And listen to this tradutor Francês
1,086 parallel translation
And listen to this, Mr. Stephens.
Écoutez ça, M. Stephens.
Dalia, come and listen to this story.
Dalia, viens écouter cette histoire.
Justin, do I have to sit here and listen to this crap?
Justin, dois-je rester assise là à écouter ces conneries?
That hat is mine. And listen to this one.
Ce chapeau est à moi.
And listen to this.
Et écoute ça.
And listen to this :
Et écoutez ceci :
Now then, my dear, Mrs. Croft doesn't come all this way to listen to you... blathering on about your poetry and such.
Mme Croft n'a pas fait tout ce chemin pour venir t'écouter parler de poésie.
Oh, God, listen favourably to our prayers and with your right hand bless this jeep.
Seigneur, entendez notre prière et bénissez de votre main cette jeep.
But if the idea of living is still exciting... concentrate on this feeling of floating and at the same time listen to these three critical points.
Mais si l'idée de la vie est toujours excitante... concentrez-vous sur ce flottement et en même temps écoutez ces trois points essentiels.
Now listen to this. Some party or parties... are busily preparing a little welcome committee... in the sunshine state... and the main doors, and even some side doors... are heavily embellished with garlands and fuzzy frills.
Ecoute ca. ils sont plusieurs a vouloir t'organiser un comite d'accueil au royaume du soleil.
You must listen to me, Maria, I may be killed and I don't want this on my conscience.
Maria, tu dois m'écouter, on peut me tuer et j'ai un poids sur la conscience.
Listen, we're gonna walk through this place, and I want you to behave yourself.
On va entrer ici et je veux que tu sois sage.
I told this record producer there was this fantastic... guitar player, singer, man... playing in the Village, and would he come listen to him... because he's really going to like this.
J'ai dit à un producteur qu'un fantastique guitariste et chanteur jouait au Village et qu'il devait aller le voir parce que ça allait lui plaire.
- And I must listen to this bullshit!
He wrote anonymous letters, the imbecile, and, listen to this, on letterhead paper I'd given him! - I have it here... - You have nothing!
Il a écrit des messages anonymes, cet imbécile, sur des papiers à en-tête que je lui ai offert! Cinq millions ou il révèle à la presse que je suis l'amant de la comtesse Oldobrandi!
And for this reason, I invited Mr Descartes to present to us what he intends to write in the treatise, he has been working on for a long time now, and I ask you to listen to him.
Je l'ai donc invité à nous présenter ce qu'il compte écrire dans son traité sur lequel il travaille depuis déjà longtemps. Je vous prie de l'écouter.
Signora, forgive me, but this stranger wanted to come over here, and would not listen to me.
Madame, excusez-moi, cet étranger a voulu passer, il n'a rien voulu entendre.
If you don't listen to me, and marry this man you'll disappoint me.
Connie, si tu ne m'écoutes pas, si tu l'épouses, tu me décevras.
Lady, I'm gonna talk to him, and this time he's gonna listen.
Madame, je vais lui parler et cette fois, il écoutera.
Have this hanky and listen to me.
Mouchez-vous, et écoutez-moi bien.
Listen, if this Nick fella's on your mind... and you consider me some kind of a threat to him... or if you're trying to punish him with me or me with him, forget it!
Si c'est pour avoir une arme contre ton Nick que tu as fait ça si tu veux le punir en couchant avec moi, c'est loupé.
Give him the money and wrap this up. You'd better listen to him, Low Sing.
Ainsi s'achève Ia période noire du Tong.
Well listen my friend I want to get rid of this pain in my side and I want to get away from here.
Ecoute mon pote je veux me débarrasser de cette chose collante et me casser.
Listen and there is another thing I want you to make sure of on this most solemn and joyous...
Ecoute... il y a une chose dont je veux que tu sois sûre en ce jour solennel et gai...
And you villagers had better listen to this letter from Gabbar, too!
Écoutez tous! Voici une lettre de Gabbar.
I'm trying to listen objectively, and my conclusion is that this investment transforms your town, which was perfect.
J'essaie de vous écouter avec objectivité et j'en arrive à la conclusion que cet investissement transforme votre ville qui était parfaite.
Listen, all I want to do is get what I paid for. So you get back in this bed and you get up on your knees.
Ecoute, tu m'as coûté assez cher, alors tu vas faire ce que je te dis.
- I'm not fooling around. - Listen to me. This is a very big park, and I'm sure you'll agree with me
Bon... écoute, c'est grand ici, admets que si on doit regarder toutes les tombes...
You listen to me, and listen carefully, because this is your goddamn life I'm talking about today.
Écoutez bien parce que c'est de votre vie que je vais parler aujourd'hui.
Listen to me. I went to his room this morning, and he wasn't there.
Écoute, je suis allé à son compartiment, il n'y était pas.
I don't want to be here, I don't want to listen to this music, I don't like this joint, and I don't give a damn, man, for any of that stuff.
Je n'ai pas envie d'être ici, ni d'écouter cette musique, je n'aime pas ce club et je me tiche de tout ce qu'il y a ici,
Uh, listen to this. It says here Devil's Bayou is uncharted and hazardous.
Le livre dit que le Bayou du Diable est inexploré... et dangereux.
You shouldn't go to picture shows like this and smoke that stuff if it's gonna affect you the way it does, huh? Listen.
- Ecoutez.
- Listen to me. If I beat up on you and I took your smack, I'd be within my rights. You can't treat people in this outrageous fucking manner.
Si je te tapais dessus et te prenais ta dope, je serais dans mes droit, parce que tu n'as pas le droit... de traiter les gens de manière si odieuse.
I'm a hard science kind of a guy and refuse to listen to stuff like this.
J'ai un esprit scientifique et je refuse d'écouter ce genre de sornettes.
Listen to this. "Nuclear plants are security installations, and as such fall under title 18 of the U.S. Criminal code."
"Les centrales nucléaires sont des installations de sécurité, et relèvent donc du titre 18 du code criminel américain."
Yeah, well, listen, I just wanna say that what Sonny Steele's done... is wonderful news for the animals of this country, and that's all I have to say.
Je veux juste dire que ce que Sonny Steele a fait, c'est bien pour tous les animaux du pays.
"Certainly is smooth and damp-looking, but whoever heard of a 172lb sausage six feet tall?" Listen to this.
Écoutez ça.
Now I want you all to stay calm and listen...'cause I'm only gonna say this once.
Veuillez rester calmes et écoutez-moi parce que je ne me répéterai pas.
Now listen to me, cuz... you keep your eyes on this tokhes... and don't you take them off till we get to San Francisco!
À présent, écoutez-moi, mon pote, regardez bien ce tokhes et ne levez pas les yeux avant que je le dise et qu'on soit à San Francisco!
So nice to see ya. Listen, sir, why don't you, uh, read this, if you will, sir, and I'll fix your tire for you? How about that?
Écoutez, monsieur, si vous lisiez ça pendant que je répare votre pneu?
Now listen. You and me have not to get together on this thing.
Il faut qu'on s'associe.
Listen To Me... not want you to go thinking it was your fault... because these things happen and anyone can be... you ice cream in a situation like this, you know?
- Ok, mais attends un peu. Ecoute, je ne veux pas que tu rentres chez toi en pensant que c'était ta faute parce que ces choses-là arrivent et tout le monde peut rester tétanisé, tu comprends?
I'll just imitate your song. If I carve this right, it'll sound like you! If I forget the words and listen to the melody
Si j'essaie de chanter dans sa langue je comprendrai ce qu'il dit
Anyway, listen, I talked to him about the video and ting, and he just give me this £ 5... £ 5?
Bien, écoute, je lui ai parlé de la vidéo etc, Et il m'a juste donné 5 livres 5 livres? Non mec, c'est pas possible!
Listen, Mr Linden, please come to the point and tell me what I owe this communication to.
M. Linden, venez-en au fait et dites-moi ce qui me vaut cette communication.
Hey, Eddie. Listen, I want you to take this over to the lab - and get some pictures made of it.
Eddie, apporte ça au labo etfais-en quelques copies.
listen, i'll call all three cars out after that boy and i wouldn't be surprised if he could tell us what happened to rosy keilman and frank's kid, too sheriff russell... sheriff what the dickens is this?
Ecoutez, j'envoie 3 voitures à sa recherche. Je suis sûr qu'il y a un lien avec la disparition de Rosy Kellman et le fils de Franck. Qu'est ce que c'est?
Well, listen to this. Warden Beatty has just informed me that he and Warden Sampson have so much faith in their boys that instead of splitting the purse as usual it'll be a winner-take-all event.
Je viens juste d'être informé... que cette année, contrairement au passé... on ne partage pas l'apport du rodéo... mais le gagnant prend tout.
- Now, listen to this, Beeblebrox. - And you'd better listen good!
Bon, écoutez ça Bibbicy et écoutez bien,
All this talk of graves and ghouls. - Please, listen to me.
Toutes ces histoires de tombes et de fantômes.
and listen 231
and listen to me 22
listen to this one 27
listen to this 734
to this day 152
to this 53
and later 123
and louis 16
and look 537
and last but not least 51
and listen to me 22
listen to this one 27
listen to this 734
to this day 152
to this 53
and later 123
and louis 16
and look 537
and last but not least 51
and lead us not into temptation 55
and leave 42
and look at this 104
and look at you 67
and look at me now 26
and let me guess 93
and look what happened 61
and look at you now 29
and lo and behold 35
and leave me alone 23
and leave 42
and look at this 104
and look at you 67
and look at me now 26
and let me guess 93
and look what happened 61
and look at you now 29
and lo and behold 35
and leave me alone 23