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You really hurt me tradutor Espanhol

283 parallel translation
But once you really hurt me.
Pero una vez me hiciste daño de verdad.
You really hurt me, but I also had nice moments with you. The only ones in my Iife.
Me has hecho mucho daño, pero contigo también pasé días felices los únicos de toda mi vida.
You really hurt me.
Me ha hecho mucho daño.
At one point there you really hurt me.
En ese punto realmente me estás haciendo mal.
Before you really hurt me.
Antes de que me duela realmente.
- You really hurt me.
- Me hiciste mucho daño.
You really hurt me, Sam.
Me lastimaste mucho, Sam
You know, you really hurt me with that gun.
Me hiciste mucho daño con esa pistola.
You really hurt me and you have to try to understand...
En verdad me lastimaste, y tienes que tratar de entender...
The other day, when you said you didn't want to be my friend, you really hurt me.
El otro día, cuando me dijiste que no querías ser mi amigo, realmente me hiciste daño.
Because you really hurt me last time and I don't wanna go through that again.
Porque la última vez me lastimaste mucho y no quiero volver a pasarlo.
Speaking of pain, you really hurt me last night.
Hablando de dolor, anoche me hiciste daño.
You put the bandage on as if it were really hurt.
. Me vendó como si me doliera en verdad.
Hey, you're really going to hurt me.
Me vas a hacer daño de verdad.
- I'm glad to see you're not really hurt.
- Me alegro de que no le duela.
You really did hurt her, and she's old. Not me.
La lastimó mucho, y ya es vieja.
Sybil, you really want to hurt me, don't you?
Oh, Sybil, quiere hacerme sufrir.
You took a dagger and cut your own finger to show me that it didn't really hurt.
Tomaste una daga y te hiciste un tajo en el dedo para demostrarme que no dolía.
- If you don't obey me I'll really hurt you.
- Si no me obedeces, te lo haré de verdad.
No, you hurt me, really!
¡ Me has hecho daño y no sabes cuánto!
I mean, all I wanted to do, really, was not hurt Robert, you know?
Me refiero a que lo único que no quería hacer era herir a Robert.
You have really hurt me.
Me has lastimado de verdad.
They promised you wouldn't be hurt, and you haven't been, really.
Me prometieron que no te harían daño y así ha sido.
You don't really wanna hurt me, do you?
Usted no quiere hacerme daño.
They couldn't really hurt me because you'd be there.
Entonces me protegerás tú, Perry.
You know, it doesn't really hurt
Sabes, en realidad no me duele
You really think you're gonna hurt me?
¿ De verdad crees que vas a hacerme daño?
You really hurt me
Me has hecho daño.
You know, you could really hurt a guy's feelings the way you've been trying to avoid me and all.
Podrías herir mis sentimientos por la manera en la que me evitas.
You haven't hurt me, really.
- No me has herido, en realidad.
You stole my heart, and that's what really hurt? *
Don't make me really hurt you, old man.
No me hagas lastimarte, viejo.
Well, Peg, I trust you, but if you do meet another man, promise me this : Don't feed him, because that would really hurt.
Peg, confío en ti, pero si conoces a otro hombre prométeme que no le darás de comer, porque eso me sentaría fatal.
But if you really don't want me to get hurt...
Pero si realmente no lo hacen Quieres que te duele...
Do you want me to say that you're really short for your age... and that they shouldn't say anything'cause it would hurt your feelings?
Voy a poner que eres bajito y que no lo mencionen para no herirte.
It really hurt me when you left.
Realmente me lastimaste con tu partida.
Well, Morgan called and told me that there'd been an accident at the base and that you'd been hurt really badly and that I should drop whatever I was doing and come out here.
Morgan me llamó y dijo qie había ocurrido un accidente en la base y que tu estabas muy grave y que debía dejar lo que hacía y venir a verte.
I know you didn't really mean it but it felt like you were taking me for granted and it hurt.
Sé que realmente no era así, pero se sentía...
I just wanted to tell you I was really hurt when you didn't show up the other day.
Quería decirte que me dolió que no te presentaras.
I have to say, from everything that you've told me... I think it's clear that you never really meant to hurt her.
Debo decir que, después de todo lo que me has contado... creo que es evidente que nunca quisiste hacerle daño de verdad.
Gary, I really have to say I'm a little bit hurt that you didn't decide to confide in me.
Debo confesarte que me duele que no hayas confiado en mí.
I got into this horrible car crash, and I wasn't really hurt, but my hair fell out from the shock. Would you still like me?
Digamos que estuve en un horrible accidente y no salí lastumada, pero el pelo se me cayó por el shock.
I was really quite hurt by all that, you know?
Todo aquello me dolió mucho.
You know, he could've really hurt me.
Podría haberme lastimado.
Do you really want to hurt me?
¿ De verdad quieres lastimarme?
Do you really think that Robert would hurt me?
¿ De veras crees que Robert me lastimaría?
It's just that Doug said something really stupid before you guys got here. Just hurt my feelings a little bit.
Es que Doug me dijo algo tonto antes de que llegaran, que hirió mis sentimientos.
Those pig noises you made really hurt my feelings.
Esos ruidos de cerdo que hiciste me hirieron los sentimientos.
But you and me working together, we could really put a hurt on those Horde.
Pero tú y yo trabajando juntos, de veras podemos hacerle daño a esa Horda.
You know, probably not I could get really hurt?
Seguro que sabes que me puedo hacer bastante daño.
But you know what really hurt me... is that you just dismissed me from your life.
Lo que realmente me dolió... es que me apartaras de tu vida.

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