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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ L ] / Let it out

Let it out tradutor Francês

5,460 parallel translation
- I did need to let it out.
- J'avoue.
Someone let it out.
Quelqu'un l'a libéré.
Just kind of let it out. Okay.
Laisse-toi aller.
I can't let it out this island.
Vous ne partirez pas de cette île.
Just let it out.
Laisse tout sortir.
Let it out like you're on a roller coaster!
Sors le, comme tu étais dans les montagnes russes!
Let it out.
Laisse sortir.
- Let it out, Evan.
Exprime-toi, Evan.
Come on, Teen Mom. Let it out.
Allez, Mère-Fille, passez aux aveux.
- Hey, let it out.
Je vais me battre.
Let it out.
Let it out.
Let me out it off the one side.
- Évidemment.
All right, let's hug it out.
Bon, on se fait un câlin.
Let me talk you out of it.
Laisse-moi t'en dissuader.
Let's get it all out, right?
Videz votre sac.
Let's try and pull it out.
On va le sortir.
Let's chuck it out and get a new one.
On va s'en débarrasser et en racheter un.
Let's get out of the car and tell him we're about to break in and it's your idea,'cause I don't care.
Allons lui raconter notre plan, de ton cru, car je m'en fiche.
Let me figure it out.
Tu me laisses régler ça.
- Let's do this. - Check it out.
Ça marche.
Figure it out, let me know who to thank.
Vous me direz qui il faut remercier.
Let it all out.
Tout déballer.
If there is something to the paranormal, let's find out what it is, if anything.
S'il y a quelque chose de paranormal, découvrons ce que c'est, s'il y a quelque chose.
So come on, let's check it out.
Alors, allons vérifier. Voyons cela...
If you want to bust this guy Carlos. Just let it play out.
Si vous voulez arrêter Carlos, laissez les choses se faire.
- Let's test it out.
Faisons un test.
The next thing you're about to say is that it's really hard making this work because my job entails running your business out of business! Let me guess.
Laisse moi deviner.
- Let's take it out.
- Enlevons-là.
You're a good man too, Alex, I hope you don't let us down out there, it would be a shame.
Toi aussi t'es un bon type Alex. J'espère que tu vas pas nous laisser tomber Ce serait dommage
You might have to do it yourself, if they ever let you out from behind that desk.
Vous le passerez peut-être vous-même, s'ils vous laissent un jour sortir de ce bureau.
Let's head out for those crossroads, keep it out of Krauts'hands like we've been told.
On va s'assurer que le carrefour tombe pas aux mains des Schleus.
- Mum... Let Daddy sort it out, Alistair.
Laisse papa s'occuper de ça, Alistair.
Let's hug it out.
Fais moi un câlin.
I'll put that motherfucker in drive and drive it up your asshole, and step out of it and let it run up your asshole!
Je vais mettre le contact et rouler dans ton cul! Je vais te la foutre dans le cul!
Your hair looks messy, let's sort it out.
On va aller te recoiffer.
Yeah'I ought to let you rip out your fucking stitches. Stop it.
Je te laisserai pas abîmer tes points de suture.
- I guess we gotta let'em play it out for a while. - Yeah.
- Je suppose qu'on doit les laisser s'en tenir à ça un moment.
Well, let's go check it out.
Allons vérifier.
This is all new to me so I don't know what to say but... let's have it out.
Je ne sais pas s'il existe un rituel pour l'annoncer, mais je vais me battre.
Let's see, if you die then it's just me out here.
Si tu meurs, je serais seul ici.
She's in the camp with the men and it's, " Come on, Jack, let's go kill everybody and see if we can't get her out of there.
Elle est dans le camp avec des hommes et c'est " Allons Jack, Tuons tout le monde pour voir si on peut pas la sortir de là.
Let's move it out.
On fiche le camp.
Let's just clean it out.
Je veux que tu nettoies.
Come on, let's check it out.
Viens, allons voir.
Let's just talk about it and we'll figure something out.
Parlons-en simplement et nous trouverons une solution.
Come on, let's go check it out.
- Va jeter un coup d'œil.
So out here, I can be off the leash. I can-l can let my hair what is left of it down. Yeah.
Ici je peux me lâcher, me laisser aller... et passer un bon moment.
Let's get out of here. It's, uh-it's a bit of a downer, to be honest. I'm not quite sure why, but...
Ne restons pas ici, ça me sape le moral.
Let's check it out before we check in.
Allons voir avant de nous enregistrer.
Let's check it out.
Allons vérifier ce que c'est.
Come on, let's hug it out.
Allez, viens dans mes bras.

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