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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ H ] / Have you seen her

Have you seen her tradutor Francês

1,053 parallel translation
Maggie, where's Jo? Have you seen her?
Où est Jo?
- Have you seen her?
- Vous l'avez vue? - Non.
Have you seen her?
L'as-tu vue?
Have you seen her?
Laisse faire Steed.
Maybe. Have you seen her recently?
Le monde réel semble bien loin!
Have you seen her clothes?
Regarde comment elle est habillée!
Have you seen her?
Vous l'avez vue?
Have you seen her? She's disappeared.
Vous n'avez pas vu Charlotte?
- The owner of this. Have you seen her?
- Avez-vous vu sa propriétaire?
- Have you seen her since?
- Vous l'avez revue souvent? - Pourquoi?
Have you seen her?
L'avez-vous revue?
- Have you seen her out of her uniform?
- Tu l'as vue sans uniforme?
Have you seen her before?
Tu l'as déjà vu?
- Have you seen her lately?
Tu l'as vue récemment?
Have you seen her pale body?
Tu l'as vue nue?
I'm looking for Sister Bernhardine, have you seen her?
Je cherche sœur Bernardine, est-ce que tu l'as vue?
Have you seen her?
L'avez-vous vue?
Have you seen her new carpet?
Tu as vu son nouveau tapis?
Have you seen her?
Tu n'aurais pas vu Marie?
- Have you seen her?
- Vous l'avez revue?
I'm looking for a girl, this tall, in a cloak. Have you seen her?
Je cherche une fille de cette taille, avec un manteau.
You've seen her Toby boy, have you, Mr. Birch?
Vous avez vu Toby, l'avez-vous vu, M. Birch?
- Oh, you should have seen her face.
- Cette tête qu'elle faisait!
Wait till you see her. A more delicious little strudel you have never seen.
Attendez de la voir, le strudel le plus délicieux qui soit!
You should have seen her in the "Playground".
Elle est du tonnerre!
- So you've seen her too, have you?
- Vous l'avez vue également?
You should have seen her on the verge of tears.
J'aurais aimé que tu y sois!
For once you have seen her The others are out
Une fois qu'on l'a vue, les autres s'effacent
You must have seen her in the bar
Tu l'as sûrement vue dans un bistrot.
you must have seen her at the mill
Donc, oublions tes hallucinations.
And you're asking us to believe that Mr. Olderberry allowed her to wander all around the house with nothing on where anybody might have seen her?
Et vous nous demandez de croire que M. Olderberry lui a permis de se promener dans la maison nue où tout le monde aurait pu la voir?
You should have seen her a few years ago!
T'aurais dû la voir, avant.
You have seen her?
Vous l'avez vue?
Have you ever seen a beautiful woman like her?
As-tu déjà vu une femme aussi belle?
- Have you seen her?
- Vous l'avez vue?
- Have you seen her?
Tu l'as vue.
I've never seen her so happy before, have you?
Je ne l'ai jamais vue si heureuse, pas vous?
- Driver, have you seen Miss Goodall? - Yeah, I've seen her.
Avez-vous vu Mlle Goodall?
Have you seen her since?
L'avez-vous revue, depuis?
Si tu l'avais vue à son arrivée, tu ne pourrais pas croire ça.
- Have you seen Giulietta? No, I haven't seen her.
- Tu as vu Juliette?
- Have you ever seen her dance like that?
Tu I ´ as déjà vue danser comme ça?
You should have seen her corset. I couldn't take that, of course.
Je voulais vous apporter son corset, mais bon...
- You have seen her?
- Vous l'avez vue?
- You should have seen her without her makeup.
- Sans maquillage, une horreur!
Yes indeed, you should have seen how he looked at her.
Ca oui alors, il fallait voir comme il la regardait.
- Have you seen what she's done to her hair?
- Oh, vilain. - Tu as vu sa nouvelle coupe?
It's true but you should have seen her necklace, her ring, her scar, It's Helen I know,
Oui, oui, c'est vrai, mais son collier, sa bague, sa cicatrice dans le cou...
You should have seen her face when I said... I was also a Catholic.
Tu aurais vu sa tête quand j'ai dit que moi aussi j'étais catholique!
She may have seen your child or children as the case may be, and she will be very happy to answer your questions if you will... form a line and show her pictures of your child.
Elle peut avoir vu votre enfant ou vos enfants, selon le cas, et elle sera très heureuse de répondre à vos questions, si vous voulez... vous mettre en ligne et lui montrer des photos de votre enfant.
I haven't seen her since, you have my word on that,
Je ne l'ai pas revue depuis, tu as ma parole.

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