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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ S ] / She got sick

She got sick tradutor Francês

287 parallel translation
She got sick on job in St. Paul, she saying.
Elle a plaqué son boulot â Saint Paul.
I wouldn't have stayed myself, only she got sick being vaccinated.
Je me serais barrée aussi mais le vaccin l'a rendue malade.
Till she got sick.
Avant qu'elle ne soit malade.
She got sick at the bakery.
Elle a eu un malaise!
She got sick a few years back and... died.
- Plus tard. On se parlera plus tard.
I get it.After the abortion, she got sick and came here.
J'ai compris. Après l'avortement, elle est tombée malade et est venue ici.
Mama was a photographer before she got sick.
Avant, Maman était photographe. Elle avait son labo.
This is aunt Sara vomiting into the sea. She got sick with the rocking of the boat.
Ça c'est Sara qui vomit dans la mer.
- She got sick and died.
Elle est morte.
Oh, I doubt she got sick on purpose.
Oh, je doute qu'elle ait fait exprès de tomber malade.
What if she got sick?
Et si elle était malade?
Until she got sick.
Puis elle est tombée malade.
She got sick.
Elle est malade
Mother-in-law died, husband's missing, and she was alright. Now she got sick.
Sa belle-mère est morte et son mari a disparu.
She got sick like five months ago.
Ca a commencé il y a cinq mois.
My boss was supposed to come, but she got sick, a stroke, actually.
Mon patron devait venir mais il est malade.
She got sick really fast.
Ça a été soudain!
That's when she got sick.
Ça l'a rendue malade.
When she got sick, I moved her downstairs.
Puis je l'ai installée en bas.
I don't regret the 18 years I was married to Nancy. I don't regret the six years I had to give up counseling when she got sick... and I don't regret the last years when she got really sick.
Je ne regrette pas mes 18 ans de mariage avec Nancy, ni les six passés à la soigner ni les derniers temps de sa maladie.
She got sick.
Elle est devenue malade.
She misses her friends since she got sick and had to move back into the house.
Ses amis lui manquent. Depuis qu'elle a été malade elle a dû revenir vivre chez nous.
Well, she raised me till I was 5, and then she got sick.
Elle m'a élevé jusqu'à l'âge de 5 ans, et puis elle est tombée malade.
She used to be really popular, and then it was like she got sick of it or something.
Les théories sur ses raisons abondent.
And when she was five, she got sick.
Et quand elle a eu 5 ans, elle est tombée malade...
Then she got sick.
Elle est tombée malade.
- She got sick about nine months ago... - Nine months ago.
Elle est tombée malade il y a neuf mois.
- Right, she got sick and died...
- Elle était malade puis elle est morte.
The day you sent for me, her father got sick and she had to hurry back here to Rio.
Avant que je ne vienne, son pêre est tombé malade et elle a dû venir aussi.
Well, she's kind of sick and he ain't exactly got a job, so I sold it to him.
Sa femme est malade, et il n'a pas de travail, alors, je le lui ai vendu.
- She gone got sick.
Elle est malade.
She made me ride backwards all the way and when I got sick she scolded me.
J'étais à contresens toute la route. Quand j'ai été malade, elle m'a grondé.
She became sick on the train, and they got home on the 10th.
Elle est tombée malade dans le train, et ils sont rentrés chez eux le 10.
I must say he was very annoyed when she got up from her sick bed with a raging fever and went out into the rain.
Il était contrarié quand il a su qu'elle était sortie sous la pluie avec une si forte fièvre.
Maybe she's sick or went out of town. Maybe she got hit in an air-raid.
Elle est peut-être malade, ou blessée.
She's got a sick mother.
Sa mère est malade.
If she feels sick, she'll tell us. Luciana... she's got the idea...
Luciana s'est mis en tête qu'elle était...
She's got to be sick.
Elle n'a plus toute sa tête.
Sick... and... and during your absence... she got worse.
Et durant votre absence... son état s'est aggravé.
So, she's got us over a barrel. I'm absolutely sick about it.
Non, nous sommes coincés.
She got called away by a sick friend. Had to leave. Oh.
Elle a dû partir auprès d'un ami malade.
Realizing she was very sick, the scum got scared and took her home.
Réalisant qu'elle était mourante, l'enfoiré, effrayé, l'a ramenée chez elle.
She got sick.
Elle s'est sentie mal.
After she disappeared without a trace, he was grieving so bad he got sick.
Quand elle a disparu sans laisser de traces, il est tombé malade de chagrin.
Because she got sick and tired of waiting for Perry to mow it.
Perry passait pas la tondeuse.
I was at this party and the host's kid got sick with something and I rushed him to Emergency and she was the resident on duty and we just hit it right off.
J'étais à une soirée et un gosse a avalé une saleté. Je me suis rué aux urgences avec lui, c'était elle le médecin de garde, et... tilt d'emblée.
Look, Violet is sick and Celeste can't switch... because she's got some big family thing.
Arlette est malade et Celeste a une réunion de famille.
First off, Nadine over at Blue Chip got sort of sick. So she got that goddam Mongoloid boy of hers workin'the grill.
Pour commencer, Nadine du Blue Chip était malade et c'est son mongolien de fils qui était de service.
I got a letter from my mom. She's really sick.
Me mère m'a écrit.
But then she got so sick.
C'est alors qu'elle est tombée malade.
- I guess she got sick.
- Je crois qu'elle est malade.

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