Until today tradutor Francês
793 parallel translation
But I thought you wouldn't be through with your exams until today.
Je pensais que tu n'aurais pas fini tes examens avant aujourd'hui.
Until today...
Jusqu'à aujourd'hui...
But from my struggling youth until today my principal aim has been to strive for truth.
Dès mon plus jeune âge, j'ai toujours lutté pour la vérité.
I tried every way. They wouldn " t let me come here until today.
Ils m'ont enfin laissé venir aujourd'hui.
Until today, no man has ever hit me in the face.
Jusqu'à ce jour, vous êtes le premier qui me met la main sur la figure.
I've been a good girl until today.
J'ai été sage jusqu'à présent.
I didn't know when until today.
Je ne savais pas quand avant aujourd'hui.
I didn't know until today auntie had gone psychic or I wouldn't have brought you up here.
J'ignorais que ma tante se prenait pour un médium, - sinon, je ne vous aurais pas fait venir.
Until today i've never sought to make young women unhappy who wanted to be happy and from today you're too cowardly for that?
Je n'ai jamais hésité à rendre malheureuse une jeune fille qui voulait être heureuse. En auriez-vous perdu le courage maintenant?
But they built and built and built some more... until today, believe it or not, the lake is full of Mexico City.
Mais ils l'ont construite petit à petit, et aujourd'hui, vois-tu, Ia ville de Mexico repose sur ce lac.
That is, I've been studying until today.
Enfin, jusqu'à ce jour.
Yes, but why should I always dream about meeting you all together here in this room that I have never been in in my life, until today?
Oui, mais pourquoi dans mon rêve étiez-vous tous dans cette pièce, où je ne suis jamais venu?
- Yes, I wanted to help you... but all I could do at the time was write crazy letters to the Record... until today.
- Oui, je voulais vous aider mais je ne pouvais rien faire, qu'écrire au''Record''. Jusqu'à ce jour.
- First one I thought was good... until today.
Le premier que je croyais bon.
I've been in Washington a thousand times in the past few years, but I never really saw it until today.
Je suis venu à Washington des dizaines de fois, mais je ne l'avais jamais vue.
I want all of us to toast this child who until today belonged to nobody and was a nobody.
Buvons à la santé d'une enfant : celle-ci. Jusqu'ici, elle n'était l'enfant de personne. Un être né dans le caniveau.
It's what I thought myself until today.
C'est ce que je pensais jusqu'à aujourd'hui.
Is it true that you haven't received any news, since she went away, until today, when you read about it in the newspapers?
Est-il vrai que depuis son départ vous n'avez rien su d'elle, jusqu'à ce matin quand vous avez lu le journal?
I haven't spoken to him for a year until today.
Voilà un an aujourd'hui qu'on ne s'était pas parlé.
And until today, there wasn't much we could do about it.
Et jusqu'à maintenant, on n'y pouvait rien.
Until today, I thought... then Scherer came.
Jusqu'à ce matin, je croyais... Puis Scherer...
- Until today.
Jusqu'à ce jour.
until today I've walked my own way... and made you suffer a Iot
Jusqu'à aujourd'hui, j'ai suivi ma propre voie... et je t'ai fait beaucoup souffrir.
I would have sent it to you, but I didn't know your address until today.
Je vous l'aurais bien envoyé, mais je n'avais pas votre adresse.
Now we've been able to learn from pieces of amber like this... That certain ancient insect forms have continued without variation until today. That others have changed to meet changing conditions and certain species have vanished completely.
Des morceaux d'ambre comme celui-ci ont démontré que certains insectes du monde ancien existent sous la même forme aujourd'hui, d'autres ont changé pour s'adapter au climat, tandis que d'autres ont disparu complètement.
The world has been one long slaughterhouse from the beginning until today... and the killing goes on and on and on.
Mais depuis toujours, il y a des massacres dans le monde. On continue à tuer, encore et encore.
- Until today, when I received this.
- Qu'est-ce, Bobo?
Sir Hayato-no-sho... Until today I've made all the efforts I could to prevent a war between our family and Tokugawa.
M. Hayatoshô, jusqu'à ce jour, j'ai tout fait pour empêcher la guerre entre les Toyotomi et les Tokugawa.
The rate is exactly what I didn't know until today
Jusqu'ici j'ignorais cette valeur.
Until today I can't understand how I managed to survive.
Vous n'imaginez pas ce que c'était...
Until today every night I wake up screaming, afraid they come for you!
Je n'ai pas poussé un cri! Tout ça pour toi!
Since they haven't appeared until today it makes me think they must have taken Sanshu Highway heading straight to Okazaki.
S'ils n'arrivent pas aujourd'hui, cela voudra dire qu'ils ont contourné les fiefs.
Until today this was a place of peace.
Nous étions en paix jusqu'alors.
It seems you're busy these days. Today she was anticipating you more than usual, wanting to stay up until late, and just went to bed.
Il semble que vous avez été très occupé ces jours-ci..
Today, until you give us an answer about the rumor, I won't let you go.
Je ne vous laisserais pas partir.
Well, I didn't either until... today.
Oui, j'en ai appris une nouvelle aujourd'hui.
He found out immediately, of course, and gave me until noon today to make good.
Il l'a tout de suite su, bien sûr, et m'a donné jusqu'à midi pour rembourser.
- She was, until I discharged her today.
Elle enseignait, mais je l'ai renvoyée.
Today, while the earth shakes beneath the heels of marching troops while a great portion of the world trembles before the threats of acquisitive, power-mad men we of America have little time to remember an astounding era in our own recent history an era which will grow more and more incredible with each passing generation until someday people will say it never could've happened at all.
La terre résonne du pas des troupes en marche. Des hommes ivres de pouvoir menacent le monde. On a peine à se souvenir d'une époque aux USA.
I found the brooch only today and put it aside until I could give it back to you.
Je l'ai trouvée aujourd'hui et je te l'ai mise de côté.
I would wish always to remain as young as i am today until i myself ask to become old
Je ferai le vœu... de rester aussi jeune qu'aujourd'hui, jusqu'au jour où je déciderai moi-même de vieillir.
Not until this came out today.
Je viens de voir la couverture.
Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today.
Remettez pas à demain ce que vous pouvez faire aujourd'hui.
I want all leaves canceled until we know today's losses.
Annulez tous les départs avant qu'on sache les pertes du jour.
Not today. No more trains until tomorrow.
Il n'y a plus de trains avant demain.
I felt as though I were trapped in a tomb of my own making and all the years until today were stones closing up the tomb and I had to escape because I was still alive, alive and wanting you.
Les années pesaient comme autant de pierres. J'ai fui. J'étais en vie.
Not going until noon today
Je n'y vais que pour midi aujourd'hui.
Well, I have a confession to make. Up until now, I managed to stay ahead of you in algebra. Today, you caught up with me.
J J'ai un aveu à te faire _ je t'ai suivie jusqu'ici, en algèbre.
So don't go today. Wait until tomorrow.
Alors laisse tomber pour aujourd'hui.
Today and all day tomorrow we rehearse until H hour.
Ce soir et demain, on répétera jusqu'à l'heure H.
Dear fort, until today, we had nothing.
Cabane, jusqu'à aujourd'hui, on n'avait rien à soi.
today is my birthday 30
today 4533
today is friday 17
today is the day 36
today is your lucky day 29
today's my birthday 19
today at 30
today of all days 38
today's the big day 24
today's the day 76
today 4533
today is friday 17
today is the day 36
today is your lucky day 29
today's my birthday 19
today at 30
today of all days 38
today's the big day 24
today's the day 76
today's your lucky day 46
today is 18
today is the 30
today's the 29
until 461
until we meet again 44
until you die 46
until then 921
until next time 48
until the end 48
today is 18
today is the 30
today's the 29
until 461
until we meet again 44
until you die 46
until then 921
until next time 48
until the end 48
until about 19
until death 17
until the end of time 16
until you 28
until i was 18
until tomorrow 107
until further notice 59
until one day 105
until when 50
until recently 106
until death 17
until the end of time 16
until you 28
until i was 18
until tomorrow 107
until further notice 59
until one day 105
until when 50
until recently 106