Is that better tradutor Francês
3,102 parallel translation
Is that better?
- C'est mieux?
that there is a better path ahead.
que de meilleurs jours nous attendent.
You better see who that is.
Va voir qui c'est.
Stefan, anything is better than trying to convince me that you don't care.
Tout sauf essayer de me convaincre que tu t'en fous.
And that is what makes you her better option.
Et c'est cela qui fait de toi une meilleure option.
I think that free education is much better than having to pay for university studies.
Moi, je dis que la gratuité scolaire c'est vraiment mieux que payer pour l'université.
And just so you know, yours is much better. Is that Marcus'new book?
C'est le nouveau livre de Marcus?
Mr. Finch and Mr. Wright, hand over that client list by noon tomorrow, and, Mr. Rosen, that woman's bail is coming do to something that wouldn't make Donald trump feel extravagant, and let's all get back to making the world a better place.
Mr Finch et Mr Wright, remettront cette liste de client pour midi demain Et, M. Rosen, la caution de cette femme doit descendre à un montant qui ne ferait pas Donald Trump se sentir extravagant Et retournons tous faire du monde un endroit meilleur.
The only thing is, the massive electrical fields in that building might disable my C.P.U. so better yet, you go, and I'll keep watch.
La seule chose est, les énormes champs électriques dans ce bâtiment pourrait désactiver mon C.P.U, donc bien mieux encore, vous y allez, et je surveillerai.
We can't forget that staying on the path is sometimes better than a shortcut.
Rester sur le droit chemin, c'est parfois mieux que de prendre un raccourci.
I think you understand better than anyone just how complicated that proposition is.
Je pense que tu le comprends mieux que quiconque juste à quel point la proposition est compliquée.
If we turn him then he's our responsibility, and the only thing that we know about him is that he'd be willing to sell out his own family for a better offer!
Si on le transforme, il sera notre responsabilité. Et la seule chose qu'on sait de lui c'est qu'il serait prêt à vendre sa propre famille. pour une meilleure offre!
And there is nothing else in the world that feels better than giving in to your inner monster.
Et il n'y a rien d'autres au monde qui permet de se sentir mieux que de donner ce qu'il veut à votre monstre intérieur.
That is so not better.
Ce n'est pas si mal.
The board of directors is going to want a better answer than that.
La direction exigera une meilleure réponse.
Whoever that is better have a death wish.
Peu importe, c'est mieux que tuer quelqu'un.
Then if living on Pennsylvania Avenue is that important to you, we better suck it up and start acting like this isn't a dead marriage!
Si tu tiens tant à Pennsylvania Avenue, on ferait bien de s'en faire une raison et de faire comme si notre mariage n'était pas fini!
Sweets here is one of our better profilers, and he seems to think that it's possible.
Sweets est l'un de nos meilleurs profileurs et il pense que c'est vous.
Gabe, is that any better?
Gabe, est-ce que c'est mieux?
What, is this the point where you tell me that we're better off without you?
C'est me moment ou tu dis qu'on serait mieux sans toi?
And that idea of building, and creating, and almost moding, as part of the gaming experience, is why it's far better than a God game, and a game that I've done.
Et cette idée de construction et de création, et presque un ajout, dans le cadre de l'expérience de jeu, C'est pourquoi il est beaucoup mieux qu'un "God Games", et pourtant j'en est développé un...
The world is a place full of danger, and that is something Geir knew better than anyone.
Nous vivons dans un monde dangereux, et Geir le savait mieux que quiconque.
Masters, it is proved already that you are little better than false knaves ; how answer you for yourselves?
Mes maîtres, il est déjà prouvé que vous ne valez guère mieux que des fripons, que répondez-vous pour votre défense?
That said, even better than chips, is Olga's potatoes.
Cela étant, il y a un truc qui est encore mieux que la frite, c'est la patate à la Olga.
If there is anything I've ever learned in my life, it's that I was never better off without my mother.
Si il y a quelque chose que j'ai appris dans ma vie. c'est que je n'ai jamais été plus heureux sans ma mère.
Yeah, no one understands that better than we do, which is why we will be making this decision, okay? Us.
On le sait mieux que personne, voilà pourquoi on décidera, d'accord?
The thing about her that I find so interesting is that after all that Craster's done to her, she's still got hope that life might get better.
Ce que je trouve intéressant chez elle c'est qu'après tout ce que Caster lui a fait, elle a toujours de l'espoir que la vie sera meilleure.
that's all that matters, is that you tried to leave this place a little better than when you got here.
C'est tout ce qui compte, c'est que tu quittes ce monde, meilleur que quand tu y es arrivé.
Is accusing him of being a sex offender a better way to rebuild that trust?
Et l'accuser d'être un délinquant sexuel est une meilleure manière de reconstruire cette confiance?
If there is even a chance that this will make me better, I want to do it.
S'il y a même une infime chance que ça le rende meilleur, je veux que ça se fasse.
Oh, my God. The only thing that would make it better is if it was a cheeseburger.
La seule chose qui pourrait rendre ça meilleur c'est si c'était un cheeseburger.
To be honest, Mr. Nasiri, that sounds like a much better reason than the one you gave, which is no reason.
Pour être honnête, M. Nasini, ça ressemble plus à une raison que celles que vous nous avez données qui n'en sont pas.
Taub has to accept that by instinct and genetics he is a coward, who's better off running and hiding at the first sign of danger.
Taub doit accepter que par instinct et par génétique, c'est un lâche qui ferait mieux de se cacher en cas de danger.
And considering House at 90 % is better than any other doctor at this hospital at 100 %, that means our patients get a lower standard of care.
En considérant qu'House est à 90 % meilleur que n'importe quel médecin de cette hôpital se donnant à 100 %, cela voudrait dire que nos patients recevraient un standard de traitement beaucoup plus faible.
That's a good fit, if you ignore the fact that he's a pro athlete who looks like the Incredible Hulk, which means he's gotta be on steroids, which is a better fit.
- Leptospirose? - Pas mal. Mais c'est un sportif de haut niveau, le sosie de Hulk.
Why do you assume that marriage is better than hooking?
Même si c'était vrai, ça resterait un coup de dés.
You accepted his choice that ending the pain is better than the pain.
Tu as accepté son choix, qu'en finir avec la douleur était mieux que de souffrir.
If the Old Ones are coming, then it is better that I am here to greet them.
Si les Anciens viennent, alors c'est mieux que je sois là pour les accueillir.
I'm sorry, is that supposed to make me feel better?
Je suis désolé, c'est supposé me remonter le moral?
Y'all better think about that because any day now... fabric of the universe is coming unraveled.
Vous feriez mieux d'y penser. Parce que d'un jour à l'autre, la structure de l'univers va s'effriter.
I feel like I know you better than anyone else in the world, and then when you look at me, it's like none of that is true.
Je ressens comme si je te connaissais mieux que quiconque au monde, et ensuite, quand tu me regardes, c'est comme si rien n'était vrai.
Little fucker better tell us that spring is on the way.
Ce Petit enculé ferait bien d'annoncer que le printemps arrive.
That is, unless you got a better plan, Essex?
Sauf si tu as un meilleur plan, Essex?
Oh, yeah, you'd be surprised how much better it makes you feel, whatever it is that ails you.
Cela te feras sentir tellement mieux, quelque soit ce qui te retiens.
New Marshall is an escaped zoo bear and the only thing that Better Lily is better at than our Lily is over-the-pants hand stuff.
Nouveau Marshall s'est échappé d'un zoo d'ours. et la seule chose où Meilleure Lily est plus douée que notre Lily c'est l'attouchement par-dessus les pantalons.
And you don't know that Criss is bad for me, and you never will. So you better get on board the Criss train.
Vous ignorez si Criss est nuisible, et ça ne changera pas.
Is that supposed to make me feel better?
C'est censé me faire aller mieux?
I don't think that this is gonna make me feel any better, though.
Je ne pense pas que ca va me faire aller mieux toutefois.
All I know is that I just want to live in a world that's a better place, and your contribution will definitely help us get there, to the...
Je sais une seule chose... Je veux vivre dans un monde meilleur. Et si vous faites un don, nous vivrons sans aucun doute dans un... monde meilleur, Fred.
Truth is better than that, right?
Truth vaut mieux que ça, non?
So Jeremiah now says that indometha-something is better.
Alors maintenant Jeremiah dit que indometha-machin chose est mieux.
is that you 2352
is that it 2484
is that so 1463
is that your sister 22
is that right 2297
is that your dog 17
is that okay with you 61
is that 1576
is that all you can say 40
is that all there is 18
is that it 2484
is that so 1463
is that your sister 22
is that right 2297
is that your dog 17
is that okay with you 61
is that 1576
is that all you can say 40
is that all there is 18
is that understood 245
is that your daughter 28
is that what you want 740
is that what this is 151
is that your car 43
is that all you got 152
is that a threat 163
is that all you care about 23
is that all you've got 42
is that what i think it is 170
is that your daughter 28
is that what you want 740
is that what this is 151
is that your car 43
is that all you got 152
is that a threat 163
is that all you care about 23
is that all you've got 42
is that what i think it is 170
is that a 177
is that what this is about 217
is that clear 774
is that all 744
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is that bad 219
is that him 366
is that her 187
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is that all of it 17
is that what this is about 217
is that clear 774
is that all 744
is that possible 215
is that bad 219
is that him 366
is that her 187
is that true 1272
is that all of it 17