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You going tradutor Espanhol

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Where are you going?
¿ Adónde vas?
Weren't you going to report this?
¿ No ibas a informar esto?
Where you going?
¿ A dónde vas?
I'm not going to stop you.
No lo haré.
I'm going to join you.
Iré contigo.
You're not suggesting going to one of those filthy swap moons!
¿ Sugieres ir a una de esas lunas asquerosas?
You'll have to control your emotions if you're going to lead this group someday.
Algún día liderarás, debes controlarte.
If you're going to be a leader, you've got to get your head on straight.
Como líder, debes analizar las cosas.
I am going to ask you some questions.
Le haré algunas preguntas.
You're messing with his mind. You're going to kill him!
Juegan con su mente. ¡ Lo matarán!
Are you sure you know where you're going?
- ¿ Seguro sabes por dónde es?
You're not going anywhere. And neither is the lion.
No escaparán y tampoco el león.
Can you hear me? Hunk and Keith here. What's going on, Princess?
Sí. ¿ Qué ocurre, princesa?
Actually, since you're going home, could you bring back my swimsuit?
Bueno, ya que vas a casa, podrías traer mi bañador?
He's on the city council and said you were going to help us.
- El es concejal y dijo que nos ayudarías.
You're going home to your family.
¡ Mantener a la familia! ¡ El dolor...!
Aisha, I'm afraid you're going to have to remove that.
Aisha, está casi obligada a sacarse eso.
When did you stop going for treatment? 3 months ago.
- ¿ Cuándo interrumpió el tratamiento?
- Where are you going?
- ¿ A dónde vas?
That's why you're going there too.
Es por eso que vosotros también vais a ir.
We know exactly where we're going and exactly what you are.
Sabemos exactamente dónde vamos y lo que eres.
You said. You know where we are going?
- que sabes adónde vamos?
We're going to take you all back to our camp.
Vamos a llevaros a todos de vuelta a nuestro campamento.
You never know what someone's going through. " Right?
Nunca sabes qué le está pasando a alguien ". ¿ Sí?
It's like... If you've ever been going to a party and you're in the car with your partner and just...
Como si nunca hubieras ido a una fiesta y estás en el auto con tu pareja y...
You're going to have a baby, right?
Mil millones a una. Tendrás un bebé, ¿ no?
You're going right to the source.
Van justo a la fuente.
And I feel like if you're going to yell out of your car at a woman, commit to it.
Y siento que si vas a gritarle algo desde el auto a una mujer, comprométete.
That's what happens, is if you're talking to a girl in a bar and it's going well and after a minute she's just like, "Fuck you!"
Es lo que pasa, si estás hablando con una chica en un bar y todo va bien y luego de un minuto ella dice : "¡ Jódete!".
I hope you're going to dinner tonight.
Espero vayas a cenar hoy.
You're going to jail for the murder of Dale Reynolds.
Va a ir a la cárcel por el asesinato de Dale Reynolds.
So now, you are going to suffer as she suffered.
Así que ahora, va a sufrir como ella sufrió.
And how long have you been going?
¿ Y cuánto tiempo lleva?
You know, I thought this was just another job I was going back to, but... I think I might really enjoy it.
Pensé que este era solo otro trabajo al que iba a volver, pero creo que podría disfrutarlo.
He told you he wasn't going to pay any more.
Le dijo que ya no pagaría más.
An hour ago, I couldn't shut you up going on about how we was partners and stuff, and now you won't even grace me with a "No, thank you"
Una hora antes, no pude callarte... sobre como éramos compañeros y eso... y ahora ni siquiera me bendices con un "no, gracias"
"I can't bear going on knowing what I've done to you, " and knowing you will find out, " I can't face life with you blaming me.
No puedo seguir adelante sabiendo lo que te hice... y sabiendo que lo descubrirás... no puedo enfrentar la vida contigo culpándome.
" I'm going to miss you so much.
Te extrañaré mucho.
I thought you had someone on the inside, but your work with Alex Parrish seems to be going nowhere.
Pensaba que tenías a alguien dentro, pero tu trabajo con Alex Parrish parece que no va a ninguna parte.
- I have orders from Miranda, and you're not going to like them.
Tengo órdenes de Miranda, y no te van a gustar.
You told him I was going after him first.
Primero le dijiste que yo iba tras él.
I told him everything that was going on, and he made me promise to help him get you out to safety.
Le conté todo lo que estaba pasando y me hizo prometer que lo ayudaría a llevarte a un lugar seguro.
You told me I was going undercover to stop people from getting killed.
Me dijiste que iba a ir encubierta para evitar que las personas fueran asesinadas.
You're literally going to obstruct justice and put your little crusade above the law...
Literalmente vas a cometer obstrucción a la justicia y saltarle le ley por tu cruzada.
Sly, if you don't listen to my instructions you are going to die.
Sly, si no escuchas mis instrucciones vas a morir.
No, he knows you've been going through a lot, he will cut you some slack.
No, él sabe que has estado pasando por muchas cosas, te dará algo de espacio.
I know what you're going through.
Sé por lo que estás pasando.
Because I watched Jane go through exactly what you're going through right now.
Porque vi a Jane pasar exactamente por lo mismo que estás pasando tú en este momento.
She told me that you've been going through some things... in your personal life.
Me dijo que has estado pasando por algunas cosas... en tu vida personal.
But, Edgar, whatever it is that you're going through, we can help you, but you need to...
Pero, Edgar, lo que es por lo que estás pasando, podemos ayudarte, pero necesitas...
You need to pay $ 200 million, or we're going to be killed.
Tiene que pagar doscientos millones de dólares o nos matarán.

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