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You really think tradutor Espanhol

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You really think that someone killed Charles because of the work we were doing?
De verdad crees que alguien mató a Charles debido al trabajo que estábamos haciendo?
If you really think someone sent a monster after him,
Si realmente cree que alguien envió un monstruo después de él,
You really think it will be a good idea for a band, just drums and a trombone?
Realmente crees que sería una buena idea para una banda, sólo tambores y un trombón?
Do you really think so?
¿ Realmente piensas eso?
You really think I'd do that?
¿ Realmente crees que haría eso?
You really think that the gambling is a positive?
¿ De verdad piensa que el juego es un positivo?
You really think I would do something like this?
De verdad crees que haría algo como esto?
Do you really think you can bribe your way back into my good graces?
¿ De verdad piensas que puedes sobornar tu arrepentimiento a mi buena voluntad?
But do you really think that Professor Hottie is the guy?
Pero realmente piensas que este profesor sexy es el indicado?
You really think you could double-cross me?
¿ De verdad creías que podrías traicionarme?
You really think now is the time to take our eye off the prize?
¿ Crees que es el momento para apartar la vista del objetivo?
I mean, you really think she can keep a secret with that big Jim Carrey mouth flapping all the time?
Es decir, que realmente piensa ella puede guardar un secreto Con la boca grande Jim Carrey batiendo todo el tiempo?
Did you really think I'd leave us unguarded?
¿ De verdad crees que nos dejaría sin vigilancia?
You really think that is gonna make a difference?
¿ De verdad cree que supondrá alguna diferencia?
Seol, do you really think this is okay?
Seol, ¿ realmente crees que esto está bien?
You really think so?
¿ De verdad lo crees?
You really think Emma can find this crystal and use it?
¿ Crees que Emma pueda encontrarlo y usarlo?
You really think I should step down?
¿ Realmente crees que debería dejar el cargo?
You really think Jim Miller can dispatch the heir?
¿ De verdad crees que Jim Miller pueda matar a la heredera?
You really think you solved the riddle, a way to break out?
¿ De verdad crees que has resuelto el enigma, una manera de salir?
Did you really think you could just walk back in here?
¿ De verdad creíste que podrías regresar aquí?
You really think you're gonna have time for us?
¿ Realmente piensas que tendrás tiempo para nosotros?
So, you really think this meeting is taking place in Istanbul and not Mexico?
Y dime, ¿ en verdad crees que la reunión... vaya a realizarse en Estambul y no en México?
You really think that he's running a sex trafficking ring?
¿ En verdad crees que es lider de una operación de trata de personas?
Do you really think Hawaii was all about you?
¿ De verdad cree que Hawái se trató solamente de usted?
Do you really think that's true?
¿ De verdad crees que eso es verdad?
Do you really think I'd waste the only chance I have left?
De verdad crees que voy a desperdiciar la única posibilidad que me queda?
What, do you really think I give a shit about what people think?
Qué, ¿ de verdad crees que me importa... una mierda lo que piense la gente?
You know, his parents split up this year, and I, uh, think he could really use a good time.
Sus padres se separaron este año... y creo que le hace falta pasar un buen rato.
You really don't think other cops are gonna see it the same way he does?
En realidad, no parece que otros policías se va a ver de la misma manera que lo hace?
Peggy, it's real sweet of you to try to help, but I don't think Molly is, like, really going to...
Peggy, es realmente dulce de tu parte tratar de ayudar, pero no creo que Molly, como que, no va a...
You know, I don't think he ever really believed that nothing happened between us, but...
Sabes, no creo que nunca haya creído... que nada pasó entre nosotros, pero...
Most folks think you need a degree, but, really, it's all about people skills.
No necesitas ser universitario, debes saber tratar a la gente.
You think it was really him or...
Crees que era realmente él...
If you think about the process 0f visual perception what you're really doing is looking at the positions of the ball and making a best guess all the time about where it's likely to be.
Si piensas en el proceso de la percepción visual, lo que estás haciendo es analizar las posiciones de la bola y tratar de adivinar todo el tiempo dónde podría estar.
I think that it's really nice that you want to help them, but how'bout helping your girlfriend?
Creo que es muy bonito que quieras ayudarles, ¿ pero qué hay de ayudar a tu novia?
- I do owe him that, but I think that you should know, your son is doing really great.
Yo... hago lo que debo, pero pienso que lo debes saber, tu hijo se está haciendo realmente grande.
Then I think the privacy kind of aspect will be a bit more of an issue, and you'll have to have, like, someone you really trust providing, you know, that technology or, you know, keeping that data.
Entonces pienso que el punto de vista de la privacidad será un poco más que un problema, y tendrás que tener, como, alguien en quién confíes realmente suministrando, ya saben, esa tecnología o, ya saben, guardando esos datos.
If you think about it, Howie, you can't really drink too much, because you pass out.
Si se piensa en ello, Howie, realmente no se puede beber demasiado Dado que se transfieren a cabo.
I think you'll really enjoy it.
Creo que realmente van a disfrutar de este.
Wow, well, you really had to think about that one.
Bueno, realmente tuviste que pensar en esa.
- I don't think you really know what getting pushed around is, Martin.
No creo que realmente sepa... lo que es zarandear, Martin.
[Kathy] You don't think of yourself as leaving your kids in a room full of strangers and shutting the door and walking away, but if you're not really watching what they're doing on the Internet,
No piensas en dejar a tus hijos en un cuarto lleno de extraños y cerrando la puerta y yéndote, pero si no estás viendo en verdad lo que están haciendo en Internet,
You think you're rewarding yourself, but after that split-second rush and you snap back to reality, you remember it was really a punishment.
"Sabes, apuesto a que si te dieran pene, no actuarías de la manera que lo haces o no serías una perra tan bocona." Destriparé a tus hijos frente a ti antes de matarte. "
[Alex] You would think porn addicts would have, like, really strong arms, right?
Y luego de la muerte de Capo, para presentar sus respetos.
You don't really think that they're...
En realidad, no piensa que son...
With you, and with her, I really think that I can get better.
Con usted y con ella, de verdad creo que puedo curarme.
You really don't think that Keller's got that covered?
¿ De veras crees que Keller no tiene eso ya cubierto?
Yeah, and I think also if you... You know, if you eat meat like this, you'll find that you probably end up eating less meat, because you find out how good really good meat is.
Sí, y si comes carne como esta, quizá termines comiendo menos carne, porque sabrás lo deliciosa que es la carne buena de verdad.
ls that really what you think?
¿ Es lo que realmente piensas?
- You really think I'm that stupid?
Chase, ¿ qué demonios estamos mirando?

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