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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ T ] / Tell us about yourself

Tell us about yourself tradutor Espanhol

218 parallel translation
Tell us about yourself.
Hâblanos de ti.
- Tell us about yourself.
- Cuéntenos sobre usted.
- Young man, tell us about yourself.
- Joven, háblenos de usted.
Now tell us about yourself, Trojan.
Ahora háblanos de ti, troyano.
You can tell us about yourself.
Puede hablarnos un poco de usted.
Tell us about yourself.
Háblenos sobre usted.
Tell us about yourself.
Preséntese usted mismo al público estadounidense.
Tell us about yourself.
Háblanos de ti.
Tell us about yourself, Miss...
Háblenos de usted, Señorita...
Come on down to Hank's and tell us about yourself.
Vamos al bar de Hank y nos dicen acerca de ti mismo.
Uh-huh. So why don't you tell us about yourself?
¿ Por qué no te paras adelante de la clase y nos cuentas de ti?
- Just tell us about yourself.
- Hable sobre sí misma.
Tell us about yourself.
Cuéntanos acerca de ti.
- Why didn't you tell us about yourself?
- ¿ Por qué no dijiste nada de ti antes?
Tell us about yourself.
Cuéntanos sobre ti.
- Tell us about yourself.
- Háblanos de ti.
- Tell us some stories about yourself.
- Cuéntanos historias sobre ti.
Come Mr Mercy, tell us something about yourself.
Luego fui juzgado y condenado. Y érais inocente, claro.
You don't have to tell us anything about yourself.
No tienes que contarnos nada sobre ti mismo.
Tell us, without tending to degrade or incriminate yourself, what you can about the operations in Central City.
Díganos, sin tender a degradarse o incriminarse usted mismo,... lo que pueda acerca de las operaciones en Central City.
Would you tell us something about yourself, where you were born, how you were raised, and how you came to be a geisha?
¿ Podrías contarme algo sobre ti, dónde naciste, cómo te criaste... y cómo te convertiste en una geisha?
Tell us something about yourself.
Dinos algo sobre ti.
Can you tell us something about yourself.
¿ Nos cuenta algo sobre usted?
Tell us a little about yourself.
Háblenos de usted.
You're gonna tell us a story about yourself.
Nos vas a contar una historia sobre ti mismo.
Would you like to tell us something about yourself, Emily?
¿ Quieres contarnos algo sobre ti, Emily?
Tell us something about yourself.
Cuéntenos algo sobre usted.
- If you won't talk about yourself, tell us about the others.
- Si no quieres hablar de ti, al menos habla de los demás.
Right, come on, then. Tell us all about yourself. What you've been doing since I last saw you?
Venga, cuéntanos algo de ti. ¿ Qué has estado haciendo desde que nos vimos?
The best thing would be for you to tell us yourself about your husband. When?
Lo más sencillo y eficaz es que Vd. misma lo explique aquí.
Now, Mr. Wilson, off you go at scratch and tell us all about yourself.
Ahora, señor Wilson, comience desde... la línea de salida, y no deje nada por contar acerca de usted.
Just tell us a little about yourself, Janey.
Cuéntanos un poco de ti, Janey.
Well. Why don't you tell us something about yourself?
¿ Por qué no nos hablas de ti?
So, uh, Tiffany... Tell us a little something about yourself.
Bueno, Tiffany cuéntanos algo sobre ti.
Tell us a little bit about yourself, Mr. Brown.
Cuéntenos un poco de usted, Sr. Brown.
How you doin', Chuck? Make yourself at home back there, and Sheree will tell us about the date. Fine.
- ¿ Qué tal, Chuck?
Before we go on, tell us something about yourself.
Antes de que sigamos, díganos algo de usted.
Could you bring yourself to tell us about the evening Stockton came over to dinner?
¿ Podría usted relatarnos acerca de la noche en que Stockton vino a cenar?
Now if you tell us all you know about Kevin Doyle we may spare you the burden of defending yourself against felony charges.
Pero si nos dice todo lo que sabe sobre Kevin Doyle tal vez la libremos de la carga de tener que defenderse de las acusaciones por delitos graves.
What would you like to tell us about yourself?
¿ Qué quieres contarnos?
Tell us something about yourself, Bruce.
¡ Cuéntenos algo de usted, Bruce!
Why don't you tell us something special about yourself, Kathleen?
¿ Por qué no nos cuentas algo especial sobre ti, Kathleen?
At this stage, what harm can it do to tell us a bit about yourself?
En este punto, ¿ qué daño puede hacer si nos hablas un poco de ti?
While we wait for the analysis, would you tell us a little about yourself?
Mientras esperamos por los análisis, ¿ le importaría hablarnos un poco de usted?
Perhaps you can tell us something about yourself.
Tal vez pueda decirnos algo sobre Ud.
All right. Tell us a little something about yourself, Anferny.
Bueno, dinos algo sobre tí, Anferny.
Okay, well we've heard from you, Scott now, uh, you tell us a little about yourself.
Bien, te hemos escuchado a ti. Ahora, si Ud. nos hablaría de sí mismo.
Tell us something about yourself.
Venga, cuéntanos algo de ti.
Please tell us your name and something about yourself.
Dinos tu nombre y cuéntanos algo de ti.
They in turn have promised us to tell you the truth about yourself when you come of age and are able to accept it.
Y ellos a cambio nos prometieron contarte toda la verdad sobre ti mismo Cuando tuvieses la edad suficiente para poder afrontarlo.
Why don't you tell us a little bit about yourself. help us understand why we should choose you... over all the other qualified applicants.
Bueno, ahora cuéntanos quién eres y qué ventajas tienes sobre los otros candidatos.

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