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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ Y ] / You really think so

You really think so tradutor Espanhol

1,905 parallel translation
- You really think so?
¿ En verdad lo crees?
You really think so?
- ¿ De verdad piensas eso?
- You really think so?
- ¿ Eso crees?
- You really think so?
- ¿ Le parece?
You really think so?
De veras lo crees?
You really think so?
¿ Realmente lo crees?
You really think so, sir?
¿ Realmente crees eso, señor?
- You really think so? - I know so.
- ¿ Realmente crees eso?
My dear woman, do you really think so?
¿ Lo cree de verdad?
You really think so?
¿ De verdad lo crees?
well, if you really think so.
Si realmente quiere...
You really think so?
En serio crees eso?
You really think I would set you up so nicely and let you pull a loaded gun on me?
¿ En verdad cree que armé esta hermosa trampa y voy a dejar que me apunte con un arma cargada?
You really think she's going to send him to college andlaw school just so she can add an extra bedroom?
¿ Realmente crees que va a enviarlo a la universidad y a la escuela de leyes sólo para poder agregar un cuarto más?
Why work so hard to make me think you really cared about me?
¿ Por qué tanto trabajo para hacerme creer que realmente te preocupas por mí?
Daniel, I'm so sorry to bother you, but I really don't think that I can work with Kimmie.
Daniel, siento interrumpirte, pero no creo que pueda trabajar con Kimmie.
Look, amanda, i'm really glad that you're getting so comfortable living here these past couple of weeks, Really, i am, but i think it's time you and i have a talk about something that really has been bothering me.
Mira Amanda, me alegra mucho que te estés sintiendo tan cómoda viviendo aquí estas últimas semanas, de verdad, pero creo que es tiempo de que hablemos sobre algo que me ha estado molestando.
They assumed that the parties to this contract... really are roughly equal in physical and mental power. Now, that was fine... when you're thinking about adult men with no disabilities, but as some of them already began to notice, it doesn't do so well when you think about women, because women's oppression has always been partly occasioned... by their physical weakness, compared to men.
asumieron que las partes de este contrato son prácticamente iguales en poder físico y mental ahora, eso estaba bien... cuando piensas en hombres adultos sin discapacidades pero como algunos de ellos ya empezaron a notar no funciona tan bien cuando piensas en las mujeres
Right, what I think makes Doctor Who so special is that Sci-Fi, allows you to look at really human problems... But with a degree of distance from it.
Bien, creo que lo que hace al Doctor Who tan especial es que esa ciencia ficción, permite ver realmente los problemas humanos... pero con cierta distancia.
You really think so?
Do you really think I am so stupid that I don't see what this is about?
¿ De verdad me consideran tan estúpida como para no ver lo que está pasando?
Did you really think you could be rid of me so easily?
¿ De verdad piensan se puede librar de mí tan fácilmente.
So, do you really think that criminal investigation is more reliable than physics or mathematics?
¿ La investigación criminal es más fiable que la física o la matemática?
I'm so curious, does she really think that you stole from her?
¿ Realmente cree que le robaste?
So the only thing I can think of is that, uh, you really just... you don't wanna talk to me anymore.
Lo único que se me ocurre... es que no quieres hablarme más.
Well, hearts don't really bounce... so now I think you're talking about something else, Lou.
Bueno, los corazones no saltan. Creo que hablas de otra cosa, Lou.
Really, you think so?
¿ De verdad lo crees?
I think you really like them burnt, so I don't know.
Sé que te gustan quemados así que, no sé.
So you really think I killed that guy?
¿ De verdad creen que maté a ese tipo?
Really? You think so?
¿ En serio?
You really don't think so?
¿ De verdad crees que no?
Really, so what do you think of me?
¿ En serio, y qué piensa de mí?
I'm just saying that she has been working so hard, and you deserve a really fun night, don't you think?
Sólo digo que ha estado trabajando tanto y te mereces una noche de diversión, ¿ no lo crees?
So if you think there's anything waiting for you other than handcuffs, then you really don't know how the world works.
Así que si crees que te espera algo además de un par de esposas, de veras no sabes cómo se maneja el mundo.
Dr. Cox, I just wanted to tell you I really enjoyed rounds this morning and I'm gonna work harder so you don't just think of me as a...
Dr. Cox, quería decirle que disfruté la ronda de esta mañana, y me esforzaré más para que no me considere una...
So you really think I'm the man for the job?
¿ De veras crees que soy el indicado para este trabajo?
I think it's great that Jackie is so interested. I really do. And you're doing a fantastic, fantastic job.
Creo que es genial que a Jackie le interese tanto de verdad y estás haciendo un trabajo fantástico pero no quiero que pase tanto tiempo con eso.
So you really think you can get away with this?
Crees que podrás escaparte de esto?
I think you're a really great girl and I had so much fun tonight. Fuck.
OK. So, listen. You have to be really upset, so I need you to think of something sad.
Escucha, tienes que estar muy alterada así que piensa en algo triste.
I mean, you can function fully on one kidney--that's what the doctors say- - so it's really not that much to worry about, i don't think.
Tu sabes, puedes vivir tranquilamente con un riñon- - eso dicen los doctores- - asi que no hay mucho de que preocuparse, no lo creo.
People can be so ungrateful. I do not think your brother really loves you.
La gente puede ser muy desagradecidas, no creo que tu hermano realmente te ama.
I'm sure, Sindi, there was some guy, right, and you really liked him, but you didn't want him to think that you were easy, so you played hard to get.
I'm sure, Sindi, there was some guy, right, and you really liked him, but you didn't want him to think that you were easy, so you played hard to get.
Wait, so you really think that saving Young Thunda's life is going to help your music career?
¿ Haber salvado a Young Thunder te ayudará con tu música?
So, you really think this kid's a killer, huh?
¿ Realmente crees que es un asesino?
What you just said is kind of weird and I don't really think you're the best person to be giving me advice on this so, yeah.
Lo que acabas de decir es medio raro y realmente no creo que seas la mejor persona para darme consejos sobre esto así que, sí.
- I think it seems like a really... bright possibility, and it's in a real city, so you have coffee houses and museums and... culture. - What d'you think, Jules?
- Tú ¿ qué opinas Jules?
They're both writers and they're actually looking for a new publisher, so I think they'll really like you.
Son escritores y buscan a un nuevo editor... - y creo que les agradarás. - ¿ De verdad?
So if you start to think, really what these do as consultants is focus on people, then it's easy to think about what's needed design-wise in the kitchen, or the hospital, or in the car.
Así que si te preguntas qué es, eh, lo que hacen estos tipos como consultores, sería centrarse en la gente. Entonces es fácil pensar en lo que es necesario a nivel de diseño en la cocina, en un hospital o en un coche.
So, it really goes through many, many, more iterations than you would think to do a handle that's relatively simple in the end.
Así que realmente pasa por muchas más iteraciones de las que pensarías para hacer una empuñadura que al final es relativamente simple.
So you really think you can get him to come out?
Entonces.... ¿ cree realmente que logrará hacerlo aparecer?

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