Just think about it tradutor Francês
1,928 parallel translation
Just think about it.
I mean, just think about it, okay?
Je veux dire, pensez y, ok?
Just think about it romeo.
Pensez juste cela le romeo.
Just think about it.
I'm sorry. - Just think about it.
- Just think about it.
- Il suffit d'y penser.
- Well, just think about it.
- Penses-y, au moins.
Well, just think about it.
Think about it. It'd be just like it used to be when we all lived together. Remember?
Penses y. Tout serait comme avant, quand nous habitions tous ensemble.
How about I just make it so every time you kneel in front of a glory hole, you think of me?
Qu'est ce que tu dis de ça : je fais en sorte qu'à chaque fois que tu te poses devant un glory hole tu penses à moi?
You ever think about just dropping everything and going for it?
Parfois, penses-tu partir d'ici et tenter ta chance?
All right. Just let me think about it, okay? Please.
OK, laisse moi réfléchir?
It gives me shivers just to think about it.
Ça me donne des frissons rien que d'y penser.
It's just this whole thing makes me think about Rome, and when I think about Rome, I think about you and...
C'est que tout ça me fait penser à Rome, et quand je pense à Rome, je pense à toi et...
I mean, I just-I guess, you know, there's no reason, really, to complain about it even, but, you know, it's just I think the thing with janet and my kids and then you and damian, I don't know.
Ça se passe plutôt très bien. Mais c'est juste que... Y a même pas de quoi se plaindre, mais tu sais, simplement, je crois que le truc avec Janet et mes gosses, et puis toi et Damien, je sais pas, même si ça se passe bien, on se leurre peut-être.
I was just thinkin'about a lot of stuff, and... life, you know, important stuff, and, uh-and it made me think about him.
Je pensais simplement à plein de trucs et... à la vie. Ça m'a fait... penser à lui.
it's just too scary for me. I can't even think about that.
C'est trop flippant pour moi, rien que d'y penser...
I just can't seem to stop it, and I just- - I think about Larry, and I- - and I lose it, and... anyway, so my friend is saying maybe I shouldn't do it anymore if I can't control my emotions,
Je n'arrive pas à me contrôler. Je pense à Larry et moi, et je craque... Mon amie dit que je devrais arrêter d'en faire si je ne sais pas contrôler mes émotions.
I think it's just about putting the random people together.
- Moi aussi. On devrait mettre les personnes restantes à la même table.
I just don't think we should be talking about it right in front of the children.
Je pense qu'on ne devrait pas parler de ça devant les enfants.
I just need some time to think about it a little bit.
J'ai besoin d'un peu de temps pour y penser.
Just don't think about it!
N'y pense pas!
I just wanted to say that you're doing everything right and it's great how you think about things...
Tu fais pour le mieux. Je pense que c'est génial, comment tu penses à toutes ces choses.
I guess I just didn't think about it.
J'imagine que je n'y ai juste pas pensé.
I just want you to think about it.
Pensez-y un peu.
Think about it for just one second.
Réfléchis une seconde.
I think what I'm gonna do is, I'm gonna sit Suzie down and I'm just gonna talk to her about it.
Ce que je vais faire, c'est m'asseoir avec Suzie et lui parler de tout ça.
And I have not been let into this building for 20 years, and I think it's about time someone just let me in and let me talk to them.
Ça fait 20 ans qu'on m'interdit l'accès à vos locaux. Je pense qu'il est grand temps qu'on me laisse entrer. Je voudrais enfin leur parler.
Just let me think about it, okay?
Laisse-moi y réfléchir, d'accord.
I didn't think about it. I just did it.
Je n'ai pas réfléchi, j'ai juste agi.
I guess I just need to think about it.
Il faut que j'y réfléchisse.
Can I just say I think it's totally weird that you guys talked about me when I wasn't there.
Je peux dire que je trouve vraiment bizarre que vous ayez parlé de moi en mon absence.
I just think it's funny you're worried about your underwear.
Je trouvas ça juste drôle que tu sois inquiet pour tes sous-vêtements.
You know, now that I think about it, I just haven't felt like myself since prom.
Maintenant que j'y pense... je ne suis plus moi-même depuis le bal.
Just... I want you to think about it.
Mais je veux que tu y penses.
I thought I would... finally start to think about the big picture, but... it's just gotten darker inside my head.
Que... Qu'enfin, je regarderais la situation dans son ensemble, mais... Mais ça m'a fait déprimer encore plus.
I think it makes you upset, just from the way you talk about it.
Il me suffit de t'entendre en parler.
I mean, we owe it to him to stop and think about what we're doing before we just... move past the point of no return here.
On lui doit bien ça, de s'arrêter et d'y réfléchir avant... d'avoir passé le point de non retour.
It's just that I just spent so much time worrying about whether or not it--it was going to happen that I never- - had time to think about what it would be like when it did?
Mais je me suis tellement inquiétée, en me demandant si ça allait arriver que... Tu n'as pas pensé à ce que ce serait quand ça arriverait?
I mean, think about it... life gets too complicated, I just come out here, I sit on this swing, I sip some lemonade, and... and all my problems, they just melt away.
Dès que la vie serait trop compliquée, je viendrais ici sur la balancelle, je siroterais de la limonade et tous mes problèmes s'envoleraient.
Just that I'd think about it.
Que j'y réfléchirais.
It's just when I think about all the surprises we've gotten from all the people we thought we knew.
Quand je vois ce que nous réservaient les gens qu'on croyait connaître...
I just... I need a little time to think about it, OK?
J'ai besoin d'un peu de temps pour y réfléchir.
He said it was important, but i think he's just scared i'm gonna talk about his ex-Girlfriends during my toast.
Il a dit que c'était important. Je crois qu'il a juste peur que je parle de ses ex dans mon discours.
I just know that I am flying high, and I don't even want to think about it. I just want to enjoy it.
Je suis sur un nuage, je n'ai pas envie d'y penser, je veux juste profiter.
Just... It's a lot to think about.
Ça me fait réfléchir.
And if you really think about it, The whole thing is just a giant, giant con.
Mais tout ça n'est qu'une énorme mascarade.
I almost jealous at the time, 5 or 10 years ago when I could just jump on a plane with impunity, I didn't even think about it, it's blissful, no moral dilemma there, whatsoever.
Je suis presque nostalgique de cette époque, il y a 5 ou 10 ans, où je pouvais prendre l'avion en toute impunité, sans arrière-pensée ni scrupule.
I was just hoping that we was a bit more artistic about it, I think.
Je nous voyais comme des artistes.
I was just calling to say... do you remember how we slept together about six times I think it was last year in february?
Je t'appelle pour te dire... Tu te souviens qu'on a couché ensemble, environ six fois. Je pense que c'était l'année dernière, en février.
And, yeah, I think $ 10,000 would just about do it.
Oui, je pense que 10 000 dollars feraient parfaitement l'affaire.
just think 328
just thinking 91
just think of it 30
think about it 2390
about it 81
just come home 43
just eat it 38
just do it 1237
just so you know 1100
just breathe 514
just thinking 91
just think of it 30
think about it 2390
about it 81
just come home 43
just eat it 38
just do it 1237
just so you know 1100
just breathe 514
just be cool 104
just relax 1151
just be yourself 145
just go 1748
just me 553
just talk to me 109
just let it be 17
just bear with me 31
just kidding 689
just be honest with me 16
just relax 1151
just be yourself 145
just go 1748
just me 553
just talk to me 109
just let it be 17
just bear with me 31
just kidding 689
just be honest with me 16
just like that 1429
just answer the questions 19
just eat 44
just a little 454
just be nice 17
just a man 25
just be patient 84
just us 261
just beautiful 39
just a joke 49
just answer the questions 19
just eat 44
just a little 454
just be nice 17
just a man 25
just be patient 84
just us 261
just beautiful 39
just a joke 49