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I believe it was tradutor Francês

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I believe it was the immortal Bard who said,
Je crois que c'est le barde immortel qui a dit :
And I believe it was Jack O'Neill who risked his life to pull it off.
Si je ne m'abuse, c'est O'Neill qui a risqué sa vie sur ce coup-là.
- I believe it was the winter of'69.
- C'était l'hiver 69, je crois.
I think I believe it was,'sick fuck'.
Comment tu m'as appelé? 'Espèce de taré'!
This one was actually on the market for, I believe it was three months.
Celle-ci a ete commercialisee pendant trois mois, je crois.
You know, I believe it was our buddy Bill Shakespeare who said "To err is human, but to forgive, well, that's right on."
Je crois que c'est Bill Shakespeare qui a dit : "L'erreur est humaine, " mais le pardon...
I believe it was one of the most beautiful love stories in the country
C'était une histoire d'amour parmi les plus belles jamais connues au Chili.
I believe it was the youngest who took the pictures.
Je crois que c'est le plus jeune qui les a prises.
I believe it was predestined to as part of Illyria's escape plan.
comme partie du plan d'évasion d'Illyria.
I believe it was your 10 minutes.
Je croyais que c'étaient vos 10 minutes.
I believe it was the school's tuba.
Vous devez parler du tuba de l'école...
- I believe it was Arthur.
- Je pense que c'était Arthur.
I believe it was double or nothing.
Je croyais que c'était quitte ou double.
Oh my God, she was like a thousand when I was ten, I can't believe it.
Mon Dieu! Je croyais qu'elle avait 1000 ans quand j'avais dix ans.
- his real name, believe it or not. Now I have to go help him unload his stuff because that was the deal.
- c'est son vrai nom, crois-le ou pas - maintenant, il faut que j'aille l'aider à décharger ses affaires parce que c'était le deal!
I was raised Catholic and I was... taught that you don't ask God for specific things, but there is this one miracle that I would really, really like to have. Like something you see in a store and you can't stop thinking about it, and you start to believe that it already belongs... to you, and it's just misplaced, but is it wrong?
Comme quelque chose que vous voyez dans un magasin et vous ne pouvez pas arrêter d'y penser, et vous commencez à croire qu'il vous appartient déjà, et c'est faux, mais est ce que c'est mal?
It's just hard to believe that she was hurt and I didn't know it.
Mais c'est dur de croire qu'elle était blessée et que je l'ignorais.
I can't believe this. It was a clean shoot.
J'y crois pas, c'était un tir régulier...
As much as I wanted to believe her, I always knew it was make-believe.
Mais je savais que ces fantômes sortaient de son imagination.
Some friends of mine from the Planet snuck me into this club and there he was and I couldn't believe it was him.
Des copains du Daily Planet m'avaient emmenée en boîte et il était là. Je le croyais pas, alors je l'ai suivi jusqu'à son appart.
- I have no idea why he shot at us nor, for that matter, do I have any reason to believe it was a he.
- Je ne sais ni pourquoi il a tiré sur nous ni, d'ailleurs, si même c'est un "il".
You may find it hard to believe, but before I got into this stuff I was a serious journalist.
Je vais vous étonner, mais avant cette chronique, j'étais un journaliste sérieux.
In the world he grew up to i've come to believe it was in friendship that Alexander found his sanity.
Dans le monde dans lequel il grandit, force est de penser que c'est dans l'amitié qu'Alexandre trouva son équilibre.
I cannot believe you're gonna tell Shelby it was you.
Tu vas vraiment lui dire que c'était toi?
I sincerely believe that if his attitude was to crash into the White House... he could have accomplished it without any problem.
Je crois que s'il avait eu l'intention de s'écraser sur la Maison Blanche, il aurait pu le faire sans problème.
Oh, I can't believe it's been five years since Grandma told me that I was a princess.
Dire que ça fait 5 ans que mamie m'a appris que j'étais princesse.
It reminded me how genuinely romantic I was how I had so much hope in things and now it's like I don't believe in anything that relates to love.
Ça m'a rappelé combien j'étais romantique, combien j'avais d'espoir. Maintenant, je ne crois plus à rien en rapport avec l'amour.
I can't believe it. For 20 years you were my virtual husband because, like all other nuns, I was obliged to marry you.
Pendant 20 ans, tu as été mon mari virtuel, parce que comme les autres nonnes, on m'a forcée à t'épouser.
I believe that she was even flattered by it.
Je crois même qu'elle en fut flattée...
- I was a fool to believe any of it.
- J'ai été idiote de te croire.
I believe that this whole system was manufactured around tarn vedra. It's engineered.
Je crois que tout ce système... est fabriqué autour de Tarn Vedra.
I now believe that it was...
Je pense que c'était...
You don't believe I know it was her?
Tu ne crois pas que je sais que c'est elle?
- Believe it or not I was actually talking about you.
Crois moi ou non, en fait je parlais de toi.
And, believe me, if I was, it would not be you.
Et si j'en cherchais un, je ne te choisirais pas.
- I can't believe we did this again. - It was so stupid.
- J'arrive pas à croire qu'on ait refait ça.
I don't believe this. I was just holding it for them.
J'arrive pas à y croire.
I mean, I couldn't believe it was happening.
Je pouvais pas y croire.
- I can't believe it was Gideon.
- C'était Gideon!
I still can't believe it was only three days ago I was eating hotdogs in Central Park with you and now I have to go to Spanish class with Señora Soraya.
Je n'arrive toujours pas à croire que ça fait seulement 3 jours que je mangeais des hotdogs à Central Park avec toi, et maintenant je dois aller en cours d'espagnol avec Señora Soraya.
Look, I still wish Charlie was in footsy pajamas, believe me the more we try to force them into the antiseptic lives we want them to lead the more they're gonna resent us for it later.
Ecoutez, j'aimerais que Charlie soit encore en grenouillères, croyez-moi. Plus on les force à vivre des vies antiseptiques qu'on veut pour eux, plus ça va nous retomber dessus plus tard.
When I was in that room listening to those words, I couldn't believe it.
Au tribunal, je n'arrivais pas à y croire.
And I know you didn't feel it and I'm sorry that you didn't but it was there and I need you to know that and believe it.
Et je sais que tu ne l'as pas senti, et je suis désolée... que tu ne l'aies pas senti... mais c'était le cas... J'ai besoin que tu le saches et que tu le croies.
She put no thought into it, and it was muffled, but at the end of the call, I do believe I heard a knock and someone yelling, "turndown service."
Elle n'a mis aucun coeur dedans, et c'était assez étouffé, mais à la fin de la conversation, j'ai cru entendre quelqu'un frapper et dire "room service"
I can't believe it was that easy.
C'était si facile.
Believe me, I didn't think it was because I was special or anything.
Je me disais bien que je n'avais rien de spécial... Tu es spéciale, tu es ma soeur!
It was here the whole time. I can't believe we missed it.
C'était là depuis le début, je n'en reviens pas qu'on l'ait loupé
When they told me Clark kent was downstairs, I couldn't believe it.
Quand ils m'ont dit que Clark Kent était en bas, je ne pouvais pas le croire.
Believe it or not, Clark, I was trying to help you.
Tu peux croire ce que tu veux, je voulais t'aider.
I can't believe she thought it was a baby.
Elle a cru que c'était un bébé!
Believe it or not, I would only go if I knew there was a good chance I could come back.
Croyez-le ou non, je ne partirais que si je sais qu'il y a de bonnes chances pour moi de revenir.

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