At the very least tradutor Francês
812 parallel translation
- and the sudden departure of the Russian courier is, at the very least, suspicious... "
"Le départ soudain du messager russe " est pour le moins suspect... "
Let us have champagne, or at the very least, beer.
Buvons du champagne, ou à tout le moins, de la bière.
Him at the very least.
Not to mention gambling debts that owes six hundred pounds, at the very least!
Sans parler de ses dettes de jeu, plus de 500 livres, si ce n'est plus.
They caught an eel weighing 5 kilos at the very least.
On a pêché un capitaine de 5 kg.
The two together, however, are worth at the very least - at the very least - a million french francs. One million?
Les deux ensembles, cependant, valent au moins - au moins - un million de francs français.
I'll hold more than him, at the very least.
Je tiens mieux que lui!
Nothing less than a count or a marquis for Suzanne. Or at the very least a baron.
Un Comte ou un Marquis pour Suzanne, ou au pire, un Baron.
He cannot get back for an hour at the very least and we've only five minutes.
Il ne sera de retour que dans une heure au moins, et nous n'avons que cinq minutes.
I must find... 50 or 100 thousand yen at the very least.
Il me faut absolument... 50 ou 100 mille yen pour le moins.
It's certain to embarrass me, at the very least.
Ce sera pour le moins très gênant pour moi.
Mayors don't wake in the night like the King but if the King gave my father a medal, then at the very least the Mayor will give me a couple of sergeant's stripes.
Les maires ne sortent pas la nuit comme le Roi. alors au moins... le Maire... va me donner les galons de sergent.
At the very least.
Je crains que ce soit juste.
- Two cops. - At the very least.
They're bound to make some sort of a complaint to the authorities or at the very least talk to their friends.
Ils vont s'empresser de déposer une plainte aux autorités, ou du moins en parler à leurs amis.
At the very least, he's exhuberant.
- Le moins qu'on puisse dire, il est exubérant.
Well, I hope it's at the very least a terribly important affair of state.
J'espère qu'il s'agit au moins d'une affaire d'État très importante.
At the very least, we could make it seem that way.
Au moins, on pourrait faire croire à ça.
At the very least leave me a note.
Sans laisser un mot.
At the very least, this man has the right to know whether there's a charge against him.
À tout le moins, cet homme a le droit de savoir s'il est accusé.
! At the very least, get him some tea!
Qu'est-ce que tu fous?
At the very least, would you mind letting me know your name?
Pourriez-vous au moins me dire votre nom?
At the very least, you'll never get out of town alive.
Et au minimum, tu ne sortiras jamais vivant de cette ville.
I expected one head of state, at the very least.
Je m'attendais au moins à un chef d'État.
Or at the very least created grave doubts in your minds.
J'espère que tout ceci aura semé le doute chez messieurs les jurés.
No, at the very least I'll cut the wire stopping you calling the police, cabbage head.
Au pire, je couperai le câble pour t'empêcher d'appeler, débile.
Three times at the very least.
Au moins trois fois.
At the very least, it's impolite.
Même quelque chose d'impoli.
At the very least, I would keep an eye on him myself.
Au moins, je le surveillerai moi-même.
Four novels in it at the very least.
Vous en tirerez quatre romans minimum.
You might say good night. Or at the very least, good evening.
Tu dois dire bonne nuit, ou en tout cas - bonsoir.
Et tout naturellement ils me désigneront à coup sur comme leur bienfaiteur et leur chef absolu parmis tout les autres
We must disable the Galactica, or at the very least, take many hostages.
Il faut mettre le Galactica hors de combat, ou prendre des otages.
At the very least, Dr Bayliss will never practise psycho-medicine again.
Le docteur Bayliss ne pratiquera plus la psychomédecine.
They would have tried to kill this sniper at the very least.
Ils auraient au moins essayé d'éliminer ce tireur-ci.
In an isolated place a cry for help or a single shot might very well arouse the curiosity of at least one casual witness.
Dans un endroit isolé, un cri ou une balle aurait éveillé la curiosité d'au moins un témoin.
The second is if you will come to paris, if you will consider then the pooling of resources, the alliance that i have already proposed to you, i can definitely guarantee that in a very few days you will have at least a half a million french francs.
Le deuxième est que si vous venez à Paris, si vous considérez alors l'union de ressources, l'alliance que je vous ai déjà proposée Je peux certainement vous garantir que dans très peu de jours vous gagnerez au moins un demi-million de francs français.
It's a very big "might," Mama. There must be at least 12 people before me to say nothing of the ones who haven't been born yet.
C'est improbable... il y en a au moins douze avant moi sans compter ceux qui sont à naître.
Of course, from the very beginning... I realized I did not possess the knack of making myself liked, but... at the beginning, at least, I...
Je me suis très vite rendu compte que je n'avais pas le don de me faire aimer.
There at least, the situation would be very clear.
Là, au moins, I " affaire aurait été claire.
There's an apartment over the garage. Not very large maybe but at least it has a regular bed, not something that leaps out of the wall at you!
Il y a un petit studio au-dessus du garage avec un lit, et pas un lit-cage!
The Reichsführer has placed me in charge personally. At least I know the reason for you not showing up at my house at 14 : 30. Very well.
Le Führer m'a confié cette mission.
Investigation of this case reached into the highest circles... and the scandal was very nearly responsible... for the fall of at least one European government.
Une enquête fut ouverte qui souleva en Europe une vive émotion.
I'm very happy to announce... that we've destroyed... - at least half of the country.
Je suis heureux d'annoncer que nous avons détruit la moitié du pays.
It has been appraised at 500000 gold coins for the very least.
Il est évalué à 500000 écus environ.
And then the job is really very hard, it should at least pay.
Et puis le métier est vraiment très dur, il faut au moins qu'il paye.
It has no size, no shape and no rules. At the very best, it's what you least expect, so you gotta be ready for anything.
Ce qui s'y passe dépasse tout ce que vous pouvez imaginer.
It's sabotage at the very least.
Tu sais ce que tu risques?
I hope that you have at least realised that the universe is immense and that its true face is very far from you.
J'espère que vous vous rendez compte que l'univers est immense et que son visage est très loin de vous.
If he doesn't get at least half the money, he may become very violent.
S'il n'obtient pas au moins la moitié de l'argent... il pourrait devenir très violent.
I mean, you know... obviously, all ideas in science are constantly being revised. I mean, that's the whole point. But we do at least know that the universe has some shape and order... and that, uh, you know, trees do not turn into people or goddesses... and there are very good reasons why they don't... and you can't just believe absolutely anything.
Les théories scientifiques sont sans cesse remaniées... mais on sait en tout cas que l'univers a un ordre... que les arbres ne se changent pas en humains ou en dieux!
at the movies 19
at the age of 82
at the end of the day 343
at the end 233
at the same time 408
at the airport 47
at the moment 453
at the 118
at the bar 60
at the hospital 120
at the age of 82
at the end of the day 343
at the end 233
at the same time 408
at the airport 47
at the moment 453
at the 118
at the bar 60
at the hospital 120