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I believe him tradutor Francês

2,771 parallel translation
Daniel Graystone believes a lot of people are about to be murdered and I believe him, so tell your men to stand the frak down.
Daniel pense que des gens vont mourir et je le crois.
I believe him.
Je le crois.
Hey, ask me if I believe him?
- Demande-moi si je le crois.
He says he has no idea where Molly is, and I believe him.
Il dit qu'il n'a aucune idée d'où se trouve Molly, et je le crois.
Kid says he's got the same mother as you and I believe him.
Il dit qu'il a la même mère que toi et je le crois.
Unfortunately, I believe him.
- Malheureusement, je le crois. - Vraiment?
And if he says the right things, and I believe him, then he can walk away.
S'il dit ce qu'il faut, et que je le crois, il pourra partir.
I don't know who, but I believe him.
Je ne sais pas qui, mais je le crois.
It doesn't matter whether I believe him or not, the murder case was closed 15 years ago, it will be too difficult to get evidence to prove that it was actually an accidental death.
Alors pourquoi? Pourquoi tu crois Ma Sang Tae? Il a dit qu'il se dénoncerait pour le bien de sa fille.
No, I would hate if I met him, believe me
Enfin si, avant. Mais c'est plus le même.
- I let him believe he convinced me.
- J'ai fait croire qu'il m'avait persuadé.
I believe in him. What if Crosby became your assistant director?
{ \ pos ( 192,230 ) } S'il devenait assistant metteur en scène?
I did everything I could... but I believe the pull of his mother was too strong for him.
J'ai fait tout ce que je pouvais, mais je crains que son attachement à sa mère ne soit trop fort.
But now I believe that her feelings for him are real.
Maintenant, ses sentiments sont réels.
I can't believe they let him into Canada.
J'en reviens pas, il a pu entrer au Canada.
Believe it or not, he was worse when I met him.
Crois-le ou non, il était pire avant.
I've known him for 15 years, and I barely believe it.
15 ans que je le connais et j'ai du mal.
I can't believe... Tim, you actually knew him.
Tim, tu l'as vraiment connu.
- I believe I did pay you. - We didn't pay him anything.
- Je l'ai pas fait?
Three cracked ribs, I'm inclined to believe him.
Trois côtes cassées, on peut le croire.
I believe it was a clue for me to find him if I ever needed his help.
Ça doit être un indice pour le retrouver.
I just didn't believe him.
Mais je ne l'ai pas cru.
Believe me, I know him well.
Crois-moi, je le connais bien.
Rather than face new allegations against him. - I still can't believe it.
Je n'arrive toujours pas à le croire.
I can't believe you told him.
Comment t'as pu lui dire?
I can't believe you found him.
Je ne peux pas croire que vous l'ayez enfin retrouvé.
- I can't believe you just let him. - Esteban's not here.
Tu l'as abandonné.
I can't believe you just let him stay.
J'y crois pas, tu l'as abandonné.
I still believe that person is inside of him.
Je continue de croire qu'il est toujours un peu comme ça.
I do not believe him.
Je n'ai pas confiance en vous.
- Then I'd believe him.
- Alors, je le croirais.
I believe I have something that can help him deal with it, sir.
J'ai de quoi l'aider à ce sujet.
If I say that I'm sorry for killing him, you won't believe me.
Si je dis que je regrette, Tu ne me croiras pas.
I can't believe it. You're obsessed with him.
Ça devient une obsession, ce mec.
Firstly, I don't really believe in him.
Premièrement, je me fis pas trop à lui.
Lawyer Seo, I know you too will not believe him, but I...
Comment peux-tu faire ça? Ah! Ah!
I believe him.
Comment une fille peut envoyer son père en prison?
It was proven that he died when he pushed him. I also believe that President Ma Sang Tae had no intention of killing him.
C'est bon. tu n'as plus besoin de t'en inquiéter.
Do you really want what you said you wanted? I need to know one thing. - All right. - I got him out of jail - - And I believe that, because you did that.
- Je l'ai sorti de prison.
I believe you took him out of jail and you had him transferred - - locked up, maybe.
Comment vous le savez? Vous auriez l'argent, sinon. Vous l'avez sorti de prison pour le mettre ailleurs.
I believe my brother met him January last.
Je crois que mon frère l'a rencontré en janvier dernier.
There was no way I would believe that he didn't do it. I couldn't believe him!
Rien à faire, j'avais décidé de pas le croire.
I didn't think the police would believe me... and I wanted to make sure they arrested him.
Je voulais être sûre que la police l'arrête.
I believe you've brought him to me to help him find his way.
Je pense que tu l'as fait venir vers moi pour que je l'aide à trouver son chemin.
Even though I don't believe, I have to pretend I do to cheer him up.
Alors moi, l'éternel athée, je dois feindre la croyance..... pour le consoler.
I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal before this decade is out of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the Earth.
Je crois que cette nation devrait se fixer comme objectif, avant la fin de cette décennie, de poser un homme sur la Lune et de le ramener sain et sauf sur Terre.
You don't collect this stuff. You don't have all this stuff if you don't believe, and I promise you, I can take you to him.
C'est... vous ne collectionneriez pas tout ça si vous n'y croyiez pas.
Well now, George, your father's clearly a sensible and educated man and I have tremendous respect for him, but that doesn't mean I believe every letter that comes to my desk...
Et bien, George, ton père est clairement un homme sensible et cultivé et j'ai beaucoup de respect pour lui, mais cela ne veut pas dire que je crois chaque lettre qui arrive sur mon bureau...
I can't believe the Pope fucked our band. I never liked him.
Le Pape a saboté notre groupe!
I can't believe you're siding with him.
J'y crois pas que t'es de son côté.
Believe me, I have him well-trained.
Crois-moi, je l'ai bien dressé.

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