Time to move on tradutor Espanhol
889 parallel translation
Démosle tiempo.
I've accomplished what I stayed here to do... and maybe it is time to move on.
He obtenido lo que quería lograr aquí y tal vez ha llegado el momento de irme.
That was a great play on feelings.Time to move on.
Explotando las emociones, se puede ir más lejos.
I believe it is time to move on.
Llegó el momento de seguir adelante.
Good time to move on, don't you think?
Es una buena edad para morir, ¿ no te parece?
But when they get older... sooner or later... is time to move on.
Pero cuando se hacen mayores... tarde o temprano... es hora de seguir adelante.
Time to move on.
Rápido, date prisa.
It's time to move on.
Es hora de olvidarse de esto.
Time to move on, I guess.
Hora de moverse, supongo.
It was time to move on.
- Era hora de progresar.
Yes, well, it's time to move on.
Ahora es hora de movernos.
- Wake up, Baby, it's time to move on.
- Despierta, nena. Es hora de seguir.
It's time to move on.
Pero hay que cambiar de aires.
And it's time to move on.
Y ya es la hora de irme de aqui...
And now it's time to move on to a little something... we call the spotlight.
Ahora es hora de movernos un poco Camara y luces.
- It's time to move on.
- Ya es hora de seguir adelante.
Time to move on, bud.
hora de partir, amigo.
It was now time to move on to the next stage of my plan...
Era hora de seguir mi camino hacia el próximo nivel de mi plan.
It is time to move on.
Time to move on?
¿ Es hora de cambiar de trabajo?
- Isn't it time to move on?
- ¿ No es hora de continuar?
Maybe it's time to move on again.
Tal vez es hora de pasar de nuevo.
Now it's time to move on.
Debemos seguir.
Time to move on.
Es hora de seguir adelante.
It was time to move on.
Era el momento de trasladarse.
Has to be on the move all the time.
- Siempre tiene que estar viajando.
It's time to have to move on.
Además, tenemos que apresurarnos.
You mean one with something doing all the time, to keep you on the move?
¿ Se refiere a uno que le tenga ocupado y en movimiento?
You mean one with something doing all the time, to keep you on the move?
Podría establecerme si encontrara un trabajo que me fuera bien.
he loved restlessness, so he didn't want to age time and again he had to move on, because people became afraid of him he had no real homeland, for mortals only love and trust other mortals
La vida le seguía gustando, pero echaba de menos la paz que trae consigo la vejez. Y llegó un día en que la gente empezó a tenerle miedo. Cuando intentaba establecerse, tenía que ponerse de nuevo en marcha.
- Time to get a move on.
- Es hora de irse.
- I used to have a red doll, but no more, because we're on the move all the time.
- Tenía una muñeca roja,... pero ya no, porque nos trasladamos continuamente.
You'll probably hate my guts about the time your tails are dragging and I tell you to move on. But just remember one thing.
Quizá me odien cuando estén cansados y les diga que tienen que moverse, pero quiero que recuerden una cosa :
On a point of order, Brother Chair, if he is one of them time and motion blokes, we'II have to move quick otherwise he'II stopwatch the men on the job and we'II find ourselves with tighter schedules for the same rate of pay.
Opino compañero presidente que si es uno de los que controlan hay que actuar rápido, Sino, cronometrarán a los hombres. Y nos encontraremos con más horas de trabajo por el mismo sueldo.
You've had time to make a move on her earlier, right?
Pero tuviste tiempo de enrollarte, antes.
The last time I saw him was on the eve of his permanent move to Paris.
Nunca le volví a ver. Pero en Vichy, solía verle a diario.
I put my hand on her knee in one quick move that gave her no time to react.
Le puse la mano en la rodilla sin dejarle posibilidad de reaccionar.
When the cops move in on the strike lines they move, form a diversionary force behind the cops so the picket lines, they have time to get out of their way.
Cuando la policía se mueva contra los huelguistas ellos podrían formar una fuerza de distracción, por detrás para que los piquetes tuvieran tiempo de escapar de la policía.
And I want time to take one year of my life out of Lago before we move on.
Y quiero tiempo para sacar un año de mi vida de Lago antes de que sigamos.
I stayed with her until I graduated high school, which was a year ago, and there didn't seem to be anything much holding'me back, so I decided now is the time to move around and find out what was going on.
Eso fue hace un año, y como no había nada que me retuviera... decidí que era el momento de partir y descubrir qué ocurría.
The time has come to move on.
Ha llegado el momento de cambiar.
Just forget the whole thing, because if you don't, if you try to move in on us the telephones are gonna start ringing again and this time, those bells are going to be heard all over the world.
Sólo olviden todo, porque si no lo hacen, si tratan de localizarnos los teléfonos empezarán a sonar de nuevo y esta vez, esos timbres se escucharán por todo el mundo.
It's time to just face it and move on.
Es hora de seguir adelante.
Time for us to move in on that pot of gold!
¡ Ha llegado el momento de actuar!
It's time for me to move on.
Es hora de irme.
But not until our overseas contacts have had time to move in and terminate every fanatic on his payroll.
Pero antes, nuestros contactos en el extranjero habrán aniquilado a esos fanáticos.
It's time to get a move on.
Es hora de darse prisa.
I don't know if you ever drove in traffic that won't move, you want to finish on time because you rarely finish on time and then they complain :
No sé si ha conducido durante un tiempo en un atasco... donde no se avanza y tú intentas seguir un horario. Porque casi nunca se sigue el horario. Y la gente te dice : "hace 45 minutos que le espero" y te insultan.
Move over, Calvin, it's time for my name to be on everyone's behind.
Apártate, Calvin. Es hora de que mi nombre esté en el trasero de todos.
It's time to put our differences aside, Cindy, and try to move on.
Es tiempo de poner nuestras diferencias a un lado. ¡ Cindy! Y tratar de olvidarlas.
They finally meet for the first time in 30 years... and in less than one year, he decides to move on.
Y en menos de un año él. decide mudarse.
time to go home 94
time to die 52
time to wake up 54
time to go 627
time to sleep 29
time to eat 55
time to go to bed 19
time to go to work 26
time to leave 25
time to get to work 16
time to die 52
time to wake up 54
time to go 627
time to sleep 29
time to eat 55
time to go to bed 19
time to go to work 26
time to leave 25
time to get to work 16
time to get up 91
time to move 28
to move on 19
move on 540
time is running out 68
time is of the essence 71
time flies 78
time is up 41
time is money 74
time travel 83
time to move 28
to move on 19
move on 540
time is running out 68
time is of the essence 71
time flies 78
time is up 41
time is money 74
time travel 83
time will tell 62
time is 18
time for bed 134
time out 262
time job 218
time for breakfast 17
time of death 270
time continuum 62
time thing 208
time lord 48
time is 18
time for bed 134
time out 262
time job 218
time for breakfast 17
time of death 270
time continuum 62
time thing 208
time lord 48