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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ T ] / Those are mine

Those are mine tradutor Espanhol

416 parallel translation
"Yes, those are mine."
"Sí, son míos."
Hey, those are mine.
Oye, son míos.
Those are mine and mine go in here.
Esas son mías y van aquí.
- I beg your pardon, but those are mine.
- Imploro su perdón, pero son míos. - ¿ Suyos?
Those are mine.
Son míos.
Don't... you don't You know, those are mine
- No lo haga mas!
Those are mine.
Son mías.
- Those are mine, I believe.
- Ésas son mías, creo.
- Those are mine too. - Oh.
- Las mías también.
- Those are mine.
- Son míos.
- Hey, those are mine.
- Eh, son míos.
From the sands of Nazaré through this glass of water, every minute of my life belongs to you, but not the ones before. Those are mine.
Desde las arenas Nazaré hasta este vaso de agua,... cada minuto de mi vida te pertenece,... pero ninguno de los anteriores.
Those are mine!
¡ Son mías!
Those are mine. I will mend them.
Me parece que son los míos.
Hey, those are mine!
¡ Eh, son los míos!
What are these? Those are mine!
¡ Son míos!
Those are mine, you hermaphroditic weasel!
Son míos, comadreja hermafrodita.
- Hey, but those are mine!
¡ Suelta, esta son las mias!
You bet me I wouldn't let you put those holes in my ears and I did, so those are mine! I won them!
¡ Apostaste que yo no dejaría que me hicieras los agujeros... y lo hice, así que son míos!
- Whose clothes are those? - Mine.
- ¿ De quién es esa ropa?
Those are Pop's orders, not mine.
Son órdenes de papá, no mías.
Those are your words, Henry, not mine.
Lo has dicho tú Henry, no yo.
These clothes are mine and those too.
- Esa ropa es mía y ésa también.
But those children are in the mine earning money.
Pero estos niños están ganando dinero en la mina.
But only when those cheeks Are yours and mine
Pero sólo cuando son La tuya y la mía
Those two are mine.
Esas dos son mías.
- Those suitcases are mine.
Esas maletas son mías, acabo de llegar.
Mister, those friends of mine are always announced by cannon fire!
Es un trabajo malo, sabe. Demasiados amigos.
Those eight men are mine.
Estos ocho hombres son míos.
Those furs are mine!
Esas pieles son mías.
Those are mine, too!
Eso me pertenece también.
Are those mine too?
Son los míos también?
Those five pennies are mine.
Dame mi parte. Son cinco.
Say, are those your kids or mine?
- ¡ Eh! ¿ son míos o tuyos?
- Those, Professor Challenger, are mine.
- Ésas, profesor Challenger, son mías.
Those pigs are mine.
Esos cerdos son míos.
Those pigs are mine from the beginning.
Esos cerdos son míos desde el principio.
Whose shoes are those? They're mine.
¿ De quien son esos zapatos?
This is our shepherd, the one who- - Those that are mine will know me.
Este es nuestro pastor, el que... ios que sean míos me reconocerán.
Those men are a lot better than mine with a gun.
Esos hombres son mejores tiradores que los míos.
Those two trunks are mine.
Esos dos baúles son míos.
Those are doctor's orders, not mine.
Son órdenes del doctor, no mías.
Those animals are mine.
Esos animales son míos.
N.C. Those are my initials, but it's certainly not mine.
NC. Son mis iniciales, pero el anillo no es mío.
Yeah, those three and her are mine.
Si, esos tres y el suyo son míos.
Those are his arrangements, not mine.
Esos son sus arreglos, no los míos.
Are those mine?
¡ Sé que es el mío!
But those pigs are mine!
¡ Pero esos cerdos son míos!
That's your problem, because the vehicles you took are mine and those I'll take with me right now.
Ese es tu problema, porque los vehículos que se llevaron sí son de mi propiedad y esos me lo llevo yo ahora mismo.
Tom, some of those cows in there are mine.
Tom, algunas de esas vacas de allí son mías.
liberation no, we won't let those small minds stand in our way if there's a price then we are willing to pay stand up and sing together all in one voice liberation if you're in love with freedo you have no choice liberation even a child can see that now is the time when will you learn my friend that your fight is mine
si hay un precio, deseamos pagarlo de pie, cantemos todos juntos liberación si amas la libertad no tienes otra elección liberación hasta un niño puede ver que es ahora el momento cuándo aprenderás, amigo mío que tu lucha es la mía

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