Until later tradutor Francês
523 parallel translation
- Until later, then?
- Alors, ø plus tard?
But suppose we wait until later in the afternoon, after you've had your nap?
Mais si nous la lisions plus tard, après ta sieste?
Why couldn't they wait until later on in the morning?
Ils n'auraient pas pu attendre au matin?
We're not going until later.
Nous verrons plus tard.
- If anyone wants me, I won't be back until later this evening.
- Si on me demande, je ne rentre pas avant ce soir.
Now, boss, can't I keep just one of them in the kitchen until later?
Patron, on ne peut pas en garder un dans la cuisine?
Think it wise to withhold news of Kirby death until later.
Plus sage de cacher mort de Kirby jusqu'à plus tard.
But I didn't get your letter until later, so I didn't know.
Je n'ai eu ta lettre que plus tard, je n'étais pas au courant.
If I don't see you again until later, good luck.
Si je ne vous revois pas, à plus tard. - Bonne chance, mon vieux.
Well then, until later.
Eh bien, voyez-vous plus tard.
You came home early. I don't expect Dr Woodhope until later.
- Le Dr Woodhope arrive plus tard.
Sunshine did not arrive until later.
Sunshine n'est arrivé que plus tard.
I'll see you at the party then. Until later
À tout à l'heure.
I told you I couldn't get here until later.
Je t'ai dit que j'arriverais tard.
Love? Supposing it exists, it isn't certain until later on.
En supposant que ça existe, on n "est fixé qu" après.
It'll have to wait until later.
Ca sera pour plus tard.
In case of epidemics you must never wait until later.
En temps d'épidémie, faut jamais remettre ça.
You don't work until later tonight?
Vous avez du boulot seulement la nuit?
- I wasn't going to show you until later.
C'était pour plus tard.
He knows I don't go to bed until later.
Il sait que je me couche tard.
All right, until later.
Faites attention et soyez prudent.
I explained his uncle would not be back until later but he practically forced his way in.
Je lui ai dit que son oncle était absent mais il est entré de force.
I'd leave your unpacking until later, if I were you.
Je déferais mes valises plus tard si j'étais vous.
Until later, idiot.
Je suis une ordure, hein?
I didn't realize it until later.
J'ai réalisé un peu tard.
- until later.
- que plus tard.
No, they won't be here until later this afternoon.
Ils viendront plus tard cet après-midi.
Well, unfortunately, my luggage won't arrive until later.
Mes bagages arriveront plus tard.
Don't die until later, you son of a...
Attends un peu avant de mourir.
Please leave. Until I hear that reason, I can't leave. The director position I got was given not by my competence, but by that shady trick which I despised so much, and I found that out later.
Je ne partirai pas sans avoir entendu la raison.
You have one night out a week until 12 and quite a severe penalty if you're out later.
Vous pouvez sortir jusqu'â minuit une fois par semaine, il y aura des pénalités si vous étes en retard
"leaving Frenchy with the care of her four-month-old baby. " She didn't come back until three days later, and by that time " Frenchy used everything in the house for didies down to his last sock.
Elle n'est revenue que trois jours plus tard, et Frenchy à ce stade-là... avait tout utilisé dans la maison comme couches, jusqu'à sa dernière chaussette.
By now until spring is not you can more, we've got you later.
Nous ne pouvons pas jusqu'au printemps. Nous y avons pensé trop tard.
But what that purpose was i did not know until a few days later, when all bulgaria heard of it.
Mais ce qu'était ce but je ne l'ai pas su jusqu'à quelques jours plus tard, quand toute la Bulgarie en entendit parler.
I didn't find out the truth until much later.
Je n'ai su la vérité que longtemps plus tard.
- Just about. Until six years later, we find the Swede in Brentwood.
Six ans plus tard on retrouve le Suédois à Brentwood.
I have another one here... that proves he wasn't booked until the 23rd of December, one day later.
Ici un autre... qui prouve qu'ils ne l'ont enregistré que le 23 déc.
I didn't see Willie again until his second campaign... four years later.
Je n'ai pas revu Willie avant sa 2ème campagne... quatre ans plus tard.
Not until much later.
- Je l'ai découvert plus tard.
Stick around, Greer. Until we get the later edition with the final results.
Reste là, Greer et attends l'édition du soir avec le résultat des courses.
Until eight years later, when they get a divorce.
Et divorce, 8 ans après.
"Not until a year later in the city of Los Angeles did the case come alive again."
Un an plus tard, à Los Angeles, le dossier a ressuscité.
What I didn't know until later was that Davay himself was already in the town,
"J'ignorais alors que Davay lui-même était déjà en ville. " Il était partout, jetant de l'huile sur le feu,
He claims he suffered a mental blackout and knew nothing more until he found himself back in his own apartment in San Francisco hours later.
Il dit avoir eu un trou de mémoire et ne se souvenir de rien jusqu'à son retour chez lui quelques heures plus tard
Sooner or later they're killed off or sent to prison... until he's the only one left.
Tôt ou tard, ils sont tués ou envoyés en prison... jusqu'à ce qu'il ne reste que lui.
Dispatcher, go inform the command leader that we agree to put off this mission until tomorrow morning, no later!
Estafette, faites savoir au chef de poste qu'on est d'accord pour remettre l'affaire à demain matin, pas plus!
Yes, all right, I'll see you later. Well, you'll just have to keep her there until after the recital.
Je veux le microfilm et je suis sûr que Steed sait où il se trouve!
I'll explain later, hide me here until dusk,
Je t'expliquerai plus tard. Cache-moi ici jusqu'à la tombée de la nuit.
No, they won't be here until later this afternoon.
It wasn't until two days later I just happened to come by.
Ce n'est que deux jours aprés... je suis passé par hasard.
He went up to London for a routine meeting, booked into a hotel, booked out a few hours later. After that nothing until last night when he popped up in the middle of the chop suey.
A Londres pour affaires, il est resté à l'hôtel 1 h ou 2 et puis plus rien, jusqu'à hier, où il a refait surface.
later 2839
laters 69
later today 33
later tonight 25
later that day 29
later that night 53
later on 170
later then 16
until 461
until we meet again 44
laters 69
later today 33
later tonight 25
later that day 29
later that night 53
later on 170
later then 16
until 461
until we meet again 44
until you die 46
until then 921
until next time 48
until the end 48
until about 19
until death 17
until the end of time 16
until you 28
until i was 18
until tomorrow 107
until then 921
until next time 48
until the end 48
until about 19
until death 17
until the end of time 16
until you 28
until i was 18
until tomorrow 107
until further notice 59
until today 117
until one day 105
until when 50
until recently 106
until finally 32
until i met you 38
until you do 35
until now 556
until what 50
until today 117
until one day 105
until when 50
until recently 106
until finally 32
until i met you 38
until you do 35
until now 556
until what 50