Is that you tradutor Francês
118,671 parallel translation
What-what I find offensive is that you think the judge could be so easily manipulated.
Et je trouve offensant que vous pensiez pouvoir manipuler le juge si facilement.
The government that murdered her is the same government you work for.
Le gouvernement qui l'a tué est le gouvernement pour lequel tu travailles.
Is that what you wanted... to kill someone over a stupid game?
Si c'est ça que vous voulez... tuer quelqu'un pour un jeu stupide?
Murphy, um, can you go make sure that Mindy is set up in the scanner?
Murphy, tu peux t'assurer que Mindy est installée dans le scanner?
This is my life that you've walked into.
C'est dans ma vie que tu t'es pointée.
It is obvious that you don't support my decision.
C'est évident que tu ne soutiens pas ma décision.
That was is son up there, and you have to tell me what is going on.
C'est mon fils sur cette table et vous devez me dire ce qu'il se passe.
Look, you can serve under Chief Webber if you want to, but that doesn't change the fact that he is not your chief.
Écoute, tu peux soutenir le chef Webber si tu veux, mais ça ne changera pas le fait qu'il n'est plus ton chef.
This is the least that you can do, the very least.
C'est le moins que vous puissiez faire.
You know, the thing is, - I was good at that job. - Mm-hmm.
Le fait est que j'étais bonne dans ce boulot.
I need to know if business is really that much more important to you than family.
J'ai besoin de savoir si les affaires sont vraiment plus importantes pour toi que la famille.
What do you need that you don't have that you think a baby is going to bring you?
Qu'est-ce qu'il te faut que tu n'as pas qu'un bébé pourrait t'apporter?
You've made it very clear for some time that my well-being is the lowest of your priorities.
Tu m'as très bien fait comprendre que mon bien-être était la dernière de tes priorités.
Can you believe that place is four grand?
4 000 dollars, tu imagines?
Since you're in a guessing mode, would you also guess that your whole testimony is an attempt by you to get back at the woman who broke up with you? !
Puisque vous aimez imaginer, imaginez-vous que votre témoignage tout entier n'est qu'une tentative de vous venger de la femme qui a rompu avec vous?
Do you know that Ms. Quinn is not a co-conspirator to this malware?
Savez-vous que Mlle Quinn n'est pas complice de ce maliciel?
Guys, making a Cabe-sicle is pointless if we can't safely reheat him. You have to go get that hydrogen sulfide gas.
Faire un "Cabe-sicle" est inutile si on ne peut pas le réchauffer en toute sécurité.
Sly, all this is for naught if you can't get that venom.
Ça ne sert à rien si tu ne peux pas avoir ce venin.
In my bag that you confiscated is my lip balm.
dans le sac que vous m'avez confisquée il y a mon baume à lèvres.
Uh, I'm gonna take your invisible conch now, buddy, and tell you that your plan is crazier than a poophouse rat.
Je vais prendre ta conque invisible maintenant, mon pote, et te dire que ton plan est plus fou qu'un rat dans une mare.
Is that a good enough of a test run for you?
Est-ce un bon test pour vous?
You need to make it clear that this is not about race.
Vous devez insister sur le fait que la race n'est pas la question.
Is that the word you're looking for?
C'est le mot que vous cherchez?
Is that what you were doing, Counselor?
C'est exact, Maître?
Is it fair to say that... in an effort to gain some competitive advantage, you sought to have Adrian Boseman disbarred?
Est-il juste de dire que... afin d'obtenir un avantage compétitif, vous avez cherché à faire radier Adrien Boseman?
Well, is it fair to say that you tried calling. Reddick / Boseman clients to steal them away?
Est-il juste de dire que vous avez appelé des clients de Reddick / Boseman pour les voler?
Then, do you think it surprises me that... someone inside this firm is being targeted?
Alors, tu crois que je suis surpris de voir... qu'une personne de ce cabinet est prise pour cible?
Is that why you had me get the Schtup list from Uncle Jax's computer?
C'est pour ça que tu m'as fait récupérer la Sex List dans l'ordinateur d'oncle Jax?
I just think it's funny that you think this is over.
C'est drôle que vous pensiez que c'est terminé.
If she answers truthfully, that is correct and I know you will. Because it's a felony to lie to a, um, federal agent.
Si elle dit la vérité, c'est exact, et je sais que ce sera le cas... car mentir à un agent fédéral est un crime.
Well, that is a good cause, and thank you so much for doing that.
C'est une bonne cause, merci de vous en occuper.
You can only relate something that is true or potentially true.
Vous ne pouvez raconter que ce qui est vrai ou potentiellement vrai.
If we don't, the prosecutor is going to claim that you got rid of it after you used it to kill Margaret.
Il ne s'enfuira pas. Nous demandons une caution au montant raisonnable.
- That is insane. - Thank you, Dwayne.
Autre chose?
I'm not going to do that. Either way, one of you is gonna die.
Jeremiah... ne paie plus la défense de votre père, donc mon cabinet n'est plus payé, et mon patron ne représentera pas votre père.
While you were in the bunker, we found out that Forrest Gump is real.
En fait, Forrest Gump a vraiment existé.
What is that? Fake dialing a phone when you're in a porno?
Tu imites un acteur porno au téléphone?
You won't accept our union'cause you found out that Jacqueline is Native American.
Vous refusez, car vous savez qu'elle est amérindienne.
You'll never get him back, if that's your crazy pipe dream, because he is not a fan of yours!
Il ne reviendra pas vers vous, si c'est ce que vous espérez, car il ne vous porte pas dans son cœur.
What if I told you that the Flaming Sword is. Azrael's blade?
Et si je te disais que l'Épée de Feu est la lame d'Azrael?
And you really think that this is the Flaming Sword?
Et tu crois vraiment que c'est l'Épée de Feu?
Is that why you punched him?
C'est pour ça que vous l'avez frappé?
Well, I may have struck the latest blow, but that is only in response to the litany of offenses that you, dear old Dad, have bestowed upon me.
J'ai peut-être donné le dernier coup, mais c'est juste en réponse à une litanie d'offenses que toi, cher père, tu m'as accordées.
The point is, Mum, that I think Dad... sincerely misses you.
En fait, Maman, je crois que tu manques sincèrement à Papa.
But now that one of your clients is our main suspect, it's best you go.
Mais, un de vos clients est notre principal suspect, vous devez partir.
Are you certain... that this is all that was in the safety deposit box?
Es-tu certain... que c'était tout ce que contenait le coffre?
You and Charlotte Richards... that is the most awkward team-up of the century.
Toi et Charlotte Richards... c'est la plus étrange association du siècle.
- Brother... - That Father's favorite, despite everything that you have done, is and always has been you.
Que le préféré de Père, malgré tout ce qu'il a fait, est et sera toujours toi.
Is that the key around your neck or are you just happy to see me?
Est-ce la clé autour de ton cou ou es-tu juste content de me voir?
Are you certain this is all that was in the safety deposit box?
Es-tu certain que c'était tout ce qu'il y avait dans le coffre-fort?
I'm suggesting that this is your moment if you're smart enough to seize it.
Je suggère que c'est votre moment Si vous êtes assez intelligent pour le saisir.
is that your sister 22
is that your dog 17
is that your daughter 28
is that your car 43
is that your name 39
is that your girlfriend 35
is that your real name 25
is that your phone 20
is that your dad 36
is that your plan 23
is that your dog 17
is that your daughter 28
is that your car 43
is that your name 39
is that your girlfriend 35
is that your real name 25
is that your phone 20
is that your dad 36
is that your plan 23
is that your mother 20
is that your son 46
is that your brother 24
is that yours 88
is that your boyfriend 28
is that your mom 36
is that your husband 17
is that your father 23
is that your wife 48
is that your 24
is that your son 46
is that your brother 24
is that yours 88
is that your boyfriend 28
is that your mom 36
is that your husband 17
is that your father 23
is that your wife 48
is that your 24
is that your mom again 81
is that it 2484
is that so 1463
is that right 2297
is that okay with you 61
is that 1576
is that all you can say 40
is that all there is 18
is that understood 245
is that what you want 740
is that it 2484
is that so 1463
is that right 2297
is that okay with you 61
is that 1576
is that all you can say 40
is that all there is 18
is that understood 245
is that what you want 740
is that what this is 151
is that all you got 152
is that a threat 163
is that all you care about 23
is that all you've got 42
is that what i think it is 170
is that what this is about 217
is that a 177
is that clear 774
is that better 164
is that all you got 152
is that a threat 163
is that all you care about 23
is that all you've got 42
is that what i think it is 170
is that what this is about 217
is that a 177
is that clear 774
is that better 164
is that all 744
is that possible 215
is that bad 219
is that him 366
is that true 1272
is that her 187
is that all of it 17
is that possible 215
is that bad 219
is that him 366
is that true 1272
is that her 187
is that all of it 17