You asked for me tradutor Espanhol
2,465 parallel translation
You asked for me?
Usted preguntó por mí?
- You asked for me?
¿ Quería verme? Sí.
You asked for me?
¿ Ha preguntado por mí?
You asked for me, Marcus.
Ha preguntado por mí, Marcus.
That's why you asked for me, isn't it?
Por eso preguntaste por mí, ¿ no?
I just asked you to draw something for me.
Acabo de pedirte que dibujaras algo por mí.
he asked me to pray for him can you believe that
¡ Me ha pedido que rece por él! ¿ Qué te parece?
As you asked me sir, my mission of looking for Mr. Ovronnaz, despite their efforts, it is far from complete.
Debo decirle que, antes de continuar en la mision de busqueda del señor Ovronnaz, que a pesar de mis esfuerzos, esta lejos de ser completada.
You think I asked for this?
¿ Crees que me preguntó por esto?
Man, I've taken care of your beef, jacked for you, killed for you - - everything you've ever asked of me.
Me ocupé de tu problemas. Robé por ti, maté por ti... todo lo que me pediste.
You asked me for help at first.
Primero me pediste ayuda.
Sometimes from you, sometimes from me it asked for words to set it free
A veces de ti y a veces de mi me pregunto qué palabras te hacen libre
You asked for the truth.
Me has preguntado por la verdad.
Trust me. - You asked for this.
- Tú te buscaste esto.
So... as investigating magistrate in charge of the case the State prosecutor has asked me to indict you for having committed, at Outreau, by violence or threat, acts of sexual penetration on children Delay and Delplanque and sexual interterence on your son, Sébastien,
Así que... como juez de instrucción a cargo del caso el fiscal me ha pedido que le acusan por haber cometido, en Outreau, con violencia o amenaza, los actos de penetración sexual en los niños de retardo y Delplanque
- You didn't bring anything else? - You only asked me for milk.
¿ No trajiste nada más?
I just asked for fun, why did you give me cash?
Sólo es una broma, porque me das tú dinero.
Oh? I told them that you hadn't asked for an apology.
Les he dicho que usted no me había pedido que me disculpase.
Then you have mango, if you asked for mango.
Entonces tiene mango, si me pediste mango tiene mango.
Your brother asked me to look after you for a little while.
Tu hermano me pidió que te cuidara por un tiempo.
I should let you know that she asked for details about our dalliance.
Debo informarte que me pidió detalles sobre nuestro encuentro.
Now are we gonna give the gentleman what he asked for or not? Ugh. Kenneth, when I'm gone, how do you think people will remember me?
¿ Vamos a darle a este caballero lo que ha pedido, o no? Kenneth, cuando me vaya,
You asked me if I thought it was possible for our Olivia to be switched with the one from the other universe.
- Sí. Me preguntaste si pensaba que fuera posible que cambiaran a nuestra Olivia con la del otro universo.
I asked you for a sign, and you sent it to me.
Te he pedido una señal, y me la has enviado.
Oh. You asked her out for me?
¿ La invitaste a salir conmigo?
Do you remember what you said to me five years ago when Eagleton offered me that job, and I asked you for your advice?
¿ Recuerdas qué me dijiste hace cinco años cuando Eagleton me ofreció el trabajo y te pedí tu consejo?
♪ I went on down to the deep blue sea ♪ ♪ they all asked for you... ♪
# Me fui hasta el profundo mar azul # # y todos preguntaban por ti... #
Well, to tell you the truth, I asked the sub they put me under for licensed guys that were already getting f.E.M.A. Money and had five or six trucks working.
Bueno, para serte sincero, le pregunté al subcontratista del que dependo... qué tipos con licencia ya estaban cobrando dinero de F.E.M.A... y tenían 5 ó 6 camiones trabajando.
I'm talking about respect, a sacrifice of your opinions, of your point of view for one moment, because I asked you for it, because I felt it was right, because it was my opinion and it was important to my self-respect and to me.
Hablo de respeto, que sacrifiques tus opiniones, tu punto de vista por un momento, porque yo te pedí que lo hicieras, porque creía que era lo correcto, porque era mi opinión y era importante para mi y para el respeto hacia mi persona.
I knew that Cotes-Preedy wouldn't be able to keep this quiet, so that's why when you asked me to find a house for Miss Monroe, I took the precaution of finding two.
Sabía que Cotes-Preedy no podría mantenerlo en secreto, y cuando me pidió buscarle una casa a la Srta. Monroe, tomé la precaución de buscar dos.
You asked me for a badge and a gun.
Me has pedido una placa y una pistola.
If I asked you for a compulsory DBV order would you grant it?
- ¿ Si solicitara una orden DBV obligatoria me la concederías?
Neal, what did I say last time you asked me for a favor?
Neal, ¿ qué te dije la ultima vez que me pediste un favor?
Your boss told me that you'd asked for me on this case personally.
Su jefe me dijo que me había solicitado a mí para este caso personalmente.
55 Got nothing to do with me. 55 Solicitor's asked for you.
No tiene nada que ver conmigo El procurador pregunto por ti
He knows that, and he's asked me to tell you that he's sorry for what he did.
Él lo sabe, y me ha pedido que les diga que... siente lo que ha hecho.
Shortly after we dropped out of FTL, Colonel, you asked me for a number.
Poco después de dejar FTL. coronel... me pediste un número.
When we met, you asked who I was looking for. You took me straight to Fazio's door without asking anyone. Where should I have taken you?
- Cuando nos encontramos en el hospital tu me preguntaste y yo te dije Fazio... y sin preguntarle a nadie me llevaste delante de la puerta justa.
I asked you what you would do if it was me and what you'd want for my killer, please.
Te pregunté que harías si fuera yo y lo que querrías para mi asesino, por favor.
Keep your eye on the ball. ♪ I would do it if you asked me to ♪ ♪'cause I'm still carrying the torch for you ♪
Mantén la vista en la bola. ¡ Tomé una mala curva!
Well, Haley asked me to help out for a couple of weeks since Lydia was born, which happens to be very good news for you.
Bueno, Haley me pidió que ayudara por aquí un par de semanas a partir de que Lidia naciera, lo que es una muy buena noticia para ti.
But, you know, She asked for a favor, and I said yes.
Es cierto, pero ella me pidio un favor y dije que si.
Asked me to help look for you.
Me pedía ayuda para encontrarte.
You asked me... If you could ever be forgiven for what you did.
- Me preguntó... si alguna vez le perdonarían todo lo que ha hecho.
You asked me for liberation.
Me preguntaste por la liberación.
But why did you asked me for exclusivity?
Pero ¿ Por qué me pediste exclusividad?
I asked her not to tell me how much she paid for it. Hey, do you play?
Le pedí que no me dijese cuanto pagó por él. ¿ Tocas?
He's asked for my help. Do you really think I can just walk out on him?
Me pidió ayuda. ¿ De verdad crees que puedo abandonarlo?
... You asked for a quick turnaround.
Me pidió una respuesta rápida.
Anna wishes to thank you all for coming however she elected not to speak tonight and asked that I take her place.
Anna les agradece a todos su presencia... sin embargo, decidió no hablar esta noche... y me pidió reemplazarla.
I've been here for three years.I've done everything you've asked.I should bloody well think so!
He estado aquí tres años. He hecho todo lo que me ha pedido. - ¡ Creo que sí!
you asked for it 145
you asked me 62
you asked for my help 19
you asked 123
you asked me a question 21
you asked me to 28
you asked to see me 72
for me 3075
for men 33
for me too 49
you asked me 62
you asked for my help 19
you asked 123
you asked me a question 21
you asked me to 28
you asked to see me 72
for me 3075
for men 33
for me too 49
you are 6060
you all right 5423
you are amazing 104
you are so sweet 63
you are my friend 67
you are beautiful 191
you are an angel 28
you are mine 68
you are so beautiful 123
you are the best 102
you all right 5423
you are amazing 104
you are so sweet 63
you are my friend 67
you are beautiful 191
you are an angel 28
you are mine 68
you are so beautiful 123
you are the best 102
you are welcome 177
you are dead to me 22
you are right 482
you are free 73
you are not alone 88
you are good 169
you aren't 92
you are clever 20
you are lying 79
you are crazy 148
you are dead to me 22
you are right 482
you are free 73
you are not alone 88
you are good 169
you aren't 92
you are clever 20
you are lying 79
you are crazy 148