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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ W ] / We know you

We know you tradutor Espanhol

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We know you wrote this.
Sabemos que ha escrito esto.
Look, we know you're trying, but you don't need to give us pep talks.
Mira, sabemos que lo intentas, pero no necesitamos que nos des la charla.
You know we don't know that for sure.
Sabes que no sabemos eso con certeza.
Because we all kick back, all crack a joke, you know. Some clean, some dirty.
Porque todos nos relajamos, contamos chistes, inocentes y sucios.
But we still have a good time, you know.
Pero nos divertimos.
I mean, today alone on a slower day we're doing 48 briskets, you know.
Solamente hoy, que fue un día lento, cocinamos 48 faldas.
You know, we're doing 60 racks of pork ribs, that's 30 pigs.
Cocinamos 60 costillares de cerdo. Esos son 30 cerdos.
So we've already harvested and cooked 24 cows, you know, and 30 pigs just for what we do.
Así que ya cortamos y cocinamos la carne de 24 vacas y de 30 cerdos para lo que hacemos.
You know, and we're...
Y nosotros...
If we keep this tradition going, we're not losing touch with our ancestors, we're not losing touch with, you know, the people whose shoulders we're standing on to be here.
Si continuamos, no perdemos contacto con nuestros ancestros, no perdemos contacto con los que iniciaron estas tradiciones.
You know, we're alive now, so make it worthwhile.
Ahora estamos vivos, así que hagamos que valga la pena.
You know,'cause we're in Texas and he was kind of a doody for blocking me.
Ya sabes, porque estamos en Texas, y se comportó fatal bloqueándome.
All right, look, you can't know this, but it didn't go away when we moved for dismissal.
Mira, no deberías saber esto pero las cosas no mejoraron con la destitución.
So, you know we had a bit of a rough quarter.
Bueno, sabes que tuvimos un trimestre difícil.
We are, as always, interested in the same thing. And I want you to know that I would never refuse to accept a plea if, suddenly, I saw that to do so would be more fair.
Nos interesa, como siempre, la misma cosa y quiero que sepa que nunca me negaría a aceptar una petición si de repente me diera cuenta que eso es lo más justo.
You know, I have won the lowliest fucking elected offices we've got.
Gané el puesto de elección más bajo que tenemos.
You know, if we don't mark the milestones, we're just passing with the time.
Ya sabes, si no celebramos las fechas importantes, el tiempo se nos va.
You know, we never really had you over to the house enough.
Sabes, te hemos tenido poco tiempo en esta casa.
You'll let me know... if we have an issue.
Tú me dirás si tenemos un problema.
Taylor, you don't know me, but I think we should get acquainted.
No me conoces, Taylor, pero creo que deberíamos hacerlo.
You know, it occurs to me the reason you were in the neighborhood earlier. The thing we were gonna discuss in therapy, we haven't discussed.
Se me ocurre que la razón por la que estabas en el vecindario antes lo que íbamos a discutir en terapia, no lo hemos discutido.
And we both know that you would have killed me at Meeg's Harbor had Tallmadge not intervened, or killed me in captivity if General Scott hadn't interrupted.
Y ambos sabemos que me habrías matado en Meeg Harbor si Tallmadge no hubiera intervenido, o asesinado en cautividad si el general Scott no lo hubiera interrumpido.
You know, I realize, that we've been at this all night and all morning, and I've been no more forthcoming than you.
¿ Sabes? Me he dado cuenta, de que llevamos con esto toda la noche y toda la mañana, y que no he sido mucho más comunicativo que tú.
You know, like we thought?
Ya sabes, como creíamos que seríamos.
- I think he means you really didn't seem to know much about their camp when we asked.
- Creo que se refiere que realmente no parecías saber mucho sobre su campamento cuando preguntamos.
Hey, Jane, just wanna make sure you're not mad about this because we're not actually fucking, and you know that, right?
Solo quiero asegurarme que no estás enojada por esto porque no somos amantes y lo sabes, ¿ no?
Yes, Danny, I know that we're not actually fucking because you're not a billionaire and I don't wanna catch anything.
Sí, Danny. Sé que no somos amantes. Porque no eres un magnate y no quiero enfermarme.
You know what we really need?
¿ Saben lo que necesitamos?
- You know, I think we have to...
Mejor nos vamos.
Come on, we both know you were gonna go ahead and do it anyway.
Los dos sabemos que ibas a hacerlo.
You know what, Gary? Can we invite Quartie to your party?
¿ Podemos invitar a Quartie a tu fiesta?
Do you know that if 30,000 more people in Alabama had gone to the polls instead of smoking off-brand cigarettes off-brand cigarettes through their neck holes at riverboat casino slot machines, we would be working at the White House right now instead of hunting for your diary at a fucking truck stop in which I guarantee we are the only people who are not here to score speed or get their assholes licked.
Si 30 mil más personas en Alabama hubieran votado en vez de fumar cigarrillos baratos en los casinos estaríamos trabajando en la Casa Blanca y no buscando tu diario en una parada de camioneros donde somos los únicos sobrios y no nos lamen el ano.
Thank you, Brie, you know, for everything that we've shared, - both on and off camera.
Gracias por todo lo compartido tanto ante la cámara como fuera de ella.
You know, at home we are taught that everything you do is the best.
¿ Sabe? , en casa nos enseñaban a que todo lo que haces es lo mejor.
You know we're not married, right?
Sabes que no estamos casadas, ¿ verdad?
And we all know you barely have one.
Y todos sabemos que apenas tienes uno.
Come on, Max, we both know you're not really retired from sex.
Vamos, Max, ambas sabemos que no estás realmente retirada del sexo.
You know we own a dessert bar, right?
Sabes que somos dueñas de bar de postres, ¿ no?
You know, we even watched the Santa Clarita Diet.
Ya sabes, incluso nos hemos visto Santa Clarita Diet.
You know, I am gonna win her a stuffed animal and show her we may not be geniuses, but damn it, we can operate tiny cranes.
¿ Sabes? Voy a ganarle ese peluche y demostrarle que quizás no seamos genios, pero maldita sea, sabemos cómo manejar grúas diminutas.
Well, then you know we're not going.
Bueno, entonces sabes que no vamos.
I know I promised we'd get you a nuke, and... I'm gonna make good on that, but... it's not exactly like running down to the corner store for a loaf of bread.
Sé que prometí que le conseguiríamos una ojiva y... lo cumpliré, pero... no es exactamente que vamos a la tienda de la esquina por una hogaza de pan.
You know, I know this isn't the beach day we wanted, but it's the beach day we got.
Vale, ya sé que este no es el día en la playa que queríamos, - pero es el que hemos tenido.
And do you know how we'll do that?
¿ Y sabéis cómo haremos eso?
But I truly believe we can change lives, and I know deep down you still care.
Pero verdaderamente creo que podemos cambiar vidas, y sé que en el fondo todavía os importa.
But, Gideon, even if you narrow down the area, we still don't know what we're looking for.
Pero, Gideon, aunque si tu reduces el area, nosotros todavia no sabemos que estamos buscando.
If you want this deal, we need to know everything.
Si quieres un trato, necesitamos saber todo.
You know, anything that makes it look like we might just pull this thing off.
Cualquier cosa que haga que parezca que podemos hacer esto.
And as you know, we purchased the company.
Como sabe, hemos comprado la empresa.
I know, but we have a lot of new staff this week, and you never know who you can trust.
Ya, pero esta semana hay muchos nuevos empleados. Uno nunca sabe de quién fiarse.
I didn't tell you because I didn't know how you'd react. And we've been arguing so much, I was afraid you wouldn't understand.
No te lo dije porque... no sabía cómo ibas a reaccionar y... hemos discutido tanto que tenía miedo de que no me entendieras.

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