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You going out tradutor Espanhol

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You going out? - What?
¿ Vas a salir?
Are you going out for Three Buddies?
¿ Irás para Tres compadres?
Seriously, Lexi goes to bed crazy early, so if you guys are ever going out, just shoot me a text ; she doesn't care.
De verdad, Lexi se va a la cama jodidamente temprano, así que si alguna vez vais a salir, mándame un mensaje, a ella no le importa.
Nothing's going to get better by you two falling out.
Nada mejorará si se pelean.
Looking for you to borrow some scissors but you're going out.
Necesito pedirte una tijeras pero vas de salida.
You and Perseus are going to go out there on your own.
Tú y Perseus vais a llegar allí por vuestra cuenta.
He said, "I'll write about this." And he takes a piece of paper out. "You're going to do more than that," I said.
Y antes de que pudiera encajar otro golpe, dos tipos me agarraron y me llevaron al club.
♪ And the laughs on me ♪ " You're going to have to get out of here.
El policía me agarró del brazo y me miró.
I thought you were going out?
¿ Pensé que te habías ido?
'I'm going to have to ask you to be quiet, out of respect for the other passengers.'
Le voy a pedir que esté callado por respeto a los otros pasajeros.
If you are trying to talk me out of going back to my place, boy, you are doing a good job.
Si estás tratando de convencerme de volver a mi casa, estás haciendo un buen trabajo.
You're going out with this?
Saldrás así con eso?
How Mara didn't kill you on sight, I have no idea, and she's still going to get out of Audrey's body, because she'll rip the flesh off her bones...
Cómo Mara no te mató en el acto, no tengo idea, y aún tiene que salir del cuerpo de Audrey, porque va a desgarrar la carne de sus huesos...
Holden stole your money. Then when he heard the Vine City Crew might make peace, he tried to keep the war going to keep you from finding out.
Holden robó tu dinero y cuando se enteró de que Vine City Crew quería la paz, quiso continuar la guerra para que no te enteraras.
You should be concentrating on what you're going to do when you get out of here.
Deberías concentrarte en lo que vas a hacer cuando salgas de aquí.
You're not going out there.
No salgas allá.
We are going to weed you out!
¡ Vamos a desmalezarte!
Mrs. Henson, this is normally where I cuff someone and then let the D.A. figure out the rest, but I am going to give you the chance to cooperate...
Sra. Henson, ahora es cuando la esposamos y el fiscal hace el resto, pero le daré una oportunidad de cooperar...
Do you think those fellas out there are going to let you go back?
¿ Cree que esos tipos, de ahí afuera, lo dejarán volver?
A single, young doctor is going to ask you out for ice cream...
Un joven doctor soltero te invitará a salir por un helado...
- You're going to leave and get out of her house.
- Te vas a ir de su casa ahora.
It turns out, for no good reason, and I know you're going through a lot, but the normal thing, and the polite thing would be to ask me in for cup of tea.
Resulta que sin razón, y sé que estás pasando por mucho, pero lo normal, y lo educado sería invitarme una taza de té.
You and Sid were going out with his ex-wife?
¿ Sid y usted ibais a salir con su exmujer?
So are you going to break me out of here?
Entonces, ¿ me sacarás de aquí?
You're going out every day!
¡ Sales cada día!
Are you going to start hanging out with the rich now?
¿ Vas a estar 24 / 7 con los ricos o qué?
You got into a pissing contest with Harvey, he told you he's been covering Donna's salary, you, out of pride, said that you were going to take it on, and now you're here to find out how much you're on the hook for.
¿ Temías o lo esperabas? Eso es desagradable. ¿ Y tú haciendo comentarios lascivos sobre nuestra cliente no lo es?
Through this intensive six-week course, we're going to iron out those leadership wrinkles and help get you back on track.
A través de este curso intensivo de seis semanas, vamos a limar las arrugas de liderazgo y ayudarle a volver a la pista.
Whatever you got going on, know that I'm looking out for you.
Por lo que sea que estés pasando te cuidaré.
I'm not telling you, because when you get to the Black Archive, you'll find out for yourself, and when you do, you're going to want to speak to me again.
No te lo voy a decir, porque cuando llegues al Archivo Negro, lo vas a averiguar por ti misma, y cuando lo hagas, vas a querer hablar conmigo otra vez.
You know, like when the internet came out, there was people going,
Es como cuando empezó Internet, Había gente que decía,
I'm going to read them out and you simply answer yes or no.
Las leeré... y respondes sí o no.
Hey, man, I appreciate you coming out to do this. What's going on?
Oye Amigo, te agradezco que hagas esto. ¿ Qué pasa?
I mean, don't you miss going out and all that stuff?
¿ No extrañas salir y todo eso?
Well, he's going to tell you that it's because I'm evil and that he found out that I... Have a relationship with Jules.
Bueno, va a decirte que es porque soy el diablo y averiguó que yo... tenía una relación con Jules.
You're not going out there alone, Allison!
No vas a ir allá sola, Allison.
Imagine me and you in Spain, going out together...
Imagínanos a ti y a mí en España, saliendo juntas.
You're... you're going out there? Yeah.
Espera. ¿ Eres es que vas ir ahí?
You've gotta find out what's going on.
Tienes que averiguar lo que está pasando.
So you are going to pick a fellow trainee, figure out the missing piece of their story in the next 24 hours, or you're out.
Así que, van a elegir a un compañero y a averiguar la parte que falta en su historia en las próximas 24 horas o estarán fuera.
I'm going to get out of here, and find whoever put me here in the first place, and whatever they're trying to do, I'm going to... stop it! Argh! But it might take me a little while, so do you want me to tell you a story?
Voy a salir de aquí, y voy a encontrar a quien sea que me puso aquí en primer lugar, y lo que sea que están intentando hacer... ¡ voy a detenerlo! Pero podría llevarme un tiempo,
If I push that button, your car seat is going to blow off and go through the roof, and you're going to fly out of the car. "
Si oprimo ese botón, tu asiento saldrá volando a través del techo y vas a salir volando del auto ".
We're going to get you out of this.
Vamos a sacarle de esta.
I know what you're going through with your uncle... And if you need to take it out on me, that's just fine.
Sé por lo que estas pasando con lo de tu tío... y si necesitas desquitarte conmigo, eso estaría bien.
Here's some old-world grunge going out to my man Alak Tarr, wherever you are.
Ahora un poco de grunge del viejo mundo dedicado a mi amigo Alak Tarr, donde sea que estes.
You're not going to see the king out there plowing the fields, are you? ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
No verás al rey ahí fuera arando campos, ¿ verdad?
You're going out?
¿ Vas a salir?
Carl, you're not going out there.
Carl, no irás afuera.
♪ I'm gonna love you ♪ ♪ Like it's going out of style ♪
# Voy a amarte # # como si ya no estuviera de moda #
The longer you hold out, the harder it's going to be for those you care about.
Cuanto más tiempo mantenga a cabo, más difícil va a ser para sus seres queridos.
She knows you're going out, right?
Sabe que estáis saliendo, ¿ no?

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