Was that you tradutor Espanhol
92,220 parallel translation
I want you to know that it was entirely wrong of you to attack and insult the chief warder.
Quiero que sepa que fue totalmente incorrecto... atacar e insultar al jefe de guardia.
In that case..... it was wonderful to see you, and I hope to see you again very soon.
En ese caso... fue maravilloso verte... y espero verte de nuevo muy pronto.
It was, till news got out that you guys were targeting them, and then they just, you know.
Sucedía, hasta que se corrió la voz de que ustedes los tenían en la mira y ellos simplemente, ya saben.
I was hoping that you might put on an internal investigation.
Esperaba que pudieras hacer una investigación interna.
That night at the pizza place, you never told me Axe was gonna be there.
Esa noche en la pizzería nunca me dijiste que Axe iba a estar ahí.
That was a neat trick you pulled with the A.G.
Es un buen truco el que le hiciste a la fiscal general.
Just don't forget, it was the back channels and deal-making that put you in that position.
Pero recuerda que por las charlas y los tratos estás en esa posición.
There was so much joy in car design back then, and you see it in that car there.
Había tanta pasión en el diseño de autos entonces Y eso se puede ver en como quedaban, allí
You're gonna sleep a lot better at night knowing that your Italian car was actually put together by the Japanese.
Es decir, vas a dormir mejor por las noches... Sabiendo que tu auto italiano... Fue ensamblado por japoneses
I was going to ask if the glovebox is permanently locked shut in the Jag, because that's where you keep your wallet.
Iba a preguntar si la guantera está trabada permanentemente en el "Jaaag"... Porque ahí es donde guardas la billetera
Because, do you remember, and it is a long time ago, when the Continental GT first came out, we all thought that was hideous...
Porque quizá recuerden, aunque fue hace tiempo... Cuando se presentó por primera vez el Continental GT... Todos pensamos que se veía horrendo...
Because it's not that long ago, if you think about early Range Rovers and the like, going fast was actually quite frightening.
Porque hasta no hace mucho tiempo... Si piensan en los primeros Range Rover y demás Ir veloz era de hecho algo que asustaba mucho
Did you hear that? That was tyre squeal from James May.
Eso fue chirrido de neumáticos hecho por James May
Consider the fact that this situation manifested itself after you learned that Sarah's consciousness was digitally uploaded.
Considera el hecho de que esta situación se manifestó después de que supieras que la conciencia de Sarah estaba cargada digitalmente.
That was the name of the first girl you ever kissed.
Ese es el nombre de la primera chica a la que besaste.
I was afraid you'd say that.
Temía que dirías eso.
Knowing that her apartment was not safe, she brought you here to this facility, far beyond the reach of Dwarf Star.
Sabiendo que su apartamento no era seguro, te trajo aquí, a esta instalación, más allá del alcance de Estrella Enana.
I realized that the only way to help you move on was to give you just a little bit of her, someone to help you find your way.
Me di cuenta de que la única manera de ayudarte a seguir adelante era darte un pequeño pedazo de ella, alguien que te ayudara a encontrar tu camino.
Chase said that she was created as a tribute to you, but we both knew he was lying.
Chase dijo que fue creada como un tributo a ti, pero ambos sabemos que mentía.
You didn't really think it was gonna be that easy, did ya?
No pensaríais que iba a ser tan fácil, ¿ verdad?
You remember how I told you that this null space bubble that we're in was not much larger than the station?
¿ Recordáis que os dije que esta bolsa de espacio nulo en la que estamos no era mucho más grande que la estación?
Because I was with that man for so long, and I didn't think you were coming, and I was just really scared.
Porque pasé tanto tiempo con ese hombre, y no pensaba que fueras a venir, y estaba realmente asustada.
You think that was an accident?
¿ Crees que eso fue un accidente?
You don't know for certain that it was them.
No sabemos si fue así.
He did make it clear that his new duties on the outer colonies would command a great deal of his attention and that he wouldn't be as available to you as he was in the past.
Enfatizó que sus nuevas responsabilidades en las Colonias Exteriores demandarían mucha atención y que no estaría tan disponible para ti como en el pasado.
Uh, again, I need to point out, that was all you.
Otra vez tengo que señalar que ese fuiste tú.
You think if I had known that getting captured was part of the plan, I would have gone along with it?
¿ Crees que si hubiera sabido que parte del plan era que me capturaran, habría accedido?
You said in the memory that Victor showed you, I was talking about how this space could be
En la memoria que Victor te mostró, hablaba de cómo este sitio podría ser
All I ever wanted to do was to take care of you... but I was frozen on that sofa.
Todo lo que siempre quise hacer fue cuidarte... Pero estaba postrada en ese sofá.
It was Steve who helped you see that.
‐ Fue Steve quien te ayudó a ver eso.
Because, you know, if anyone was trying to do that with my kids, I would not be okay with it.
Porque si alguien hiciera eso con mis hijos, a mí no me agradaría.
You know, Eddie wanted us to own something Something that was just ours.
Eddie quería que fuéramos dueños de algo, así que es nuestra.
But that was the sacrifice, the choice you had to make, so you could bring the word to others.
Pero era tu sacrificio, la decisión que debías tomar para poder esparcir la Palabra a otros.
The Eros experiment was never meant to be an attack on Earth, and I believe that you know that.
El experimento en Eros nunca estuvo destinado a ser un ataque a la Tierra, y creo que eso ya lo sabe.
I never really did tell you that... I was sorry that I had to leave your mother.
Nunca te dije que... lamentaba haber dejado a tu madre.
And you tell him that this medal was given to the father he knows, no matter what he hears about me.
Y dile que esta medalla se la dieron al padre que conoce, sin importar lo que escuche de mí.
You mean that that was...?
¿ Te refieres a que...?
I feel like, you know, God plays a role in our lives and I think this was something He thought that I was probably better at than being a doctor, so there it is.
Dios tiene un papel en nuestras vidas. Creo que Él pensó que yo era mejor para esto en vez de ser médico y aquí estoy.
Uh, was that a left or a right on No Way In Hell I'm Telling You That Street?
¿ Era a la izquierda o a la derecha en la calle ni de broma os lo voy a decir?
You thought that was funny?
¿ Pensaste que eso era gracioso?
That was you.
Esa eras tú.
You can feel that they're having trouble buoying themselves. And... so... I was thinking of bringing... bringing Wendy Rhoades back.
Te puedes dar cuenta que tienen problemas para animarse entonces estaba pensando en traer de regreso a Wendy Rhoades.
Do you think you'd be able to decide this case in a fair and impartial manner if you knew that the average Spartan-Ives bonus last year was over 366,000 dollars?
¿ Crees que serías capaz de decidir sobre este caso de manera justa e imparcial, si supieras que el bono promedio del último año en Spartan Ives fue de más de 366.000 dólares?
What if you knew Mr. Boyd's personal bonus was more than 50 times that?
... si supiera que el bono personal del señor Boyd fue más de 50 veces eso.
It never occurred to you that Rhoades was moving you around to serve his purposes whenever he found himself holding a Yarborough?
¿ Nunca pensó que el señor Rhoades lo estaba moviendo según sus propios intereses cuando se encontraba en problemas?
I would never ask you to accept a plea unless you, too, felt that plea was in the best interest of justice.
Nunca te pediría aceptar una petición a menos que tú también creyeras que dicha petición es justa.
Which is why you sent him to that religious boot camp when he was 17... to pray the gay away.
Por eso lo mandaste a ese campamento religioso cuando tenía 17 años para rezar contra la homosexualidad.
If this was just a little row between the two of us, we'd shake hands, I'd take that stupid award, and you'd have nothing more to fear.
Si esto fuera solo una pequeña disputa entre nosotros estrecharíamos manos, tomaría ese estúpido premio y no tendrías nada más que temer.
I do know that you would not be here unless the deal was a winner.
Sé que no hubieras venido a verme si no hubiera un negocio ganador.
I may have given you the impression that I was happy there, and I may well end up that way. But the truth is, it's been bumpy.
Quizá te haya parecido que estaba contenta ahí y puede que termine siendo así pero lo cierto es que ha sido difícil.
That trust was set aside for you and the children. But even the safest IPO has a different risk profile than a normal investment.
Ese fideicomiso fue creado para ti y para los niños pero incluso el inicio en el mercado de valores más seguro tiene un perfil de riesgo diferente a una inversión normal.
was that really necessary 35
was that so hard 56
was that necessary 32
was that a compliment 24
was that a 21
was that it 78
was that 195
was that okay 22
was that wrong 21
was that me 23
was that so hard 56
was that necessary 32
was that a compliment 24
was that a 21
was that it 78
was that 195
was that okay 22
was that wrong 21
was that me 23
was that a joke 26
was that true 17
was that him 35
was that good 22
was that a lie 17
was that her 20
that you know of 21
that you 255
that you did 18
that you love me 34
was that true 17
was that him 35
was that good 22
was that a lie 17
was that her 20
that you know of 21
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that you are 26
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that you're 24
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youtube 39
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youn 21
yourself 387
your hat 64
you suck 398
youtube 39
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you okay 9168
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yourself 387
your hat 64
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