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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ C ] / Cover him up

Cover him up tradutor Francês

232 parallel translation
Cover him up.
Come on, cover him up. Rapid fire.
Allez, couvrez-le.
He's got his job all cut out for him, so cover him up and let him get to it.
Sa route est toute tracée. Couvrez-le, qu'il puisse la suivre.
Cover him up. Cover him up.
We better cover him up.
On ferait bien de le couvrir.
I need something to cover him up with. Let me have that blanket, please.
J'ai juste besoin d'un pansement et d'une bande s'il vous plaît.
Cover him up with something.
Donne-lui une couverture.
Cover him up, he'll get sick.
Couvrez-le, il va tomber malade.
- Cover him up.
We'll cover him up.
On va le couvrir.
Cover him up.
Le couvrir.
Cover him up, quickly.
Cachons-le, vite!
Get his poncho and cover him up.
Va chercher son poncho. Recouvre-le.
- Cover him up well.
- Couvrez-le bien.
- Somebody ought to cover him up.
- Il faudrait le couvrir.
Cover him up.
Cover him! Cover him up!
Cover him up and wait for the others.
Couvrez-le et attendez les autres.
Here, Bisturi, cover him up.
Bistouri, couvre-le.
Cover him up and let the wife in.
Couvrez-le et faites entrer sa femme.
Well, gee, we ought to cover him up.
Oui, autant le couvrir.
Cover him up.
Mets-lui une couverture!
Bring me something to cover him up with.
Amène moi quelque chose pour le couvrir.
Cover him up. Let's Go.
Do please cover him up. One evening he disappeared.
À sa disparition, elle est tombée malade et elle est partie.
Enough, I'll cover him up.
Ça suffit, je vais le recouvrir.
Cover him up.
Would you mind if I cover him up?
Je peux le couvrir?
Make sure you cover him up.
Faites-le pour moi. Elle a pas dit qu'on l'avait violée.
I'll just cover him up.
Je vais le couvrir.
Cover him all up, now, so he won't get cold.
Couvrez-le bien. Il doit rester au chaud.
You're in love with him and trying to cover up his tracks, but it won't work.
Vous l'aimez et vous essayez de le couvrir, mais c'est inutile.
Here, start tossing these down to Jug, tell him to cover up that hole.
Tiens, descends ça à Jug pour recouvrir le trou.
Tell him to cover up that hole, Don't let him waste any time.
Dis-lui de recouvrir le trou. Ne perdons pas de temps.
Shut up. Why do you cover up for a guy like him?
Pourquoi le protégez-vous?
So, I'm the guy who knows that you're the one who took the 20 grand from Smiley to cover up the dirk and kill him.
Je sais que tu as soutiré 20 000 $ à Smiley pour planquer l'arme du crime.
Go up the trail and get some cover and take a shot at him every once in a while, and make him think we're stuck down here.
Remontez le chemin, abritez-vous et tirez sur lui de temps à autre pour lui faire croire qu'on est coincés ici.
Well, if you think I'd cover up for him, you're crazy.
Jamais je ne le couvrirais.
Bennie. I'll have to get him to cover up my tracks these past few weeks in hell.
Il faut que j'efface toutes les traces de ma descente en enfer.
Tell him to cover up his hands.
Qu'on lui couvre ses mains.
And when I accused him he thought he could cover it up with this lie.
Et quand je lui ai reproché, il a cru pouvoir le cacher avec ce mensonge.
He said if I gave it to him he'd cover up with the cops.
Pour qu'il dise rien aux flics.
Can you cover him while I get up?
Vous le surveillez pendant que je grimpe?
When he disappears, I try to cover up for him.
Je le couvre quand il fugue.
This man lines his pockets at the taxpayer's expense and friends upstairs cover up for him.
Le gars vole l'argent public pendant ses voyages a l'étranger il ment et ses copains haut placés le couvrent...
But I assured him I'll cover up the losses in the show.
Mais je l'assure que je couvrirais les pertes du show.
And tell him if he's not there, he can pick up the afternoon papers and read all about his involvement in the N R C cover-up.
Dis-lui que s'il n'est pas là, les journaux apprendront qu'il est impliqué dans les embrouilles de la N.R.C.
And don't try to cover up for him, either.
Et n'essayez pas de le couvrir.
He's useless. We employed him to cover up our involvement.
S'il nous a servi de couverture, il ne nous est plus utile à présent.
You'd cover up for him even if there was something.
Même s'il y avait quelque chose, vous le couvririez.
Did I tell you to cover up for him?
Xiaolou est à moi maintenant. Avant de le frapper, vous devez m'avertir.

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