Was that true tradutor Francês
1,515 parallel translation
That's true, I was never very intelligent.
C'est vrai. Je n'ai jamais été très intelligent.
Is it true that the first generation Bioroids was born in this research center?
La 1ère génération de Bioriod est née dans ce centre de recherche?
It is true that it was my fault that that little girl defeated me!
C'est vrai cette gamine m'a battue...
It's true that it was very late at night when I gave her the photos
C'est vrai que c'était très tard dans la nuit... quand je lui ai donné les photos.
He was accused of being superstitious but I confirm that this is a true story.
Il a été accusé d'être superstitieux, mais je confirme... que cette histoire... est la stricte vérité. Tout est réellement arrivé.
OK, supposing that was true.
Admettons que ce soit le cas.
- There was a time when that was true.
C'était vrai à une époque.
Mrs Morrissey stated that her husband was a true neighbourhood hero, a sentiment echoed by many area residents.
"Elle venait de comprendre que son mari était le héros du quartier. " Un sentiment partagé par beaucoup de résidents.
If that was true, why would I be doing this, if it was all fake.
Si ce n'était pas vrai, pourquoi est-ce que je ferai ça? Si c'était faux...
- That part was true.
- Donc ça, c'était bien vrai.
And... Dr. Winters says that he was with you while it happened. Now, is that true?
Et le docteur Winters dit qu'il était avec vous quand c'est arrivé.
Poor kid was so frightened that he offed himself. It's not true.
- Parce qu'il avait très peur.
That was their sister Prue's first true love.
C'était le premier vrai amour de leur sœur Prue.
- That's not true. I was petting the...
- Je lui faisais des caresses.
And then I had to sit there for 45 minutes while he proved that that, in fact, was true.
Puis j'ai dû l'écouter là pendant 45 minutes pendant qu'il me prouvait qu'il avait en fait... raison.
No, that's true Annette, you know, everything you thought was true does become something else.
Non, elle a raison, Annette... tout ce qu'on croyait vrai a changé.
Wouldn't it be great if that was true, if we could actually isolate the part of the brain that makes somebody a pedophile?
Ce serait génial si on pouvait isoler la partie du cerveau qui rend les gens pédophiles.
The whole world knows she was raped, and the papers say you guys gave it up. That's not true.
Le monde entier sait qu'elle a été violée, et les journaux disent que vous, les mecs, qui l'avait laissé dire.
At 12 : 05, I was standing right here. That's true.
A 12h05, je me tenais juste là
I wish that was true Clark
Je voudrais que ce soit vrai Clark.
Oh, that's a good one, and it's as true now as it was the first day of fifth grade.
Ca c'est bon. Et ça lui va aussi bien que le 1er jour de la 5eme!
If that was true, you'd have booked me then.
Si c'était vrai, je serais déjà au trou.
The crew Tosha was running with... maybe they didn't throw the shot that killed her... but, if they don't come to me early and tell the true story... I guarantee they won't breathe a free breath... until them cicadas come back.
Le gang de Tosha n'est peut-être pas à l'origine du tir qui l'a tuée, mais ils ont intérêt à me dire la vérité rapidement, sinon, leur liberté risque d'être compromise jusqu'à l'arrivée des cigales.
Is that true? Yeah, she's been here. She was here a couple days ago.
Je veux que tu appelles les Pierce comme si tu étais un kidnappeur.
That was true.
C'est la vérité.
That was true.
I was told that Mr. Serano had already left. Is that true?
C'est vrai que M. Serano vient de partir?
I didn't know if I had a shot because I was still unknown and I knew that the major labels always liked to have a tried and true producer at the helm.
Je ne pensais pas y arriver car j'étais complètement inconnu et je savais que les gros labels préféraient avoir un producteur chevronné aux commandes.
Some men fancied that they represented the future of that new America, but it was men and women like Robert and Clara who would come to embody its true spirit.
Certains s'imaginaient représenter l'avenir de la nouvelle Amérique, mais les hommes et les femmes comme Robert et Clara incarnaient son vrai caractére.
What if that was true?
"E" t si c'"é" tait vrai?
You remember that and we'll celebrate a boy who was kind and honest and brave and true, right to the very end.
Souvenez-vous-en et nous rendrons hommage à un jeune homme qui fut bon et honnête et... courageux, loyal, jusqu'à la toute fin.
But he was not interested... in the true nature of the Soviet Union or any of that crap.
Mais il n'était pas intéressé par la véritable nature de l'Union Soviétique et tout ça.
Was it, um, true, I mean, that you had...
C'est vrai que tu...
- That was certainly true tonight.
C'était le cas ce soir.
Certain evidence was made available, not all of it precisely true... but all of it necessary to provide for my own safety... and that of my friends.
Certains témoignages furent donnés, pas absolument sincères... mais indispensables à ma propre sécurité et à celle de mes amis. Oui.
But the thing in Drama, that was true.
Mais au club de théâtre, c'était vrai.
I'm ashamed to admit that growing up I pitied you and what I thought was your naive belief that our dreams could come true, simply by virtue of having them.
J'ai honte d'avouer qu'en grandissant j'avais pitié de vous de cette naïveté de croire que vos rêves pouvaient se réaliser simplement en les visualisant et en les faisant.
- I wish that was true, Joe.
- J'aimerais que tu aies raison.
Isn't it true that there was no rape?
Est-il exact qu'il n'y a pas eu viol?
What I want to say is that it took time for me to realize that what I was accused of may have been true.
Ce que je veux dire, c'est que j'ai mis du temps à réaliser qu'on m'accuse peut-être à juste titre.
You know that's not true. You said it was an accident.
Tu sais que c'est faux.
Especially considering that Simon - it was true love.
C'est peu dire. Surtout qu'avec Simone, c'était comme une histoire d'amour.
It was so hard to lie to my dad about being pregnant that I think a part of me thinks it's true.
C'était si difficile de mentir à mon père à propos du bébé. J'en arrive même à croire que c'est vrai.
There's a dream in your head that will never come true. There's a stickiness all over and it didn't come from you. You wish your dad had been there but more often times he was not.
Il y a un r ve dans ta t te, qui ne se r alisera jamais, il y a un truc qui colle sur toi, et a vient pas de toi, tu aurais voulu que ton p re soit l , mais la plupart du temps il ne l' tait pas,
So was it true that he made amends with HAN?
Alors, il s'est vraiment entendu avec M. HAN?
- What was true in that cell is true now.
Ce qui était vrai en cellule le reste.
So, from then on, whenever he was away at sea... he could just look back and he'd see that light... and he knew that his true love still cared.
Alors à chaque fois qu'il était en mer... il regardait derrière lui pour voir cette lumière briller... et il savait, que son âme-soeur était toujours là.
That was so true, only we took time to understand it
C'était vrai, seulement on a mis du temps à comprendre
He was being defined as... as a sculpture. Whereas that wasn't true with me at all.
Il se définissait comme une... comme une sculpture, alors que ce n'était pas mon cas.
Children told me they were praying for him. And you saw that it was true.
Les enfants nous disaient qu'ils priaient pour lui.
It's true that I was an informer, but I didn't kill the daughter.
Il est vrai que j'étais un informateur, mais je n'ai pas tué la fille.
was that really necessary 35
was that necessary 32
was that so hard 56
was that a compliment 24
was that a 21
was that it 78
was that 195
was that wrong 21
was that okay 22
was that me 23
was that necessary 32
was that so hard 56
was that a compliment 24
was that a 21
was that it 78
was that 195
was that wrong 21
was that okay 22
was that me 23
was that you 135
was that a joke 26
was that him 35
was that good 22
was that a lie 17
was that her 20
that true 72
true 2501
true love's kiss 17
true or false 68
was that a joke 26
was that him 35
was that good 22
was that a lie 17
was that her 20
that true 72
true 2501
true love's kiss 17
true or false 68