand up when something's wrong.
Sé que has estado estresado, y una parte de mí se alegra mucho de que lo dejes, pero... no puedo evitar pensar que tu departamento necesita a alguien como tú, que no tiene miedo y no se calla cuando algo es injusto.
If he wants to stand, it's okay.
Si quieres quedarte de pie, no pasa nada.
I just want you to know where I stand.
Solo quiero que sepas lo que opino.
I know where you stand.
Sé lo que opinas.
But if you can promise me right here today that you'll make Mellie your Vice President, then I can promise you that I will not stand in your way.
Si puedes prometerme aquí y ahora que harás a Mellie tu vicepresidenta, entonces puedo prometerte que no me interpondré en tu camino.
I shall yet stand firm against the devil.
Aún así me mantendré firme contra el Diablo.
Mary Bradbury, you stand accused of crimes most heinous.
Mary Bradbury, estás acusada de crímenes de lo más atroces.
Okay, you gotta stand up.
Está bien. Levántate.
So if you're gonna stand there, and do something productive, own it.
Así que si vas a quedarte ahí plantado y a hacer algo productivo, admítelo.
- Stand the fuck up.
- ¿ Por qué? Vamos.
- Stand the fuck up.
No hagas esto.
They're not just a name, they stand by it.
No es solo un nombre, tienen respaldo.
- Yes? Before you begin, I'd like to ask everyone to stand and join hands as we bow our heads and thank the Lord for bringing us together on this beautiful day.
Antes de empezar, quiero que todas nos pongamos de pie, nos tomemos de las manos y demos gracias al Señor por habernos reunido en este hermoso día.
Would you please stand up here for a moment?
¿ Podría ponerse de pie un momento?
Don't make her stand up.
No la haga ponerse de pie.
Did you ever think about giving up surgery, going into stand-up comedy?
¿ Alguna vez pensaste en dejar la cirugía y volverte comediante?
I can't stand feeling like this.
No soporto sentirme de esta manera.
Um, I would like to call Luisa Leon to the stand.
Quisiera llamar a Luisa León al estrado.
I mean, obviously very intelligent, but I always was after him to hustle more, call his publisher, or stand up to my father.
Digo, obviamente muy inteligente pero siempre tenía que andar tras él para que se apurara llamara a su editor o o le hiciera frente a mi padre.
Can you try to stand?
¿ Puedes tratar de levantarte?
You are suffering through a marriage with a man that you do not know and cannot stand with no idea what you want on the back end.
Estás sufriendo un matrimonio con un hombre al que no conoces y no tienes ni idea de lo que quieres al final.
If you think for one moment I'm gonna stand by and allow you to threaten her...
Si piensas por un momento que me quedaré quieto y permitir que la amenaces...
Please stand clear of the train doors.
Por favor, apártense de las puertas.
Please stand clear of the platform exit.
Por favor, apártense del andén de salida.
I honestly can't stand the sight of her.
Sinceramente, no puedo soportar verla.
Stand down!
¡ Retírate!
And while you were baking pies for your poli-sci professors and prancing around the quad pretending to stand for something, I was giving everything I knew how to give to my country.
Y mientras tu horneabas tartas para tus profesores de Ciencias Políticas y dabas vueltas por el campus pretendiendo luchar por algo, yo estaba dando todo lo que sabía dar por mi país.
Is going to come out that door, and I'm gonna give him information that's gonna put you and your people in a cement box until the time comes for you to stand trial for treason.
va a salir por esa puerta y voy a darle información que os va a poner a ti y a tu gente en una caja de cemento hasta que os llegue el momento de ser juzgados por traición.
All units stand by.
Unidades, atención.
-... stand before you with the devil as my witness.
- Con el Diablo como mi testigo, - ¡ Suéltenme!
Stand up. - Why?
standard 64
standing 87
standards 19
standish 33
standby 89
stand up 1282
stand by your man 18
stand by me 33
stand up for yourself 17
stand your ground 55
standing 87
standards 19
standish 33
standby 89
stand up 1282
stand by your man 18
stand by me 33
stand up for yourself 17
stand your ground 55
stand up straight 94
standing room only 19
stand by 925
stand over there 44
stand here 61
standing here 19
stand down 832
stand clear 68
stand right there 37
standard procedure 51
standing room only 19
stand by 925
stand over there 44
stand here 61
standing here 19
stand down 832
stand clear 68
stand right there 37
standard procedure 51
stand right here 22
stand straight 39
stand aside 185
standing by 214
stand fast 51
standing there 32
standing bear 19
stand still 218
stand back 854
stand to 35
stand straight 39
stand aside 185
standing by 214
stand fast 51
standing there 32
standing bear 19
stand still 218
stand back 854
stand to 35