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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ Y ] / You really believe that

You really believe that tradutor Espanhol

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- Do you really believe that?
- ¿ Realmente lo crees?
Now do you really believe that?
¿ De veras crees eso?
Well... If you really believe that Stanley was joking...
Bueno si de verdad crees que Stanley estaba bromeando...
Do you really believe that you can make love to a person one time and fall in love with them?
¿ Realmente crees que puedes hacerle el amor a una persona una vez y enamorarte de ella?
Do you really believe that?
¿ Realmente crees eso?
Do you really believe that?
¿ De verdad crees eso?
So, you really believe that everybody on this planet has an artist inside them, like, an inner Schnabel, if you will?
¿ Realmente piensas que cualquier persona en este planeta tiene un artista en su interior? ¿ Como un Schnapple interior, por decir?
If you really believe that, then maybe you should go back to wherever it is you came from.
Si de verdad cree eso, quizá deba regresar a su lugar de origen.
And you really believe that?
¿ Crees eso de verdad?
You really believe that?
¿ En serio lo crees?
You really believe that ladon would give the marching orders to kill a little girl... even this one?
Realmente crees qe Landon daría las órdenes de matar a una pequeña niña... ¿ incluso a ésta?
You really believe that?
- ¿ Realmente lo crees?
Do you really believe that you deserve to live in a crypt?
¿ Realmente crees que mereces vivir en una cripta?
- You really believe that?
¿ En verdad crees eso?
Do you really believe that... Henry was even able license?
¿ Realmente crees que Henry tenía un permiso?
Jesus, you really believe that, don't you?
Jesús! , tú realmente crees eso, verdad?
You really say that like you believe it.
Realmente dice lo que cree...
You know, i really believe that the country Will be a better place with you in the white house,
Sabes, realmente creo que el país... sería un lugar mejor contigo en la Casa Blanca.
Once you get to my age, you'll find it a lot easier to believe that god really does answer prayers.
Ya que tengas mi edad, encontrarás mucho más fácil... creer que Dios sí contesta nuestras plegarias.
I really cannot believe you had to apologize like that.
Realmente no puedo creer que tuvieses que pedir perdón así.
I really believe that, but you've got to believe it, too, you know?
Realmente lo creo, pero tú tienes que creerlo también, ¿ sabes?
But you don't really believe that a ghost killed your colleague, do you?
Pero realmente no cree que un fantasma mató a tu colega, ¿ verdad?
Do you really expect me to believe that your soul belongs to the devil?
¿ Esperas que me crea que tu alma le pertenece al diablo?
So, you see, Mr. Velasquez, we really believe that a Gay / Straight Alliance would be a good opportunity...
Entonces, ve usted Sr. Velásquez, Creemos realmente que un club de gays - héteros. Sería una buena oportunidad...
I really didn't want to believe that about Quinn, you know?
Lo cierto es que no quería creerme eso de Quinn, ¿ sabéis?
You don't really believe that.
No crees eso en serio.
I really wanna believe that if you had given us any consideration, you never would have written an article.
Quiero creer que si nos tuvieses algo de consideración, no hubieras escrito ese artículo. - Rusty, yo- -
So you really expect me to believe that this same guy broke into your house and made the call?
¿ Realmente espera que crea que el mismo tipo irrumpió en su casa e hizo la llamada?
You really believe, don't you, that the normal rules of society don't apply to people like you.
Realmente cree que las reglas normales de la sociedad no aplican a gente como usted.
You don't really believe that do you?
- Tú no crees en eso.
If you show to god that you believe in him... really believe, he'll help you even through the deepest shit.
Si le mostraras a Dios que crees en Él... que crees de verdad, te ayudaría con todas estas mierdas.
Do you really still believe that?
¿ De veras sigues creyendo en eso?
Tu ves fantasmas y tu crees eso no mucho, en verdad, pero es noticia
It's really hard for me to believe that you actually ever were... this overweight kid, it... it's like you've erased that girl.
Realmente me cuesta creer que realmente alguna vez fuiste esta niña excedida de peso. Es como si la hubieras borrado.
I know that you want to believe that we really do have an influence that's always positive.
Sé que quieres creer que realmente tenemos una influencia que siempre es positiva.
You really believe in all that stuff, don't you?
Realmente crees en todas estas cosas, ¿ no?
Meg used to say you changed, that you grew up... "... but " I didn't believe it, not really.
Meg solía decirme que habías cambiado, que habías madurado pero no me lo creí.
You really expect me to believe that?
¿ De verdad esperas que crea eso?
You don't really believe that's what I think.
Realmente no crees que eso es lo que yo pienso.
I mean, to promote safe sex, but still believe that one could have a varied, exciting, satisfying sex life was a really radical thing because the two camps, you know, kind of formed themselves along
Quiero decir, promover el sexo seguro, pero creyendo que todavía uno podría tener una vida sexual variada, excitante y satisfactoria era algo realmente radical porque los dos bandos, ya sabes, como que se formaron a través de
And not just because you're a fantastic human being... and the only person who can turn this nation around... but, you know, also because, deep down, I really and truly believe... that it is destiny that you and I will one day be together.
Y no solo porque usted sea un ser humano fantastico... y la unica persona que pueda guiar esta nación... sino que tambien, en el fondo, yo sinceramente creo... que el destino es que usted y yo algun dia estemos juntos.
Well, is it really going to bother you that much even if you don't believe it's real?
¿ Te molesta tanto así aún si crees que no es real?
You really don't believe that, do you?
¿ De verdad no crees eso, no?
You don't really believe that, do you?
¿ Tú realmente no crees eso, no?
Now, I believe in the students of this school, and I really believe that you're inherently good kids. Now, we will do everything in our power to ensure that is always the case.
Yo creo en los estudiantes de esta escuela, creo que realmente son chicos buenos de por sí, y nosotros haremos todo lo posible para garantizar que siempre sea así.
I don't think that our place is really haunted, but I do believe in the power of suggestion, and I honestly thought that you would come over, look around, and say either we were poltergeist-free or chant some mumbo jumbo and she would believe that we were.
No creo que nuestra casa esté realmente hechizada pero sí creo en el poder de la sugestión y, a decir verdad, pensé que usted vendría, echaría un vistazo y diría que nos rondaban espíritus burlones o cantaría algún ritual oscuro y ella creyera que eso era cierto.
If you go back and listen to some of these songs, I mean, you can't really believe that they were even recorded to wax.
Si vuelves a escuchar algunos de estos temas, no puedes creer que se hayan grabado siquiera
Do you think - - are you really dumb enough to believe, that your cherry-picking friends are going to trial to cover for you?
¿ Crees...? ¿ Eres en verdad lo suficientemente tonto como para creer, que tus amigos en la recolección de cerezas van a ir a juicio para cubrirte? De acuerdo, mira.
I don't really think That you believe that.
No puedo creer que en verdad creas eso.
Do you really expect us to believe that -
¿ De verdad esperan que creamos que...?
But I... but I really believe that you don't want to hurt anyone.
Pero yo... pero yo en verdad creo que no quieres lastimar a nadie.

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