And later on tradutor Francês
2,867 parallel translation
At first as my reliable right-hand man, and later on I would like it if you could take the company in a new direction with your own abilities.
Au début tu seras un fort soutient pour moi. j'espère que tu développeras l'entreprise en fonction de tes capacités.
She worked at the ASPCA when she was a teenager and later on read to the blind and did art projects with underprivileged children.
Adolescente, elle a travaillé pour la SPA, elle lisait pour les aveugles et enseignait l'art aux enfants défavorisés.
Ever since I was Prince of Wales, and later on, when I occupied the throne, I have been treated with the greatest kindness by all classes of the people wherever I have lived or journeyed throughout the empire.
Depuis que je suis prince de Galles et que je suis monté sur le trône, toutes les classes sociales m'ont traité avec une grande bonté, quels que soient les lieux où j'ai vécu ou séjourné.
Why don't you... Come by my house later, and we can...
Pourquoi ne... viendrais-tu pas chez moi après, et on pourrait...
And you're going to need to go sooner or later, Gary!
On a tous besoin d'y aller tôt ou tard, Gary!
And a few minutes later, you can't feel.
Quelques minutes après, on ne sent plus rien.
Well, Gutman had a lot of enemies. They rolled him on some kind of racketeering thing a couple of weeks later and took the heat off me.
Ils l'ont roulé avec une histoire de racket quelques semaines plus tard et il m'a lâché.
Maybe you always knew you were gonna be a history teacher and a football coach or maybe you realized your calling later in life, but our dreams don't always happen on schedule.
Vous avez peut-être toujours su que vous seriez prof et coach ou peut-être que vous l'avez su plus tard, mais tout n'est jamais écrit à l'avance.
Why dοn't we just chuck them οver the wall and then if yοu want them later, yοu can get them later.
On n'a qu'à les balancer par-dessus le mur, - tu les récupéreras après. - Je veux mon blouson.
And I can come back and get it for you later. But I'm saying right now, we can't do that. Right.
Je peux revenir te le prendre, mais là, on peut pas.
Hey, you want to track Uncle Sean down with me later, and maybe we could...
Tu veux chercher ton oncle avec moi? On pourrait...
You and I are gonna have a long talk later, you understand?
Il va falloir qu'on ait une grosse discussion.
Three weeks later I met my soul mate, and now we have a baby on the way!
Trois semaines plus tard, j'ai rencontré l'âme sœur et on attend un enfant!
So Abby and Austin have a fight, and then later on that night, she kills him?
Abby et Austin se disputent, et elle le tue dans la nuit?
I want nothing to do with Jimmy Johnson in this game. Later the balance of power shifted in Marty's favor when he and Jill found a hidden immunity idol.
Plus tard, l'équilibre des forces penche en faveur de Marty, quand lui et Jill on trouvé l'idole d'immunité caché.
Just knee sooner or later it's going to come back and bite you on the butt.
Rejoignez nous sur...
Call you later. Are you gonna tell Grandma and Grandpa?
On s'appelle.
And two hours later, somebody sneaks up on him, puts a bullet in his back.
Et deux heures après, quelqu'un lui met une balle dans le dos.
And when you want to talk later, man...
On en reparlera plus tard, mec.
And then later we'll all walk to the library.
Et après, on ira à la bibliothèque.
And I will see you later, birthday girl.
On se voit ce soir, jeune fille.
And then later on, his trainer.
Et ensuite, son éleveuse.
For others, the healing happens gradually, and it's not until months or even years later that you realize you don't hurt anymore.
Pour d'autres, la guérison se passe petit à petit et il faut parfois des mois, ou même des années, pour réaliser qu'on ne souffre plus.
Later on, when you feel like saying, and if you need help, tell me.
Later on there will be a tennis match with Seung Jo and Ha Ni as a team.
il y aura un match de tennis avec Seung Jo et Ha Ni dans la même équipe.
Ha Ni, later on you and Seung Jo should go and get...
plus tard vous devrez aller chercher...
when they're out on the sandbanks, and later counted by computer.
puis recensés par ordinateur.
Well, why don't you get settled in, and we'll talk later, okay?
Bon, installe-toi, et on parlera plus tard, d'accord?
I can't tell you what it is you can never ask me about it later, and we're gonna hurt some people.
Je peux rien te dire. Pas de questions. On va casser des gueules.
We were wed, and then a week later... he left to join ship for France and the Holy Lands.
On s'est mariés, et une semaine plus tard, il est parti pour la France et la Terre Sainte.
Uncle, you and I have plans for later on.
Mon oncle, vous et moi, on a des plans, mais plus tard.
And I will see you later, okay?
On se voit plus tard, d'accord?
Maybe we can go out somewhere and then later you can come back and keep me company.
On pourrait peut-être sortir et un peu plus tard, tu pourrais venir me tenir compagnie.
Actually, what we were talkin'about was maybe hitting'up this costume party later tonight, and I didn't know what you were up to tonight...
On pensait plutôt aller à une soirée costumée. Je me demandais si vous...
And we're there, we're on Abbey Road, and these people, "You're the Beatles! " You're the Beatles! " It's 20 years later, you know.
et Neil était habillé comme Ron... comme John, avec une énorme barbe.
We won that race, and 20 years later, I am where I am fucking now.
On a gagné la course et 20 ans plus tard, je suis là où je me trouve en ce moment.
They had been buried and were retrieved later.
Ils les ont enterrées et on les récupérera plus tard.
Good, we'll cut and upload it later and make it all traceable to Trevor.
Super, on mettra ça sur le net en faisant croire que c'est Trevor.
And we can try calling your parents again later.
Et on réessayera d'appeler tes parents dans un petit moment.
You would have gone upstairs to change, you would have missed the bus, and you would have arrived at work 10 minutes later than you did, and we would have been gone.
Vous seriez rentré vous changer. Vous auriez manqué l'autobus. Vous seriez arrivé au travail dix minutes plus tard, et on aurait déjà été partis.
and literally, like, two weeks later, we had music back. And that it wasn't Mother Love Bone.
C'est le genre de mec à qui on envoyait la musique et qui la renvoyait deux semaines après sans faire du Mother Love Bone.
Listen, why don't you girls go play, and we'll finish dinner later on, okay?
Les filles, allez jouer. On finira le souper plus tard.
I'd drop you off. Later on I'd pick you up and we could go to a ball game.
Je te déposerais et après, on irait voir un match.
We gotta take the little ones, and the ones that are sick, we'll come back for the other ones later.
On va prendre les plus petits, et les malades, nous reviendrons pour les autres plus tard.
We adopted the dog, moved in together two weeks later and after one month he wanted to get married.
Et voilà, on a adopté le chien. Au bout de quinze jours on a emménagé ensemble et au bout d'un mois il voulait se marier avec moi. Bon, et moi avec lui...
No, he refused it on the site, and so did she, but she later claimed that she had serious neck injuries.
Non, il a refusé sur l'endroit de l'accident, ainsi que la femme, mais elle a plus tard affirmé qu'elle avait de sérieuses blessures au cou.
My in-laws won a table, and I figured, free food, some entertainment, maybe later, I get lucky.
Oui, avec plein d'autres tours de magie à ce gala de bienfaisance. On avait une table. De la bouffe, un spectacle et qui sait quoi...
Okay, so Amir and Yusef take a tour of lower Manhattan, and then later on that same night, he calls his wife, tells her that he's still working, and instead, went up to Washington Heights.
Amir et Yusef font un tour dans Lower Manhattan, et plus tard dans la nuit, Amir appelle sa femme, lui dit qu'il a du boulot, alors qu'en fait, il se rend à Washington Heights.
I just wanna see where he goes, and we can come back later for help.
Je veux voir où il va. On pourra revenir avec de l'aide.
Then, 12 minutes later, the sensor went off here, and nothing since.
12 min plus tard, on a un autre capteur ici. Rien depuis.
We can watch it later on c-span. Besides, I was really looking forward to you and me...
De plus, j'avais vraiment envie de faire la sieste... avec toi dans cet hôtel
and later 123
later on 170
once 1546
online 141
only 1631
onion 41
ones 44
onions 55
onward 91
one day at a time 90
later on 170
once 1546
online 141
only 1631
onion 41
ones 44
onions 55
onward 91
one day at a time 90
ondrej 26
one moment please 57
only you 239
one more time 797
one month later 23
one thing at a time 106
one day 2293
one more 931
one year ago 42
one more shot 23
one moment please 57
only you 239
one more time 797
one month later 23
one thing at a time 106
one day 2293
one more 931
one year ago 42
one more shot 23