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I believed him tradutor Francês

394 parallel translation
I only knew the lowest depths of society, so I believed him.
Moi qui n'ai connu que les bas-fonds, je l'ai cru.
And I believed him!
Moi, je le croyais.
He did. And I believed him.
Il l'a fait et je l'ai cru.
And I believed him.
Et je l'ai cru, c'est compris?
I thought I believed him.
Je pensais que je le croyais.
I believed him because I thought he liked me.
Je l'ai cru parce que je pensais lui plaire.
I believed him to be the archer.
Je croyais que c'était lui l'archer.
And so I believed him.
Alors j'ai pensé que c'était lui qui disait la vérité.
I believed him a better horseman.
- Je le croyais meilleur cavalier.
But when I believed him dead, I did not even have the will to die.
Mais quand j'ai cru qu'il était mort, je n'ai même plus eu la volonté de mourir.
I believed him when he told me he loved me.
Je le croyais quand il disait m'aimer.
I believed him right away and went to bed with him.
Et j'ai tout de suite couché avec lui.
I believed him.
Je l'ai cru.
I believed him and he betrayed me.
Je croyais que lui il m'avait trahi.
And I believed him.
Et moi, moi je le croyais!
Yeah, I believed him.
Oui, je l'ai cru.
Yeah. Yeah, I guess I believed him.
Oui, je pense.
He told me once he was born a god, and such was the conviction with which he said it, I believed him, and I said I did.
Un jour, il m'a dit qu'il était d'essence divine, avec une telle conviction, que je l'ai cru, et je lui ai dit.
"You got something to do with death." Being real young, I believed him.
La mort semble être à vos côtés. " J'étais très jeune, alors je l'ai cru.
He promised. And I believed him.
Promis... et je l'ai cru!
No, I didn't tell him that. I told him the truth. And, strangely enough, he believed me.
Non, je lui ai dit la vérité et il m'a crue.
Because I believed Timothy had seen his face and could describe him.
Parce que Timothy aurait pu le décrire.
The way he said he wouldn't, I kind of believed him.
Il a dit : "Non", et moi, je l'ai cru.
- I never believed she loved him.
- Je n'ai pas cru qu'elle l'aimait.
How I believed in him once.
Moi qui croyais en lui!
No matter what people said, I believed in him.
Malgré tout, je croyais en lui.
The old man's got a right to expect something to happen because I told him it would, and he believed me.
Le vieil homme a le droit d'attendre quelque chose, car je lui ai promis et il m'a cru.
He believed I'd kill him.
Non. Il sait que je le tuerais.
He believed what I told him, that I'd been lost in the storm.
Je lui ai dit que je m'étais perdue à cause de l'orage.
I always believed him after he took a club to the back of my head.
Je le croyais toujours quand il me frappait avec un bâton.
I know, I can tell, you believed him.
Vous l'avez cru.
When I put together everything I've learned about him I wonder if he even believed in medicine.
- Quand je rapproche tout ce que je sais de lui, je me demande.. .. s'il croyait en la médecine.
- Do you need one? Donald's a husband who's believed everything I've told him... since I was five years old.
Mon mari croit tout ce que je dis depuis l'âge de 5 ans.
He believed it when I told him his whole world was built on pride.
Je lui ai démontré que son monde reposait sur la fierté.
He believed the lie I told him about you.
Il a cru le mensonge que je lui ai raconté sur toi.
And by the time that he asked me to marry him, I'd lied to myself inside for so long that I believed it was me he cared for and not the money.
Et quand il m'a demandé de l'épouser, je m'étais menti pendant si longtemps que j'ai cru que je comptais pour lui, plus que l'argent.
Asked again, gave again. - I no longer believed him.
Il m'en a redemandé, je lui ai redonné... je ne croyais plus à l'ami malade.
And I had believed him.
I often chided him on that but he believed the owner would return some day.
Je lui en ai souvent parlé... mais il était sûr que l'inventeur reviendrait, un jour.
And I married him because I believed in his bright future.
Dire que je t'ai épousé carje croyais en toi.
I wish I believed in a God so I could ask him to protect you.
Je voudrais croire en un dieu pour lui demander de te protéger.
It felt good listening to him, and I believed it.
J'aimais bien l'entendre parler. Et j'y croyais...
- And you believed him? - Does it matter if I did or if I didn't?
- Et vous l'avez cru?
I told him you must have been following Webster, - but I'm not sure he believed me.
Je lui ai dit que vous deviez suivre Webster, mais je ne suis pas sûre qu'il m'a crue.
Tell him I believed your story, and whatever you do, keep him talking.
Dites que j'ai cru à votre histoire. DébrouiIIez-vous pour Ie faire parler.
I just never believed him.
Je l'ai pas cru.
Otherwise I might well have believed him.
Sinon, j'aurais bien pu les croire.
I believed you were him.
J'ai cru que tu étais lui.
Stop. If I hadn't believed him, I'd never have told the cops.
Si je ne l'avais pas cru, jamais je n'aurais contacté la police.
But I also told him what I believed... that sex is not just a biological matter, but a spiritual one as well... that if God willed, he would fall in love one day.
Mais aussi mes convictions, à savoir que le sexe est aussi une affaire de spiritualité. Que si Dieu le voulait, il tomberait amoureux...
- I thought you believed in him.
- Je croyais que tu n'y croyais pas.

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